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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes | Il nuovo Suikoden | Disponibile |


Iscritto dal
22 Feb 2010
peccato che è dal primo teaser del kickstarter che per nintendo scrissero the next gen nintendo quindi puoi essere deluso quanto vuoi ma lo hanno detto fin dall'inizio del kickstarter quindi non capisco cosa ci sia da essere delusi:tè:
Che me l'hanno detto tipo 1 ora fa su Discord i Devs stessi che è ancora da confermare? XD

E poi mica mi ricordo del trailer, anzi hai i link? ne ho visti or ora 3, ma nessuno che accenni al next gen Nintendo.

The 4th Hokage

Spazio pc
Iscritto dal
10 Mar 2013
Che me l'hanno detto tipo 1 ora fa su Discord i Devs stessi che è ancora da confermare? XD

E poi mica mi ricordo del trailer, anzi hai i link? ne ho visti or ora 3, ma nessuno che accenni al next gen Nintendo.
purtrppo per eyuden non ho una playlist su yt in quanto sono interessato al gioco ma non ho ancora finito i primi due suikoden quindi non voglio rovinarmi niente. Però è stato proprio uno dei primi quelli dove vedevi i dev, tanto è vero che alcuni siti, stupidi ovviamente, fecero articoli dicendo, studio indie jap possiede già i dev della next gen nintendo per sta cosa.


Iscritto dal
22 Feb 2010
purtrppo per eyuden non ho una playlist su yt in quanto sono interessato al gioco ma non ho ancora finito i primi due suikoden quindi non voglio rovinarmi niente. Però è stato proprio uno dei primi quelli dove vedevi i dev, tanto è vero che alcuni siti, stupidi ovviamente, fecero articoli dicendo, studio indie jap possiede già i dev della next gen nintendo per sta cosa.
Quindi mi stai confermando che hanno intenzione di portarlo su Switch?
non capisco allora la loro risposta, non mi hanno detto "no", però mi hanno detto piattaforma Switch da confermare, quindi non saprei.

Sono nella tua stessa situazione comunque, devo giocare e finire almeno i primi due, e dire che non sono neanche lunghi, quindi ci starebbe, però devo superare lo scoglio iniziale del primo che è abbastanza datato in termini di gameplay, è un pò ingessato dal tempo e non è facile giocarci con fluidità.


Iscritto dal
25 Ott 2011
dopo aver scoperto che esiste una pagina per fare il preorder del gioco e quindi anche degli eventuali Tier addons, i Devs mi hanno detto che devono ancora confermare o meno se ci sarà una versione Switch.

Mi si smontano tutte le voglia visto che io un gioco del genere lo gioco su Switch e non altrove.
Mi mandi il link di questa pagina (anche via pm) ? Visto che forse kickstarter si è fixato finanzio anche loro :D

The 4th Hokage

Spazio pc
Iscritto dal
10 Mar 2013
Quindi mi stai confermando che hanno intenzione di portarlo su Switch?
non capisco allora la loro risposta, non mi hanno detto "no", però mi hanno detto piattaforma Switch da confermare, quindi non saprei.

Sono nella tua stessa situazione comunque, devo giocare e finire almeno i primi due, e dire che non sono neanche lunghi, quindi ci starebbe, però devo superare lo scoglio iniziale del primo che è abbastanza datato in termini di gameplay, è un pò ingessato dal tempo e non è facile giocarci con fluidità.
No, loro si sono parati le chiappe dicendo next gen nintendo perchè non sono sicuro di riuscire a portarlo su switch. Per questo motivo misero next gen nintendo senza sapere nulla da nintendo. Data questa dicitura, i "giornalisti" ciarlatani del mondo videoludico scrissero articoli dicendo: "gli sviluppatori di eydun chronicles hanno i dev kit next gen nintendo" quando non è cosi.
Se tu cerchi letteralme "eydun chronicle next gen nintendo" vedi le notizie dove ne viene parlato. E' stato sottolineato anche in un loro FAQ


Iscritto dal
22 Feb 2010
No, loro si sono parati le chiappe dicendo next gen nintendo perchè non sono sicuro di riuscire a portarlo su switch. Per questo motivo misero next gen nintendo senza sapere nulla da nintendo. Data questa dicitura, i "giornalisti" ciarlatani del mondo videoludico scrissero articoli dicendo: "gli sviluppatori di eydun chronicles hanno i dev kit next gen nintendo" quando non è cosi.
Se tu cerchi letteralme "eydun chronicle next gen nintendo" vedi le notizie dove ne viene parlato. E' stato sottolineato anche in un loro FAQ
Quindi alla fine è tutto un forse-chissà-lo sapremo all'ultimo.

Be..onestamente di pagare 60 euro e passa per un progetto che non so se arriverà su Switch non mi va molto, per quanto il gioco sembri spettacolare, sti giochi io li esigo in portatile e se capita li gioco su TV, ma su home fissa non ce li vedo per niente proprio per la natura estetica, la pixel art per me il 90% si sposa in portatile, su 40 e passa pollici mi rovinano quasi l'esperienza.
Quindi misà aspetto allora.


Iscritto dal
22 Feb 2010
Ma qualcuno ha prenotato il gioco da questo sito?

mi dice che non può essere spedito al mio indirizzo, come avete fatto voi se non spediscono in Italia?


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Aggiornamento di luglio :rivet:

July 2021 Update​

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Rabbit & Bear StudiosCreatore
28 luglio 2021
Hey there heroes!
It’s time again for your July monthly update!

Important Backer Notifications

Slacker Backer Store Closing​

Sadly, all good things must come to an end, and so we are announcing the closure of the slacker backer store on August 28th, 2021. This is largely because the growing number of backers is becoming harder to manage logistically and the team would like to focus more of their energy on driving the development of the game towards completion.
Rest assured, this is NOT the legacy backer store, which will continue to stay open! Any current backers will still have the option to buy add-ons from the legacy backer store.
So be sure to spread the word, in case you have any friends, family or pets that would like to join the ranks of our backer heroes over the next month!

Join the Discord​

We have been working hard distributing our three main discord roles alongside the special Noble backer role, and are working through any open customer service issues relating to this. Discord roles are handled through a bot that will send an email to the one you listed on your kickstarter survey, so be sure to keep an eye on it!
Because Discord is a way to chat directly with the creators of Eiyuden Chronicle, participate in a wide variety of fun discord games, discuss anything related to Eiyuden Chronicle, and accrue points that can later be used to purchase cool merchandise, the more heroes we can gather on the discord, the stronger the community becomes! And so, we will be sending a reminder email to everyone who has not joined us there yet after this update.
We know not everyone wants to participate via discord, however, so if you are not interested in receiving these notifications you can ignore or delete the email and we will not send any future notifications about Discord. Otherwise, if you are interested please do opt in so we can keep you updated properly.

