In a recent interview with Gamereactor, Dean "Rocket" Hall has confirmed that he has had "extensive" discussions with Microsoft with regards to a console version of his hit zombie survival simulator, DayZ. The likelihood of console version of DayZ has been long known, but when we asked whether it would be appearing on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or both, Hall said: "We'd certainly consider release on any feasible platform with a realistic publishing model. It seems like currently both of the next-gen consoles should provide an environment we can develop inside." When asked about next-gen features and how the the game would fit with the new consoles from Sony and Microsoft, Hall added: "I personally feel the new consoles have yet to prove themselves able to rival the PC experience, however I feel there is the potential from both." "I've not personally had the opportunity to view the full details of the PS4 whereas I have had the opportunity to talk extensively with Microsoft. The next-gen consoles show very exciting promise. I'm hopeful that they can deliver on that. Am important part of that, from my perspective, is encouraging and supporting third-party creative development to bring the "edginess" of PC creative development into the console. I think if the role of Kinect/voice expands to where it is desired it could do some awesome things. I just think it's too early to say at this point." To read the full interview with DayZ's creator, head down to your local retailer and pick up the latest copy of Gamereactor Magazine, which is out on February 17.