PS4 Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] | Picchiaduro dai creatori di Melty Blood | Disponibile |

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Iscritto dal
13 Mag 2011
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Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] is Coming to Europe! PQube is excited to announce that we will be releasing the critically acclaimed fighting game by Arc System Works and French Bread, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st], for European territories in 2017! Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] will be coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita in Q4 2017. Widely considered the missing link between traditional 2D fighter gameplay and the over-the-top craziness of ‘anime' fighters, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] is the new fighting game by developer French Bread, creators of Melty Blood, the cult-classic fighting game that's been a staple of Japanese arcades for years. Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] takes place in a fictional modern-day Japan, where a mysterious event called Hollow Night occurs on a monthly basis. During the Hollow Night, shadowy creatures called Voids appear and attack innocent people. Survivors of these attacks sometimes develop special abilities and become known as an In-Birth. The game follows a young man named Hyde, a survivor of one of these attacks, as he becomes involved in the goings-on around the Hollow Night phenomenon. Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] New Features • New characters – Phonon, Mika, Enkidu and Wagner join the battle! • New Stages – 4 new stages to do battle on, Cafeteria, Children's Playground, Momiji Alley and the Cathedral of the Far East. • Re-balanced gameplay – Old favourites have new abilities and new gameplay elements have been added, including the ‘Veil Off' system that opens up new combo opportunities. • Combo Challenge Mode – Learn new combos and take on some of the hardest challenges in the game. • Tutorial Mode – An expansive tutorial mode has been added to the game that teaches all the skills necessary to level up your game. • Chronicle Mode – Discover the narrative of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] in a dedicated story mode experience. Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] will battle it out on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita in Q4 2017. Check out #UnderNight on social media! For more information and the latest news, follow us on Twitter at, and on Facebook at
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Se non avessi avuto millemila giochi da iniziare l'avrei preso subito :asd:

Lo story mode dovrebbe essere fatto meglio ora, no?

sto giocando la versione ps3 che diedero sul plus (quella prima di questo)

ma sto gioco è na FIGATA PAZZESCA nonostante il nome impronunciabile :asd:

penso sia il mio picchiaduro preferito di sempre, pad alla mano mi diverte come nessun altro abbia mai fatto e non ho idea da cosa dipenda boh :asd:

Direi di rispolverare questo Topic in occasione dell'annuncio all'Evo 2019 del sequel/upgrade, ossia







Titolo sviluppato da French Bread, gli autori di Melty Blood sviluppati in collaborazione con Type Moon, con Arc system works come publisher

Questo nuovo capitolo/riedizione aggiunge per ora un personaggio nuovo, Londrekia, anche se pare che siano previsti altri personaggi, inoltre è prevista anche l'aggiunte di mosse per tutti i personaggi già esistenti ed un profondo ribilanciamento. L'uscita è prevista, almeno per il Giappone, per inizio 2020 (si non è specificato se è versione Arcade, console o entrambe). 

Sito ufficiale del gioco

Inoltre queste sono le prime info riguardanti le modifiche previste per il gioco (attenzione, essendo ancora in fase di sviluppo il gioco tali modifiche potrebbero essere ulteriormente rivisitate e modificate in corso d'opera)

System Changes

Vorpal cycle is 16 seconds.

Chain shift will pause Vorpal circle during meter gain.

If you CS while an opponent does an attack, they will have a red effect on them. (Probably to help the player see if they should reversal)

Unknown actor is a select-able song

You can choose to mute music. (Probably for video creators )

5 new colors with same palettes for all characters.

Guard thrust is 63214D now


New move: 4B. He throws a small blood disc into the air at about a 30 degree angle and makes a puddle at the end of the move. You can aim it higher/lower by a little bit. Can CS (Chain Shift) only on hit.


New move: Grim Reaper>6X(any button). Same animation as the end of turbulence where he spins his scythe and knocks down. Spin whiffs on crouchers and can be interrupted easily. Can’t be combo’d off of without meter. (5A won’t link). The cancel window into it is small.


New airdash teleport, lets her float in air. She is in CH (Counter Hit) state during the move

New air skewer followup is a teleport. 4/2/6+button


New move: orbiter > 236C/646C (either works) This is his new laser move you see in the trailer. It is incredibly fast and you can combo into dash C on hit. Full screen whiff punish option.

Has about 10.5k HP

5A seems to be bigger (same as sprite) [tested by Taicus]


New move: j.41236A/B/C. Linne does a downward strike with her large sword. Hits overhead Can combo into ground normals. Move is minus, but safe without shield. Decent pushback.

Air Kuuga can be IC’d (Increase aka chargeable) like ground.

You can airdash (Probably jump assault aka j.D) after air Kuuga with air options available.

214C on block can be canceled or has little recovery.


Can backdash in flight, goes up back a short distance.

IC 22B puts a worm down that hits 3 times.

IC 236B wallbounces, and is at least -5.

214A can hit airborne opponents


5B hits crouchers are near max range now

Can cancel air Thanatos into FF (Force Function aka B+C)

C followup for Thanatos(no meter needed) is an upwards strike (looks like Guilty Gear Ky’s DP). You can combo off of it into 3B


New move j.623A/B/C. It’s like the ground 623 series, but in the air diagonally going slightly upwards. Can use other specials as followup j.623C is the new super in the trailer.

New fastfall followup 4A/B/C, feels like A blink, can be hit out of it.


New move 2BBB Like a yo-yo, pushes back on block, pulls in on hit, seems unsafe

B drill is a lot slower something like a 9+ frame gap between assault j.C land lowest B drill. Gordeau could 2B it

Autoguard stance, looks like her IW (Infinite Worth Super) in terms of stance. Can block multiple hits Loses to lows and throws Has 4 followups 2/4/6/8 + button when hit 2: gem 4: laser 6: ball 8: flash kick (seems to have invulnerability)


236A/B has a followup 6X, pulls in. Sort of like Gordeau’s shade harvest (pull in). Very minus on block

360A does 2080 damage

720A does 2180 damage Charged FF wall bounces all the time


New followup. FF > A Yuzu dashes forward with a single stabbing strike. Special cancellable

4B no longer hits enemies when countering projectiles, just deletes them instead. Special cancellable after deleting a projectile.


io dico 40. ma sarebbe più giusto un 30, trattandosi di un semplice aggiornamento con pochissime novità rispetto exe lat st.

semplice, ma già più utile di molte collector con roba inutile dentro. questa però mi pare sia solo tramite sito Aksys che distribuisce in america. da noi ancora niente notizie a riguardo.

Per i possessori di Under Night In-Birth: Exe Late [st] sarà possibile aggiornarlo tramite patch alla versione Under Night In-Birth: Exe Late [Cl-r], ma aggiornandolo in questo modo i contenuti inediti come i personaggi saranno da acquistare a parte (sempre meglio che dover pagare altri 50/60€ nuovamente solo per avere pochi personaggi in più e le modifiche di gameplay ;)  ) 

Invece per chi possiede Under Night In-Birth "vanilla" su ps3 e/o su Psvita ci saranno degli sconti speciali per ottenere la versione [Cl-r]


Video di partire di esibizione, dalla demo giocabile al Frosty Fausting, di Londrekia in Under Night In-Birt Exe:late [Cl-r]

Disponibile la versione cl-r

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