PS4 Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon | Disponibile |

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Alushe Anatoria – A straightforward girl who prefers action over words. She becomes a half-demon, obtains the power to fight demon, and fights to save Liliana.

Liliana Selphin – A girl chosen as the “Bride of Time.” She is kind and doesn’t discriminate against anyone she meets, but is also strong at her core.

Ruhenheid Ariarod – Alushe and Lilianna’s childhood friend, and Holy Knight of an organization opposing the Curia. She is hot-blooded and somewhat arrogant, but serious at her core.


Alushe is a knight of the Curia and guard to Liliana, a Saint and her childhood friend. After finally reaching the Curia, the two girls learn that Lilianna would have to give up her life in sacrifice to the goddess of the moon. In their surprise and sadness, Alushe dies in a battle against a powerful demon. However, she is resurrected as a half-demon by the hands of the Curia…


You’ll fight enemy demons together with your partner “Lily.” You can freely select your Lily, and your bonds will deepen as you fight together. As you develop your relationship and awaken new abilities, intimate events will occur. Both Liliana and Ruhenheid can be chosen as a Lily.

As for the game’s connection with its predecessor, it carries over gameplay systems like Servans, as well as the affectionate, apocalyptic, dark fantasy taste of the original, but the gameplay will have a considerably different feeling.

Possiamo scegliere liberamente chi usare come partner in battaglia tra le due amiche della protagonista.

I servans ci sono ancora da quel che dicono.

Sulla storia non dicono nulla ma il gameplay avrà un diverso feeling.

Ultima modifica da un moderatore:
Se c'è la stessa differenza che si vede tra Atelier Sophie e Firis siamo a cavallo.//
Perdonami l'OT, ma... Cioè (sono rimasto a quanto fosse orribile NoA su PSV, ma è così anche per Atelier???)?

Perdonami l'OT, ma... Cioè (sono rimasto a quanto fosse orribile NoA su PSV, ma è così anche per Atelier???)?
No, era una frase generale non legata al discorso Vita. Ma scritta lì di fretta in effetti era fraintendibile.

Gli Atelier su PSV al massimo hanno qualche acciacco nel frame rate ma sono godibili. Nights of Azure su PSV è un disastro che forse è meglio che non l'abbiano portato.

- - - Aggiornato - - -

- Yuri elements significantly stronger compared to the first game.- Better story, more contents, more revealing costumes.

- Lily replaces Servants fighting together with Alushe, all Lilies are beautiful girls.

- Servants are still around but only to provide support abilities.

- Party size reduced to Alushe + Lily + 2 Servants.

- Vita version graphics won't suck.

- Development progress 50%.
Un party 2 ragazze + 2 servan di solo supporto mi ispira più rispetto l'impostazione del prequel.

Ultima modifica da un moderatore:
Continuo a non capire se sia legato al primo in qualche modo, però ste dichiarazioni mi fanno piacere.

La rossa sembra Erza di Faity Tail

Quella di mezzo sembra Hana con i capelli grigi


No, era una frase generale non legata al discorso Vita. Ma scritta lì di fretta in effetti era fraintendibile. Gli Atelier su PSV al massimo hanno qualche acciacco nel frame rate ma sono godibili. Nights of Azure su PSV è un disastro che forse è meglio che non l'abbiano portato.

- - - Aggiornato - - -

- Yuri elements significantly stronger compared to the first game.- Better story, more contents, more revealing costumes.

- Lily replaces Servants fighting together with Alushe, all Lilies are beautiful girls.

- Servants are still around but only to provide support abilities.

- Party size reduced to Alushe + Lily + 2 Servants.

- Vita version graphics won't suck.

- Development progress 50%.

Un party 2 ragazze + 2 servan di solo supporto mi ispira più rispetto l'impostazione del prequel.


