Annunciato su Famitsu, più tardi penso usciranno delle immagini prese dalle scan.
PS4/Switch/PC【斬月の鎖宮】発売決定。アクワイアが贈る水墨画風3DダンジョンRPG ※タイトル修正 | ゲームよりどりサブカルみどりパーク
2021夏 和を重視し水墨画の筆致でダンジョン、モンスターがモノトーンで描かれる。 ハクスラの原点を追求したシステム。 まずはある程度遊べる無料版を配信し気に入ってもらえたらフルバージョンを購入してもらう形にする予定。 デベロッパーは不明だけどゼロディブあたり?
Acquire has announced 3D dungeon RPG Zangetsu no Sakyuu for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals. It will launch this summer in Japan.
Dungeons and monsters are depicted in monotone by Japanese-style ink brush painting. Gameplay systems are said to be a return to the roots of hack-and-slash.
Acquire plans to first release free version of Zangetsu no Sakyuu that users can play to some extent. If they enjoy it, they can then purchase the full version.
Acquire announces 3D dungeon RPG Labyrinth of Zangetsu for PS4, Switch, and PC [Update 2]
Original 01/06/21 at 1:18 a.m.: Acquire has announced 3D dungeon RPG Labyrinth of Zangetsu (Zangetsu no Sakyuu in Japanese) for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu rev…