Production Updates

Character Profile​


RACE: The Dwarves
AGE: 36
This dwarven miner's oversized pack is crammed with every possible tool he might need for the job. Ormond has keen ears and can locate ore just by striking the rock with his hammer and listening to the hum. However, he sometimes makes it seem like everything has to happen on the double. "Right, we'll pitch the tent here, and a hammock here. Oh, and if we'll be toiling here awhile, we must build a proper stove. Aye, with a little elbow grease, we'll be up and running within the hour!"
Kawano’s Comment:
In the first stages of the design process, I gave Ormond more attributes typically associated with dwarves and submitted a rough sketch of Ormond with a bushy, unkempt beard. But the team quickly pointed out that his meticulous personality would mean he’d most likely keep his beard neatly braided and wear colors that would mask the dirt on his clothes.
So here is the cleaner and more presentable version of him. What do you think?

Background Concept Art​

Camp Village (Working Name)

Murakami’s Comment:
We still can’t reveal much, but here are some early images of the Empire and the Allied Forces’ camps.
Things often get changed, but we thought you’d enjoy seeing the differences between the production process and the final product.
I’m an avid camper myself, so I always feel a sense of excitement when I see the progress of the tent designs.

Murayama's Monthly Development Report​

My story-writing process begins by having a general overarching plot which I then insert characters into. Afterwards, I try to explore what the characters would do or think within the setting they’re in.
I believe that a story revolves around the characters in it and its ultimate goal is to tell their life stories—through the thoughts that they have and the choices that they make. So I always put a lot of effort into making sure a character’s particular point of view accurately drives their actions. I feel characters lose their integrity when they end up doing things they wouldn’t normally do for the sole purpose of moving the plot.
Once I have a general plot going, I often find that some of my characters will go and do things that surprise me. Moments like that are a thrill to see, and I always end up giving those characters more screen time.
But when a character says a line that’s so true to their very being, it really moves me, and I get so into it that I end up acting out the scenes in my head.
I think assembling a group of characters that are so grounded and true to who they are, then seeing how they interact with one another is what really makes an intriguing story.
I can’t wait for all of you to meet these characters. Sometimes they give me so much trouble and other times so much joy.

A Word from the Team​

Hello everyone. I hope you’re having a komu-tastic day.
It’s me, Komuta.
J wrote about it in the last update, but time really does fly! Too fast in fact!
The rainy season just ended in Japan and summer is in full swing! (I really don’t want to believe that half of the year is already over.)
I have been busy creating the world map for Eiyuden, based on the plot Murayama’s created.
Story, planning, design, programming—a lot of people in different departments are working in parallel with one another, which can sometimes cause delays.
One of my main duties is to make the final call on things so we don’t have any setbacks, but I just can’t pull myself away from working on the world map—even though I still have a ton of other decision-making calls to make... ^ ^;
Using some of the more finalized elements of the plot, I’ve come up with a rough idea for the map, and have been brainstorming with Murayama to fill in the gaps.
“There’s a village northwest of the town Perrier is in, and I want to put a dungeon southwest of that village.”
“That dungeon should also be southwest of the town where Perrier is located.”
Just when we think we’ve laid down the concrete foundations, we’ll get a message like:
“There isn’t any terrain warding off this area, but you won’t be able to access it until you reach a certain point of the story.” Sometimes, we’ll get directions that seem almost like a riddle, too!: “If you have the proper requirements, you can move forward with the design.” Other times, we’ll be given a keyword out of nowhere like “massive forest.” But with each new piece of information, the world map begins to take shape, piece by piece—a bit like Neo Atlas! (I love Neo Atlas. I hope they come out with a new one soon...)
It’s just so exciting to create the world map for an RPG game.
Murayama usually gives me the fundamental details from a story and game design perspective. After adding towns and dungeons, we go to J and the designers to discuss how we want the locations to look and feel—for example, “I want the view from this spot to have more impact.” Once we start to see the larger picture, everyone gets more and more hyped—"I want to take a stroll around this world! I want to go on an adventure!”
And that brings us back to the sweltering heat of summer. Here’s a little something to combat the heat, my Cold Tomato and Tuna Pasta (extra garlic)! It’s easy to make, tasty, and really good for you! Give it a try!

I hope you all take good care of yourself and let’s get through this summer together.
We appreciate your continued support!

Eiyuden Anniversary: Thank you for 1 year!​


A message from Yoshitaka Maruyama
A whole year has already passed since we started this crazy Kickstarter campaign. Looking back on it now, I think the excitement of it all was way too much (lol).
But, you illuminated a path for us, and this year, we’ve been working to achieve the lofty goal waiting at its end! So thank you!!!!
From Junko Kawano
It’s been a year already…!
I’m still coming up with character designs every day and sometimes I wonder if it’ll ever end…
Which is why I have to ask you guys to wait just a little longer until we get this finished!
With all your support, I’m able to keep pushing forward every day!
Thank you all so much.
From Junichi Murakami
One year has passed since we started this Kickstarter, but every day of it has been spent thinking about Eiyuden Chronicle.
From a production standpoint, we wondered how to best use the funds you’ve given us to meet everyone’s expectations.
“How should we go about collecting any extra funds we need?”
“When will we need to onboard more staff?”
And so on and so forth… We were always scrambling with the mountain of things we needed to do.
Then from an art direction standpoint, we’ve rebuilt the prototype based on how the actual game is going to play. Creating graphic structures and images that are stable enough has been a daily back and forth of trial and error.
We lose our daylight hours negotiating ideals and compromises, while our evenings are dedicated to creating resources.
“How can I be this busy?! We’re running out of time! Will I ever get any rest?!” ...pretty much sums up the past year for me.
But I don’t regret it a single bit.
Probably because I know there are people out there who will enjoy what we create.
So lately, I’ve found myself thinking about how glad I am that we did a Kickstarter in the first place.
I’m sorry to keep all of our supporters waiting, but I’m going to keep doing my best every day. So, please keep rooting for me!
From Osamu Komuta
Can you believe it’s already been a year since the Kickstarter campaign last July?
That was the moment we started working towards making our dream of Eiyuden Chronicle a reality.
The passion I felt from everyone during that campaign still burns in me now.
Especially during our closing stream. The excitement we felt from everyone was off the charts.
Thank you so much! Please continue supporting us!
Now, to figure out a way to include footballfish merpeople... I need to seriously consider just making them a hero!

Ma qualcuno ha prenotato il gioco da questo sito?
No, mi spiace ^^


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Update di Agosto :geddoe:

August 2021 Update​

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Rabbit & Bear StudiosCreatore
25 agosto 2021
Hey there heroes!
Summer is in full swing, temperatures are soaring and so is the excitement for our next content update! Let’s just jump right in!