Parrebbero aver sistemato praticamente tutto a leggere cosi, vedremo:ahsisi:

Un po mi dispiace per i servan mezzi cestinati, e leggo pure in giro che a molti il sistema non piaceva... soliti noobs che non si mettono ad approfondire meglio il gameplay probabilmente, ma non glie ne do torto visto che il primo era terribilmente facile, le uniche coseveramente difficili erano alcune sfide dell'arena ed il dungeon extra //

Inoltre a vedere cosi pare che graficamente non abbiano optato per lo stile usato in Firis e Blue, peccato //

Hype comunue :hype:

- - - Aggiornato - - -

Continuo a non capire se sia legato al primo in qualche modo, però ste dichiarazioni mi fanno piacere.
Difficile dirlo per ora, penso comunque ad un sequel visti i finali del primo, però potrebbe benissimo essere pure un prequel //

Continuo a non capire se sia legato al primo in qualche modo
Up che mi ispira un sacco sto secondo capitolo :sad2:

edit: ah vabbè hai risposto proprio ora, come non detto :morristend:

Ultima modifica da un moderatore:
Comunque da quel che ho capito il primo capitolo non è che sia così plot-centrico, perciò non mi aspetto chissà che collegamento fondamentale. Anche perchè loro non stanno dicendo nulla a riguardo e la premessa sembra troppo simile a quella del primo.

Magari vari riferimenti sui personaggi in stile Atelier ma per quello bisogna vedere se appunto ci sono dei ritorni.


Miglior qualità più altri due:




Sito ufficiale aperto:





Alushe Anatoria



Servan Nero


Liliana Selphin


Servan Feuille


Ruhenheid Ariarod


Servan Shalf










■ Story
Can the inhuman save humanity?

The battle of the past between the Nightlord and the Saint left a major impact on the world. That is, a world that never sleeps, where “humans” are active during the hours the light shines, and demons known as fiends run rampant during the hours of darkness. Alushe, a knight of the Curia, is entrusted as a guard to escort the Saint Liliana, her former childhood friend.

After fighting the fiends that attacked them, the two finally arrive at the Curia, but there learn that Liliana is the chosen “Bride of Time” to be offered as a sacrifice to the “Queen of the Moon.” In her surprise, sorrow, and suffering, Alushe takes Liliana and heads for the Queen of the Moon’s castle. However, they’re suddenly attacked by a powerful demon, and Alushe, despite her best efforts, is killed.

When she awakens, Alushe has been resurrected by the Curia as an artificial half-demon. According to the Curia’s researchers, Liliana had already disappeared when they found her, and is said to likely be in the abandoned city. In order to recover the stolen Liliana, the resurrected Alushe heads for the abandoned city, taking along the demon power she does not desire within her.

■ Characters

Alushe Anatoria

The girl possessed with blue blood.

The protagonist and a knight of the Curia. During her escort of the Saint Liliana, she is attacked and killed by a demon. Afterwards, she is resurrected as a half-demon, which gives her the power to defeat demons, and fights to save Liliana. She has a straightforward personality and is the type to prefer actions over words. Alushe, Liliana, and the holy knight Ruhenheid are childhood friends who were always together, and she is delighted when she reunites with both of them.

Liliana Selphin

The kind and powerful Saint.

A thoughtful and kind-hearted girl. She is the sole Saint that serves the Curia, chosen as the “Bride of Time” to be sacrificed to the “Queen of the Moon.” While she has a kind personality and is friendly to anyone she meets, she is also strong at her core. She has the ability to slow down the time of a target, and in the past has used that power to help Alushe when she was attacked by fiends.

Ruhenheid Ariarod

A knight who shows her intentions with a sword.

Alushe and Liliana’s childhood friend. She wields the “Mind Sword Oz,” a sword in which her emotions become her blade. As her childhood friend, she knows Alushe quite well and has a favorable impression of her, but as a holy knight of the “Lourdes Order,” an organization that opposes the Curia, stands before Alushe in order to prevent Liliana from being offered as a sacrifice. Although she appears to be passionate and somewhat arrogant, with her own sense of justice, she is obedient at her core.

(Pictured: Ruenheid and Servan Shalf.)

■ The Bonds of Childhood Friends

Alushe, who is perplexed over her second life; Liliana, who accepts her role as a sacrifice; and Ruhenheid, who battles against fate. These three once walked the same path as childhood friends, but were misled and separated by the Nightlord. When the three once again align their steps, their bonds will become a light to illuminate the darkness, and their story will before long near its truth.

