Roosterteeth's popular anime-inspired web series RWBY made a transition into the realm of video games earlier this year with the launch of RWBY: Grimm Eclipse on July 5th. The co-op, hack and slash adventure is currently only available on Steam, but during the recent RWBY Comic Con panel,
the show's writers confirmed that it's also coming to both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The game is planned to launch sometime this Winter (that's the season, not the older Schnee sister), but no official release date is set in stone at this point. Roosterteeth Games will be working with Panic Button Games to port the game to consoles. Additionally, the RWBY panel gave us another look at the game's upcoming DLC. Sometime soon, Grimm Eclipse will be receiving a new Horde Mode for free, but there's also paid DLC on the way. Team JNPR, comprised of Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, and Lie Ren, is coming to Grimm Eclipse as a $5 download. Each character will have their own unique fighting style, weapons, and special ability. Trailer a caso:
Dopo averlo consumato su pc, non posso che andare di d1, spendere ogni euro che possiedo in dlc, e sperare in un edizione retail
RWBY is love. RWBY is life.