Production Updates

Character Profile​


Profession: The elves
Gender: Female
AGE: ?
FAVORITE FOOD: Wine from Bronni
For an innkeep, you'd think Cassandra would at least try to feign industriousness, but she always comes across as a bit languid. Still, that doesn't stop her from tugging at the heartstrings of the boys, who are never quite sure what part of her they're allowed to look at.
Cassandra hails from an elven town, though it's not clear why she left.
"Oh... yawn Welcome. Aren't you a cutie. Staying the night? I have a fine wine that's just begging to hm hmm...uncorked."
Kawano’s Comment:
While coming up with her design, I had imagined her as a voluptuous elf who had a nurturing side to her, like that of an elder sister. She’d be able to drink anyone under the table but still have the patience to run an inn; while having the finesse to discern her patrons’ unique quirks with a single glance. I was requested to give her some sort of accessory on her head that would indicate where she was from. It seems there might be a backstory to these here.

Monster Showcase​

Golem Pulverizer

This rune golem variant has been sighted in the Runebarrows. If you see a pair of massive, meat-grinder arms hurtling toward you—congratulations, you've found it! The working theory is that it's powered by a lens.

Murayama's Monthly Development Report​

My main task right now is to finalize the story which means coming up with the general dialogue as well as locations (including what happens in each place). This month, I’m tackling Chapter 3—I say Chapter 3, but we still haven’t decided how many chapters the game will contain or whether it’ll even consist of chapters, but in terms of script writing, I’m just over the first hump after the opening.
In the process of writing, you can end up with unexpected dilemmas—forcing characters who haven’t made an appearance in the story yet to suddenly show up or giving minor characters a major part to play in the plot.
When creating a character’s profile, trying to decide on a name for them can take up the most time and cause the most headaches. To begin with, I try to come up with a name that matches the traits of the character. For a solemn, dignified character, I might mix in elaborate sounds to give off the same impression. If they’re a happy-go-lucky kind of character, I’ll try and give them a catchy short-and-sweet name.
With an ensemble cast spanning over 100 characters, I have to consider how easy it would be for a player to remember each individual name as well. If you have 100 characters with unusual-sounding names, no one’s going to be able to remember them, so I try to pick names that might sound somewhat familiar or be easy to remember. At the same time, however, if you have names that are too ordinary, then you run the risk of losing that heroic edge to your characters.
Don’t you think Noah, Sei, and Melissa all fit under that perfect equilibrium?

A Word from the Team​

J-Diary Vol. 3
It’s boiling hot!
We’re really in the dead of summer.
If you’ve been watching the Olympics, you’ve probably noticed how hot it can get in Tokyo. We’ve been getting some world-class temperatures lately—or so it seems at least...
I wanted to start this with something seasonal, but in truth, I’ve been working every day from home with my AC on full blast.
I barely get out of my seat, and I haven’t had a chance to savor the seasons firsthand...
Hey all, it’s been a while—J. Murakami here, currently terrified to see what this month’s electric bill will look like.
Here’s our update on the design for the month.
We’ve inserted the assets created thus far into the game, and we’re at a stage where we can play through it, making balance adjustments as we go.
Since we’re checking everything as we play, it’s a lot easier for us to see what’s going wrong when graphical issues pop up. We’re spending most of our time fixing these at the moment.
We’ll have to fine-tune the assets and decide how we want the game’s visuals to turn out which will be a huge task afterwards.
Normally, this part’s the most fun, but everything needs to be done in parallel, so it can get quite stressful.
There are just so many moving bits to an RPG... It’s been a real reminder of how tough it can be to make one.
I’m in charge of creating the sprites and all I can say is it’s coming along lol. The 3D backgrounds are taking up a lot more time and money than we first anticipated, so we need to sort that out right away, I guess.
As you can see, we’re just stepping up to the plate each day and batting away the issues that come our way. We’re finally starting to breathe some life into our characters in this world we call a game so that’s always exciting!
The teaser video only contained one scene to show the concept of the game and how it would look, which is why we’re ecstatic to see Murakami’s story, world, and characters spring to life.
We appreciate your continued support and hope to meet your expectations!

J. Murakami


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Update di Settembre :coosaa:

September 2021 Update​

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Rabbit & Bear StudiosCreatore
22 settembre 2021
Hey there Heroes!
Summer is almost over so put on your fuzzy socks, prepare those Pumpkin Spice Lattes, and snuggle in for our September Eiyuden Chronicle update!

Tokyo Game Show 2021​

That's right, Tokyo Game Show will be returning again this year with their online platform filled to bursting with news and announcements that'll have us gamers bouncing with excitement. With online showcases, creator exhibits and even a full VR arena, there'll be plenty to see and do. Not to mention, our super-secret insider sources tell us that we'll want to pay extra special attention to the 505 Games showcase on October 1...

Production Updates

Character Profile​


Profession: The League of Nations
Gender: Male
Age: 44
Favorite Food: Spinach quiche
An ornitha who peddles accessories. He claims to be a fine judge of his wares—capable of sorting the treasures from the trinkets—but at times one can't help but think that "shiny object" is his sole criterion.
"Hmm, well! See this cut here? Classic protomonarchist feature. And this lovely curvature here at the shoulder? Oh yes, worth a hefty sum, I'd say. And it's so SHINY!"
Kawano’s Comment:
In Eiyuden, the characters' expressions vary based on their dialogue, so we no longer have to rack our brains finding the perfect expression that'll fit in any kind of circumstance—whether it be a comedic scene or a near-death situation.
That being said, we're trying to make sure he has just the right amount of character and emotion for this particular situation—but that alone is already enough cause for me to break down and scream. Lol.
I've been trying to come up with facial expressions for this character, Squash, and most of my time is spent wailing in front of a mirror.
But don't worry—I'll keep churning away at it!

Monster Showcase​


A wraith imbued with a warrior's soul. Just one of its vicious strikes is enough to cleave a gravestone in twain.

Murayama's Monthly Development Report​

Eiyuden is set in a world brimming with different cultures and races, featuring a rich, diverse range of characters—inspired from all over the world—including elves and avian folk.
In my mind, the setting of a game shouldn't be limited to simply the story and the world itself but also encapsulate all the necessary elements to fleshing it out.
There are, however, a few things that the setting should adhere to.
One of which would be the technological limitations of a medieval fantasy—ideally, gunpowder should not be commonplace.
This is to safeguard how war is staged in Eiyuden.
The emergence of firearms, such as guns and cannons, greatly transforms how war unfolds. To preserve medieval warcraft—the use of close-quarter weapons in the form of swords and spears, and bows and magic—it is imperative that gunpowder remain scarce throughout the world.
If we were to add gunpowder to the world, then we can't have it rampant; the knowledge and use of it should be restricted so only a few have access to it—for example, have it appear through magical means and only available to magic users. No matter the case, it needs to be limited so that any individual would not be able to mass-produce it.
An important part to establishing the setting is finding the perfect balance between creating sinister characters who bring a real sense of danger to the world while ensuring that the world doesn't simply crumble from the weight of it either.