■ Lily System

A “Lily” is a reliable, beautiful heroine that fights alongside Alushe. You can choose a Lily to fight against fiends alongside Alushe according to the situation. Doing so will deepen your bonds with the Lily, which will awaken new abilities and trigger bond-assuring events. Each available Lily changes the way you battle. Stay tuned, as numerous Lilys will be introduced from hereon.

—Liliana, whose existence is to be protected, can fight as a Lily. She can use her powers as a Saint to support Alushe in battle.

—Ruhenheid, who belongs to an organization that opposes the protagonist, can also fight as a Lily. Her emotion-transforming blade will prove beneficial against many types of enemy fiends.

■ First-Print Bonus and Premium Boxes

First-Print Bonus

First-print copies of Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon will include a product code to download something for use in-game.

Premium Box (10,300 yen on PS4, 9,300 yen on PS Vita)

A product code to download an Alushe-exclusive costume

Nights of Azure 2 visual book

Nights of Azure 2 official soundtrack

Scented B3 poster

Special Alushe 3D card

Beautiful girl bromide set

Special Premium Box (16,300 yen on PS4, 15,300 yen on PS Vita)

Secret warm-feeling bath poster

Beautiful girl acrylic key chain set (three key chains)

Special A3 tapestry set (three tapestries)

A product code to download an Alushe-exclusive costume

Nights of Azure 2 visual book

Nights of Azure 2 official soundtrack

Scented B3 poster

Special Alushe 3D card

Beautiful girl bromide set

Ultima modifica da un moderatore:
molto interessante, se si mantiene lo spirito del primo migliorando almeno un po' la grafica, acquisto quasi sicuro //

Koei Tecmo has announced it will release Toukiden 2, Atelier Firis: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Journey, Nights of Azure 2, and Samurai Warriors: Sanada Maru in North America and Europe.
Find details about each title below.

Nights of Azure 2 (working title)

Following the success of Nights of Azure, which marked a darker direction for Gust, producer Keisuke Kikuchi returns to the demon-plagued world where players will follow the story of a young girl knight born from the blood of Arnice, the main character of Nights of Azure. Nights of Azure 2 (working title) maintains the same JRPG gameplay elements adored by dedicated fans of the studio and expands this new franchise’s horizons with a riveting new storyline! This title will be on display at the Koei Tecmo Games booth.

Niente Blue reflection? //
Al momento non hanno detto niente ma credo arriverà pure lui da noi magari non hanno detto niente al momento perché è stato annunciato da poco tempo // .

where players will follow the story of a young girl knight born from the blood of Arnice
Direi che è un sequel temporale.

Ma poi nata dal sangue di Arnice che azz significa, che è sua figlia?

O c'è qualcosa di "demoniaco" sotto, però mi pare di aver capito che Alushe diventa mezzodemone in seguito quindi in che senso "nata"?

Niente Blue reflection? //
Sono ancora al 30% di sviluppo. Infatti non è da Gust annunciare qualcosa così presto, perchè prima di Marzo secondo me non esce neanche in patria.

Ultima modifica da un moderatore:
Direi che è un sequel temporale.Ma poi nata dal sangue di Arnice che azz significa, che è sua figlia?

O c'è qualcosa di "demoniaco" sotto, però mi pare di aver capito che Alushe diventa mezzodemone in seguito quindi in che senso "nata"?
Su sta cosa il primo non era molto chiaro, diceva semplicemente che Arnice divenne un mezzo demone dopo essere stata a contatto con il blue blood... il che in teoria ti trasforma in un mostro... infatti uno dei racconti extra lascia intendere che inizialmente Arnice non fosse neppure umana :hmm:

Comunque da sta dichiarazione gia si capisce quali dei finali hanno mantenuto come canonici // e in teoria lo spoilerano pure se uno ci pensa su un attimo //

Curiosità a palla ora //


Il nulla, ma si sparassero.:rickds:


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