A Word from the Team​

Hello, everyone, I hope you're all doing well.
Every character in Eiyuden has their own favorite food, but my tastes tend to change,
and lately, it seems almost as if my life revolves around coffee.
When I have a cup of coffee in hand, my work goes swimmingly, but as soon as I'm done with the cup, I get that hankering for another...
But I know too much coffee isn't good for the body, so I've been limiting myself to three or four cups a day.
I get my first hit in the morning, followed by some work. My next pick-me-up comes at lunch, followed by more work. Finally, I have my last fix at night before another round of work. Afterwards, there's nothing else to do but hit the sack.
It's not a half-bad routine, don't you think?
The other day was terrible: I went through my last stash of coffee beans.
I ended up heading out in the morning to pick up some more, but I came back with a different batch from my usual.
Needless to say—I couldn't get any work done that day. Lol.
I've decided to stock up so this doesn't ever happen again.
Speaking of which, I've also been picking up a lot of wine lately.
I don't often get a chance to crack open a bottle
since I know I won't get anything done if I do.
Although—all this stockpiling has worked up a thirst. Maybe I will whip out a bottle tonight.
I'm sorry you had to hear me ramble on about beverages! Until next time!


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012

Vincent 86

jrpg world
Iscritto dal
10 Gen 2009
Sembra molto carino come action-jrpg. :)

HP 9999

Iscritto dal
31 Ago 2011
Mi piace 'sto BS; solo mi chiedo come mai questa scelta per l'erede spirituale di Suikoden... :tè:


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Mi piace 'sto BS; solo mi chiedo come mai questa scelta per l'erede spirituale di Suikoden... :tè:
...perché questo NON è il titolo vero e proprio, ma solo un titolo ambientato nello stesso mondo con cui condivide alcuni personaggi ;)


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Update di Ottobre :pokidance:

October 2021 Update​

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Rabbit & Bear StudiosCreatore
27 ottobre 2021
Hey there Heroes!
Japan is finally experiencing the Fall chill this week as the weather dropped 10 degrees overnight (yikes)! So let’s heat things up with a new batch of October updates!

Tokyo Game Show Round Up

Tokyo Game Show was a busy time for us and we hope you all enjoyed what 505 Games had to show. And if time zone differences got in the way of keeping up with all those updates, worry not! You can find everything shown right here.

Production Updates

Background Concept Art​

Desert Border Route
*Images are from a product still in development
Comment: Murakami
Today, I'd like to show you a beautiful, naturally occurring maze near the desert area.
The dry terrain will present an array of challenges to halt your progress (heheh).
Wait, I'm getting carried away...
I myself love RPGs, but I'm not too good with mazes. (I have no sense of direction.)
I'm sure to lose my way in the mazes of Eiyuden, so to prevent boredom,
I at least want to prepare some beautiful scenery (lol).

Murayama's Monthly Development Report​

Personally, I feel that storytelling in games is quite different to that for TV series or novels. Of course, the way stories are created changes depending on the medium. For example, there is a huge difference between work that is entirely written versus video-based work. The latter uses techniques to convey meaning through moving images that cannot be conveyed through dialogue alone, while novels have their own techniques.
One unique technique that I'm always conscious of in game storytelling is synchronizing the feelings and sensations communicated through the story with those experienced during gameplay itself.
In a scene where the story is bitter and painful, you have to use production techniques to make the gameplay reflect those feelings as well.
For that reason, when I'm writing for a game, I'll also include specifications about the gameplay, like requesting for certain parts to have enemies that are stronger than usual.
I'll also ask for there to be a little more distance between certain locations, so that players have time to walk around and explore on their own before another big event in the game starts.
I think this is a production technique rarely seen in other media.
On the flip side, I sometimes work on synchronizing how the story develops with the gameplay aspects.In an RPG, players are guided along a single path in terms of both the story and gameplay during the beginning stages. This is so players don't get lost right at the start.
However, at some point, players start to be given more choices, and more freedom in where to go and how to enjoy the many different aspects of the game.
Stories for games are also written in a way that complements this format. That's another technique I find unique to game storytelling.
The skeleton has already been built, so now I need to add the meat. In other words, fleshing out the story, which is taking up most of my time these days.

A Word from the Team​

Hello, everyone.
I am the game's director, Komuta.
It seems to be getting colder and colder recently.
The other day I had some freshly picked ginkgo nuts and shochu.
It really feels like fall now! It's the season of delicious food.
As for the work on Eiyuden, we are currently in the process of making a prototype that connects up each element in the early stages of the game,
and responding to various issues that have come to light during testing,
like how to view the world map, the towns and dungeons, camera work for the demo,
managing the positioning of the characters and height differences during battle, and so on.
We're working on solving each of these issues one by one and finalizing the specifications so that we can move onto the next step,
while also keeping an image of the full, completed game in our minds.
Also, among the 120 characters joining,
the roles of the characters who will take part in battles are gradually being solidified.
Mr. Murayama first came up with the characters' features,
what role he'd like to see them play in battle,
their abilities, the number of attacks, their skills,
and then how we'd implement them and what the animation would look like.
We went over each section, but then we'd receive remarks from Mr. J like,
"Let's make Yuferius more shark-like"
and they'd created a stir.
"What does shark-like even mean?" "His weapon is an iron ball, right?"
"Are iron balls shark-like?" "When you think of a shark, you think of so-and-so, right?"
"We can't really do that visually, so how about this?"
Usually the content of the animation is decided by Mr. J's character team,
but if the problem is related to implementation specifications (how to create it in-game), the leaders of the different parts gather
and have a very serious Shark Summit about sharks (lol).
Now, as to what kind of visuals come out of all this... That's something to look forward to.
By the way, after the Shark Summit,
I found a cool t-shirt on the internet. (This is the important part of the story.)

Isn't it the best? This right here.
A shark eating a little kid who's giving a thumbs up saying,
"Stay Positive!"
Once I saw the picture, I immediately bought the shirt.
I can't get enough of that kid's cheery smile despite him being eaten by a shark.
I want to follow this boy's example
and stay positive no matter the situation.
Thank you all for your continued support!


Who doesn’t love Halloween, the season of scary movies, creepy games and spooky tidings? And while it’s still not time for many of us to hit the streets for trick-or-treating this year, that doesn’t mean the Halloween spirit is lost.

In the spirit of all things spooky, the Eiyuden team wishes everyone a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Update di Novembre :phraengo:

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Rabbit & Bear StudiosCreatore
24 novembre 2021
Hey there, heroes!
While many of us may still be clinging on to the last crisp days of Fall, Winter is just around the corner meaning it's time to welcome in the holiday season with our November monthly update.

Production Updates

Character Profile​


Profession: A soldier in the League of Nations
Gender: Male
AGE: 42
FAVORITE FOOD: Chile con carne
A gruff but principled soldier who tells his men he's craven, a coward who can't bear the thought of them dying. That's the reason he pushes them as hard as he possibly can. He knows the name of every soldier he's ever met or trained.
"I'm going to hammer every last one of you soft, undisciplined little maggots into iron! Now get running!"
Kawano's Comment:
Now this is just between us (okay, not really), but...
Until Murayama is completely and utterly satisfied, the names of characters and so on are often changed any number of times.
For characters, it's no big deal if the names are changed before the illustrations are prepared. But if there are lots of characters and the art is already created—like this time—changing the names has everyone asking, "Who's this guy, again?!" It's been pretty rough for the staff. But if the names just don't feel right, change is unavoidable.
So, while Stadler had a different name for a while there, with this grand unveiling, Stadler is almost certainly set in stone. I'll do my best to remember his name from here on out!

Monster Showcase​

Scorpion Assassin

Provoking a battle with this foe is a risk few choose to take, lest they be torn apart in its giant claws...or conferred an even worse death by its poison stinger.

Murayama's Monthly Development Report​

There are many different approaches to working on a story, there are a range of perspectives, and each creator has their own interpretation.
Amidst all that, there are several things to bear in mind.
There's a scene in a certain movie where a father is helping his child with writing practice. The father reads the child's writing, then gives the following advice:
"Now, write the same thing again, but with half the words."
That scene made an incredibly deep impression on me.
Of course, there are elements unique to the gaming medium, but I always strive to make my writing as concise as possible.
We certainly want to maintain the unique feeling and individuality of our characters, but we also don't want the script to become unnecessarily long.
And, with this kind of work, it's important for us to place trust in our readers and players no matter what.
The reader is often aware of the slightest change in nuance in a character's expression, as well as the underlying mood and emotion behind those words.
We need to trust in that awareness as much as possible and cut out extraneous descriptions.
On the other hand, when explaining things like game mechanics, there's no such thing as too much detail.
Is this part understandable, or have I just assumed it is? Is it only comprehensible because of what I know already? That's something that I'm always on the lookout for.

A Word from the Team​

J-diary vol. 4
Hello there.
Whenever the time to write this segment comes around, it always opens my eyes to the complete change in the seasons.
Murakami J, here.
I'm working from home as always, and autumn is here (or is it winter already...).
I'm feeling upbeat and continuing to make progress on the project—this time without dreading my AC bill.
As these pleasant days drift by, I'm worried my wanderlust may soon overtake me.
Actually, my favorite pastime is traveling.
Before this current situation, I'd usually set off on a trip whenever a holiday rolled around.
My work kept me from taking long vacations, so I would bounce from place to place during jaunts over weekends and holidays.
Short trips abroad were especially hectic and exciting.
In recent years, while the breathtaking natural beauty of Canada and the United States has made quite an impression on me, I've also grown fond of exploring towns in Europe and Asia.
Thailand has become something of a second home for me.
Those experiences have been incredibly helpful in developing the background designs for Eiyuden, but I've lost a lot of my inspiration over these last two years. I need to get back over those oceans.
Even with the travel bans lifting, it still doesn't seem like I'll be heading off anytime soon.
The ever-positive Kumota D can't even manage an encouraging thumbs up. Lol.
Anyhow, once we've finished Eiyuden, I hope to travel to all the countries of our fans and supporters, so please recommend your favorite sightseeing spots (you can Tweet me).
Until then, I'll have Google Earth help me figure out the details of my growing travel plans.
As far as the project is concerned,
I feel like I always end up talking about the difficulties of developing the game, so I want to change things up this time.
I'd like to talk about our particular fixations when it comes to the game's art.
There are so many things we're picky about concerning Eiyuden's graphics,
but the one I want to focus on today is:
The importance placed on height differences between characters.
Allow me to explain.
When I say characters, I don't mean Kawano's illustrations, but rather the pixel-art sprites.
Typically, when characters are drawn for pixel art RPGs,
I feel like one size is often chosen as a basis for mass-producing every character.
There are many reasons for this, such as maintaining visual uniformity, optimizing the game, and working under technical constraints.
In Eiyuden, beyond wanting to properly reflect the established height differences between characters, we also wanted to add the extra touch of realism through "sensory height."
Sensory height means experiencing the same feeling a person of a certain height would have in the real world.
For example, if a 170cm tall person looks at someone who's 180cm, the first person would think, "whoa, that guy's tall," right?
That's the feeling we're going for.
A difference of 10 centimeters doesn't feel that big when looking at a ruler, but it feels very different when considering people's heights.
On a side note, I'm actually really short, so when I run into Murayama and Iga, I'm always like, "What?! They're giants! Gah! I'm so jealous!"
So, why are we applying this idea of sensory height to the characters?
Because when all the characters are miniaturized following a strict scale, it's often difficult to feel the size difference that those numbers are expressing.
Look at the following image:

The character on the left has realistic proportions, while the right is an example of those proportions after miniaturization.
Let's imagine that this character was 170cm tall.
Under that assumption, a measure of 10cm taken from each character would change as shown by the section in red.
When you add in different hair styles and other unique characteristics,
a difference of 10cm between miniaturized characters doesn't look that big at all on a game screen.
Also, the fact that the field is 3D means that the perspective will change according to the position of the objects on screen, and that size difference is felt even less.
Which leads us to the characters in Eiyuden.
After the finicky process of adjusting, comparing, and revising the scale, we created pixel art that conveys those height differences.
Height is one of the defining traits of a character, after all.
This is something we've wanted to implement for a while. Although it can be tough, I hope we can continue following through on these special details.
Which is why...

When making Eiyuden's pixel art, even after deciding on one facet of drawing a character, there are so many other challenges to take into account.
I introduced one example of this today,
but if you have any requests, I'd love to discuss them in the next entry.
To wrap things up...
Writing this column got me thinking about what Eiyuden's art would look like if it were scaled down like old-school pixel art.
Even though it's my day off, I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I whipped something up to test it out.
This is Nowa in that old, original PlayStation style.

I made it as a kind of homage to Murayama's hit work.
Thinking back on that era's pixel art, the number of colors was limited and strong color contrast was required to counteract blurring on CRT displays.
All characters were scaled to the exact same size.
So, what do you think?
I hope it resonates with older players at least.
Until next time.


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
L'ultimo update del anno porta con se gli auguri da parte del team, info, illustrazioni ed il reveal ufficiale di Hakugin aka Kunoichi D che ha stravinto il pool durante il kickstart :geddoe:

December 2021 Update​

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Rabbit & Bear StudiosCreatore
22 dicembre 2021
Hey there heroes!
The year is coming to a close and, while for many it may feel like like 2021 is ending on a similar note to the last, we use the holidays to reflect on the love and support of those we hold dear, and we anticipate the potential and excitement that the next year holds.
And so we'd like to take the opportunity to thank all of you, our wonderful backers, for your ongoing love and support. Without you there to push us forward, we wouldn't be realizing our dreams as we are today.
We can't wait to see what the next year brings and are eager to share more joy and excitement with everyone in 2022.

Now, on to the updates!

Production Updates

Character Profile

GENDER: Female
AGE: 27
FAVORITE FOOD: Baked custard
A master ninja and cool, composed warrior. However, she has a sentimental side. Hakugin is an old friend and rival of Mio, one of the few people Mio feels she can open up to.
While Mio is an idealist who pursues her aims unflinchingly, Hakugin is more of a realist. Each provides a healthy dose of perspective to the other. Hakugin's mind was blown the moment she tasted her very first baked custard.
"Walk the right path? Heh, please. First you have to win. Then you can be choosy about your paths."
Kawano's Comment:
The results for the best Kunoichi character Kickstarter poll are in.
D Hakugin came out on top!
"Is that all?" you say? Well, I thought I'd give her a proper introduction after her win.
This is Hakugin.
She won by a landslide, so I have no doubt that we'll see a lot of her in action in the game as well. I'm very excited for it.
As for Kunoichi A, B, and C...

Murayama's Monthly Development Report​

In terms of making plans, I think I'm leaning more towards being an "analytical planner". In answering the question of "what makes a game fun?", my process starts with playing fun games.
Just like directors should be knowledgeable about films, I think game developers need to be well versed in video games.
So, that poses the question: Is copying good games the way to go?
When I encounter a good game, I start dissecting what makes that game so enjoyable. I want to understand the system and how it's made. Which parts make it good?
I break down the systems and think about the gimmicks in their most basic form:
Games with mass production or resource management mechanics, the joy of collecting things, or sometimes even what makes a sound effect so satisfying or the perfect timing for things on screen to shine.
From there I try to figure out if I can recreate those gimmicks in fresh ways, and then build a concrete system from those ideas.
They say that creation starts from imitation, but I believe there is a world of difference between simply imitating and creating something different using imitation as the starting point.

Holiday Message​

How has this year been for everyone? This year was, and next year will be, filled with days of struggling with game production. I know we still have a way to go, but it would mean a lot to have you there by my side.
Hi, it's Kawano. 2021 is drawing to a close.
Developers like us are well aware that making a game (especially an RPG) takes a long time.
Unlike games that go through production and then get announced to the public when the final product is within reach, this one started after receiving your support.
I can't believe we are coming up to our second year...
It really pains my heart to make you wait for so long. I'm truly sorry.
Development still has a long way to go, so please, bear with us.
(In the meantime, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, developed by Natsume Atari will be released!)
It should start getting a little bit colder in Japan now. Please take care of yourselves, everyone!
It's that time of year again.
My birthday is in November, so growing up, I've always looked forward to the birthday, Christmas, and New Year combo at the end of the year.
However, that sense of excitement has faded somewhere along the way.
It might be because the end of the year usually coincides with huge milestones in videogame development. So, I end up focusing on those aspects of my life.
While that is still the case, I feel like something has changed in the year that's passed.
The challenges and trials have gotten harder, but I find myself having the same sense of excitement every day.
I think it's because working on a project that is backed by every single one of you has been such a joy.
The sense of motivation I have right now feels like I'm throwing myself into event preparation, celebrating that event with my friends, then moving on to the next one.
Thank you so much.
We are currently making major improvements to meet everyone's expectations, so we have been pretty quiet for a while. But starting next year, we will be able to slowly show you some very exciting things.
We are sorry for making you wait, but it would mean a lot if we could keep up the same enthusiasm until Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes and Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising are released.
Thank you all for your continued support!
Murakami J
Wait. What? The year is already ending?
There must be some kind of mistake. Are we sure there aren't any time thieves at work?
Calm down... Chill... Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
When you open them back up, it will be Halloween again... Ah, who am I kidding?
Hello, everyone. Happy Holidays!
Komuta here and I’m really disoriented by how fast time is going by.
This is the second time we'll be able to close out a year with all of you.
It really makes me appreciate the fact that we are making Eiyuden Chronicle
with overwhelming support from all over the world throughout this process.
Thank you so much.
I really don't have time to be disorientated. Lol.
Looking back, from the latter half of last year we’ve created prototypes and identified issues within the core elements of the game such as fields, battles, towns, large-scale combat, and duels.
It was a hectic year of getting to a place where we can confidently say “we’ll go with this take until the very end.”
There are still a lot of decisions to be made and it feels like there’s never enough time. How can I possibly fit everything in when there is so much I want to do? Making a wrong call with what to keep and what to cut from the game can be irreparable. But during those times, I try to always go back to the original essence of the game.
Because that very essence is what makes the Eiyuden Chronicle that you have chosen to support.
Starting next year, we'll begin the process of solidifying and fine tuning the core aspects Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. But sooner still will be the release of the Eiyuden prequel--Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising. I hope you’re looking forward to it!
I wish everyone a happy new year!


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Tre nuovi pg. nel primo aggiornamento del 2022 :geddoe:

January 2022 Update​

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Rabbit & Bear StudiosCreatore
26 gennaio 2022
Hey there heroes!

It’s a new year and we’ve got tons of new information that we can’t wait to start sharing with you, so we’re kicking things off in style with a sneak peak of Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising – the companion game to Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes that is currently in development thanks to everyone's tremendous support during the campaign!
Before jumping into the juicy details, we’d like to take this opportunity to answer a couple of questions we’ve received regarding Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising.
First, we would like to assure those who have purchased the companion game, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, at the 7 USD backer exclusive price will not be expected to pay any additional cost (woohoo)!
Additionally, we understand there are backers who have asked how to change or finalize their platform of choice for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising. In March of 2022, right after the March update goes live, we will be sending an email to the same email address backers provided in the official backer survey that we sent out a few months AFTER the campaign concluded. Backers will be asked in this email to select which platform they would like to receive their copy of Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising on, and that platform of choice will then be locked in. This cannot be changed later as we need a point in time to secure and confirm orders due to the large number of keys that need to be ordered from each platform. We appreciate your understanding.
In addition, we will send out a reminder email to backers we do not receive responses from. In the event that a response to either email is not received, then we will send a key for the platform version they specified in the survey. Please note, we cannot guarantee copies of the game will be sent ahead of general release to backers who do not answer the survey. Again, we thank you for your understanding.
These aren’t the only questions we’ve received about Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, however, and so we are also preparing an FAQ for a future update which will address them. We hope you look forward to it.
And worry not Eiyuden Chronicle enthusiasts, we still have plenty of tantalizing core game goodies that we look forward to sharing in not-too-far-off future updates!


The Story - Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising​

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising combines a thrilling adventure through ancient ruins with the tale of one town’s rise from the ashes.
Drawn by lenses and other treasure in the nearby Runebarrows, our heroes learn that the town is struggling to rebuild after an earthquake, and decide to help. Along the way, they’ll resolve disputes between eager adventurers and wary locals who don’t think the Barrows should be disturbed. And they’ll learn more about each other’s reasons for seeking treasure, deepening their bonds in the process.
As you will learn, these Runebarrows hide a great secret that has fateful implications for one of the characters. What begins as a simple treasure hunt turns into a dark conspiracy that will shake the world and plant seeds that carry over into the main story of Eiyuden Chronicle.

Character Profiles​


Name: CJ
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Home: The League of Nations
Favorite Food: Mega katsu curry
The latest in a long line of Scavengers (tomb raiders by trade). CJ’s clan has sent her to New Nevaeh in order to complete their traditional “rite of passage.”
"What can I say? Your town’s growing on me. That’s reason enough for me to stick my neck out."

Name: Isha
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Home: New Nevaeh
Favorite Food: Red-hot tom yam kung
Isha has served as acting mayor of New Nevaeh ever since her father, the former mayor, went missing. She realised the town was sitting on a goldmine and invited adventurers from far and wide to come explore New Nevaeh’s Runebarrows…for the right price, of course.
“An explorer's licence costs 100,000 baqua. Not a penny less.”

Name: Garoo
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Race: Beastman (of the giant kangaroo persuasion)
Favorite Food: Pavlova
An adventurer who’s looking to get his mitts on the priceless treasures in New Nevaeh’s Barrows. Garoo is tough as nails—in his old life as a mercenary, he single-handedly hacked his way through some nasty battles—but it’s the jingle of coin he marches to.
“That’s the thing about fights, mate. They don’t happen unless both parties involved think they’re tougher than the other guy.”
Kawano's Comment:
CJ is energetic and Isha is strong willed. When creating these two, I imagined that their relationship would run parallel to that of Nowa and Seign from the main story of Eiyuden: Hundred Heroes, then added some extra oomph to it. (This is an Action RPG, after all, so their dialogue will be full of energy and passion).
As for Garoo, well, right after seeing a wallaby at a nearby zoo, I got to work 'hmm'ing and 'haa'ing and made him into a cool uncle-type character. But the most interesting part of his design has to be the mysterious pocket on his waist, right? lol

Murayama's Monthly Development Report​

I was asked "What games have you played that have had an impact on you?"
Let me see if I can remember the things that have had an impact on me in one way or another. I can think of a few novels. One is a famous sci-fi/cyberpunk light novel called Neuromancer. I was at the bookstore and picked it up because the front cover and the title caught my attention. I was only going to flip through the first few pages, but I became so absorbed in the fascinating world and writing style that I read through the first third before I knew what hit me.
I've reread it numerous times since then.
But what about movies?
There's only one movie that I've seen at a movie theater more than 3 times. Shaolin Soccer. I was obsessed with its perfect blend of laughter and action.
In this same vein, aside from titles like Civilization, there's one game that I've completed 3 times from beginning to end: Deus Ex.
For those who don't know, Deus Ex is a stealth game set in a cyberpunk world. Of course, the atmosphere is excellent, and the game has multiple options for how players can solve a single problem: you can utilize the puzzle-like devices in the game, smash through all guns blazing, find a key somewhere else, hack things, or just grind until you're strong enough to brute force everything.
Of course, games can still work even if there's only one solution to each problem.
But with that game, I could imagine the developers smiling and challenging players to solve the problem however they like, using one of the many well-balanced solutions that had been prepared.
Those are the kinds of games I like.

A Word from the Team​

Happy Mew Year and Good Eveming! Komuta here.
Let's make this another great year.
I spent the new year’s holiday playing with the cats and suddenly got into making braised pork on New Year’s Day. We entered January 2022 rejuvenated and ready to go, and now it's already coming to an end.
(All I’ve talked about since the end of last year is how pressed for time I
People say that time flies when you're having fun. But it also flies for me when I decide the next steps I need to take, find issues in the process of actually creating each part, then realize it didn't turn out the way I want to, forcing me to go back to the drawing board.
Since the beginning of this year, I've been running at top speed trying to tighten up how everything works, and all that extremely dense time has flown by so fast that I didn't even notice it until now.
Recently, we cemented the setting for Eiyuden: Hundred Heroes - its terrain, climate, and natural features. Our once-symbolic world map made up of nothing but sketches and photographic references has finally become properly visualized, which gave everyone an immediate boost of excitement.
We're also working on the dungeons that lead to the deep forest region and the desert, as well as locations that Nowa and his companions will visit on their adventure, such as the desert village.
I know everyone's anxious for more info, but unfortunately we can't show you any mid-production screenshots, so please hold on a little longer.
When I was able to find a small moment for myself, I went to see Spiderman: No Way Home! I won't go into any spoilers, but it was tons of fun.
If they can cram so much story into two and a half hours, I should be able to do more with my time too! Well, now that I've fallen into some weird logic loop and started screaming 'Nope, no way, nuh-uh!' to my own brain, like I'm one person playing both parts of a comedy duo on stage, I think I'll call it here.
Oh, but before I go—please enjoy this picture of the braised pork I made on New Year’s Day!

I hope you will continue to support us!


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Focus su Rising anche in questo update di febbraio :geddoe:

February 2022 Update​

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Rabbit & Bear StudiosCreatore
23 febbraio 2022
Hey there heroes,
We're already approaching two months into 2022 and we've got more to reveal for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising. This game is shaping up to be a really exciting instalment into the Eiyuden Chronicle universe and we're eager to show everyone what's in store!


Before we jump into the juicy details, we wanted to share answers to some questions we’ve been receiving about Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising and how it's going to connect with the core game, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. So, we've collected them here for everyone's reference!
Q1: What is the process for selecting my platform of choice for Eiyuden Chronicle Rising?
A1: In March of 2022, right after the March Update goes live, we will be sending an email to the same email address you provided in the official backer survey that we sent out a few months AFTER the campaign concluded. Backers will be asked in this email to select which platform they would like to receive their copy of Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising on, and that platform of choice will be locked in. This cannot be changed later as we need a point in time to lock down orders due to the large number of keys that need to be ordered from each platform. We appreciate your understanding.
For any backers who do not respond we will send out a follow up E-mail once. In the case that we do not receive a response we will send a key for the version listed in the survey. In the instance that we don’t have a survey from a backer we cannot guarantee that a backer will receive their game before release.
Q2: Will I be able to change my platform of choice after I make my final selection in March of 2022?
A2: Unfortunately, that will be the final selection and we cannot alter codes once we purchase them.
Q3: The original goal was to have both games connected, is that still the case?
A3: Absolutely, but due to hardware policies and limitations you will need to play them both on the same platform (e.g. PC, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation). Additionally, you will be able to upgrade your PS4 and Xbox One Versions to the PS5 and Xbox Series X respectively and then carry that data over to Hundred Heroes on the same hardware (PS5/Xbox Series X) but you cannot downgrade Rising Data from PS5/Xbox Series X to PS4/Xbox One and then carry it over to a PS4/Xbox One copy of Hundred Heroes.
Q4: Will Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes be released on the Nintendo Switch?
A4: While the release of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes has not been confirmed for the Nintendo Switch, we are currently undergoing a technical investigation into development for a Switch version of the game.
If you purchase Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising for the Nintendo Switch, then you will be able to enjoy the crossover content in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes on any Nintendo console version confirmed in the future.
Q5: What content will cross over between games?
A5: Great question, and one we can't answer just yet! But we promise we will as soon as we are able.
Q6: I'm not a fan of action JRPGs and aren't particularly interested in Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising. Will this diminish my experience playing Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes?
A6: Eiyuden Chronicles Rising is a supplemental experience to Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. While it provides additional back story for certain characters, you'll still be able to enjoy the full adventure waiting for you in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes!
Q7: How much will Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising cost?
A7: For those who purchased the game via this crowdfunding campaign or the Legacy Backer store, the game will cost 7 USD. The price for non-backers looking to purchase the game on release day will be announced at a later date.
Q8: Will I be able to play different languages on my selected version?
A8: These are the following versions per platform and the language selections you can make on them:
・Europe – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese
・US – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese
・Japan – Languages: English & Japanese
・Asia – Languages: English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese
・Australia & New Zealand – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese
Playstation 4 & 5:
・Europe - Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese
・US - Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese
・Japan – Languages: English & Japanese
・Asia – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese
・Australia & New Zealand – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese
Xbox ONE & Xbox Series X:
・All Regions – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese
Steam, Epic Games Store, and GOG:
・All Regions – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese
Q9: Where is the legacy backer store?
A9: Right here!


Next up, we’d like to share some in-development screenshots from Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, showcasing its setting of New Naveah, a small town out in the boonies of Allraan (the same continent in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes).
Encounter a vibrant cast of colorful characters as you explore the town of New Nevaeh!
Resolve disputes between eager adventurers and wary locals as you help to rebuild New Nevaeh to its former glory!
Swap between CJ, Isha and Garoo with the tap of a button to combine their skills in exhilarating battles!


Character Profile​


Race: Beastman
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Favorite Food: Strawberry milk
As master springdiggers, Cabana and his people make a living by traveling from land to land, discovering hot springs and turning them into even hotter tourist destinations. He and his capy-kin are quite fond of a good soak themselves! But if you want to enjoy Cabana’s sublime waters, you’d better respect etiquette—he’s a stickler for the rules.
That’s his son Pyba hanging out on his noggin. Say hi, Pyba!
“Ah, well lookie who’s here! Have a soak, friends. Sink right up to your chinny-chins, and don’t forget to count to a hundred.”
Kawano's Comment:
When I heard that Cabana was supposed to be the person in charge of the hot springs, I threw together a quick sketch to show everyone and ask ‘how about something like this?’, but it ended up getting used as-is! And so, this character ended up being 100% born from my own taste… Personally, I hope that it will be therapeutic for you all to see Cabana and his son in the game, just like it’s therapeutic for me to watch videos of animals who look similar to Cabana pop into hot springs… (Sometimes that's all I need to heal myself!)

Murayama's Monthly Development Report​

Each different part of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes’ development has begun to take shape, and we’re currently working on boosting the quality of certain areas that are nearing their final forms. This requires a lot of trial and error, and forces us to face this question time and time again: What would the right answer be for THIS game?
All games are made with the hope that they’ll be fun to play, but there are many ‘correct’ answers to the question of ‘What’s fun to play?’ And of course, each game provides its own unique answer. Some games aim for maximum fun by charming players with beautiful graphics, while others aim to squeeze out as much fun as they can by making the controls as feel-good as possible. The hard truth is that sometimes, none of these elements end up clicking at the same time.
For a simple example, think about ‘fast response times’ and ‘detailed animations meant to maintain a distinct atmosphere.’ Sometimes, it’s impossible to fulfill both of those conditions at the same time. We’re lucky to be blessed with an amazing environment in which to work on our game, but we still have a limited amount of development resources… So we’re often faced with the question of: Which area should we pour the most resources into? If we put X amount of resources into Area A, it means that Area B will end up with a more simpler design, but sometimes that kind of decision has to be made.
One of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes’ greatest draws is its diverse cast of characters, and the fact that players can choose their own favorites out of a slew of unique individuals and make use of them how they wish. But…how far should we truly go in terms of realizing it all?
That’s what the right answer for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is.

A Word from the Team​

By Kawano
This month, I'd like to talk about what sort of style I use when drawing character illustrations, based on a discussion that happened back when we first started Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.
Basically, I started out by discussing different things with Murakami J, our art director, until we came up with the idea of going with watercolor for everything. (I actually haven't done any analog drawing for a long time, so technically it's a digital watercolor 'style').
So, anyway, I tried doing a test drawing... It ended up taking way more time than I expected, which robbed me of any confidence I had in being able to draw over 100 illustrations in that specific style. On top of that, the atmosphere of the art itself also seemed to harken back so much to the olden days that I thought "Maybe this isn't ground that I should be retreading at this point," which brought me to the style I'm currently going with.
As you can see below, A is the watercolor style art that ended up getting scrapped, and B is the style we're going with now. (I'm very sorry to people who preferred the A style!)
This art also comes from a time during the character design stage when we were doing trial and error about whether certain characters should wear hats, so that aspect of the design is different as well... But that's all part of the charm, wouldn't you say?

See you next time!

Vincent 86

jrpg world
Iscritto dal
10 Gen 2009
Video che ci mostra il gameplay di Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising:
