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ARCHIE Comics (Riverdale, Sabrina & Katty Keene TV Show) | BD Edizioni / Mondadori / DeA


Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013



  • Anno d'inizio: 1942 (2015 rilancio)
  • Pubblicato da: Archie Comics
  • Edizione italiana a cura di: BD Edizioni


in corso


[Rilancio 2019 Archie Forever]

  • Archie [#700 - ???] (2019)
  • Betty and Veronica [#1 - 4] (2018)
  • Sabrina the Teenage Witch [#1 - 5?] (2019)
  • Jughead’s Time Police [#1 - 5?] (2019)

[Rilancio 2015 Archie The New Riverdale]

  • Archie [#667 - 699] (2015-18)
  • Jughead [#1 - 16] (2015-17)
  • Betty and Veronica [#1 - 3] (2016-17)
  • Josie and the Pussycats [#1 - 9] (2016-17)
  • Reggie and Me [#1 - 5] (2017)
  • Big Moose [One-shot] (2017)

[Archie Horror]

  • Afterlife with Archie [#1 - 10 - ??] (2013-16)
  • Chilling Adventures of Sabrina [#1 - 8 - ??] (2015-17)
  • Jughead the Hunger [#1 - 13 - ??] (2017-19)
  • Chilling Adventures in Sorcery[classic comics collection] (2019)
  • Vampironica [#1 - 5] (2018-19)
  • Blossoms 666 [#1 - 3 - ??] (2019)
  • Jughead the Hunger VS Vampironica [#1 - ??] (2019)

[CW continuity]

  • Riverdale [One-shot & #1 - 12] (2017-18)
  • Riverdale Season 3 [#1 - ??] (2019)

[Mini-serie indipendenti]

  • Archie 1941 [#1 - 5] (2018-19)
  • The Archies [One-shot & #1 - 7] (2017-18)
  • Archie Superteens Versus Crusaders [#1 - 2] (2018)
  • Betty and Veronica: Vixens [#1 - 10] (2017-18)


  • Archie vs Predator II [#1 - 5?] (2019)
  • Betty & Veronica Meet Vampirella & Red Sonja [#1 - 5?] (2019)
  • Archie Meets Batman '66 [#1 - 6] (2018-19)
  • Archie vs Predator [#1 - 4] (2015)

Edizione Italiana


Archie Vol.1

Archie tra i morti viventi

Jughead Vol.1

Le Terrificanti avventure di Sabrina Vol.1


Pagine: 176 (#1-6)
Prezzo: 15€


Pagine: 157 (#1-5)
Prezzo: 15€


Pagine: 168 (#1-6)
Prezzo: 15€


Pagine: 160 (#1-5)
Prezzo: 15€


Archie Vol.2

Jughead Vol.2

Archie Vol.3

Betty & Veronica


Pagine: 176 (#7-12)
Prezzo: 15€


Pagine: 144 (#7-11)
Prezzo: 15€


Pagine: 176 (#13-17)
Prezzo: 15€


Pagine: 96 (#1-3)
Prezzo: 10€


Archie Vol.4

Jughead Vol.3

Josie and the Pussycats Vol.1

Archie Vol.5


Pagine: 144 (#18-22)
Prezzo: 15€


Pagine: 176 (#12-16)
Prezzo: 15€


Pagine: 144 (#1-5)
Prezzo: 15€


Pagine: 128 (#23-27)
Prezzo: 15€

Le Terrificanti avventure di Sabrina Vol.2

Archie Vol.6

Josie and the Pussycats Vol.2



Pagine: 98 (#6-8)
Prezzo: ??€


Pagine:  128 (#28-32)
Prezzo: ??€


Pagine: 104 (#6-9)
Prezzo: ??€


Pagine: ?? (#?-?)
Prezzo: 15€

Link Utili

in corso

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Mari chan

anime & comics
Iscritto dal
25 Dic 2003
Ottimo topic e impostazione!

Una serie che mi incuriosisce, dato che so che ci sono molte differenze tra telefilm e fumetti.



Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013
sono rimasto un pò indietro con gli aggiornamenti ma dovrebbero aver lanciato una nuova serie di Sabrina, da noi invece il quinto volume di archie dovrebbe essere in dirittura d'arrivo

della serie tv di Riverdale sento parlare "male" ma ad un mio amico sta piacendo :asd:  è corso a recuperarla dopo Sabrina terrificanti avventure, di cui io ho visto solo i primi episodi ma posso dire mi abbia impressionato molto positivamente voglio senz'altro recuperare il fumetto se solo ci fosse un pò di sicurezza per le uscite (in questo caso il problema è direttamente in patria però)

Ultima modifica da un moderatore:


Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013
Archie Comics in collaborazione con Dark Horse annuncia Archie vs. Predator II 
miniserie crossover in cinque numeri

scritta da Alex de Campi e disegnata da Robert Hack (Le terrificanti Avventure di Sabrina), in uscita a Luglio 2019​


Alex Segura (Archie Comics co-president):

The first question people are going to be asking is, '' and, for my money, that's the best mind-set to have when you're talking crossovers, Alex de Campi wrote an iconic, legendary mashup — but, I have to tell you, her idea for the sequel goes above and beyond. The fact that we got superstar Robert Hack to bring it to life is sure to make the end result one of the most bonkers, visceral and off-the-wall events in comic book history. Strap in. This is gonna be fun as hell.


Alex de Campi:

As usual with my work, you’ll be able to read it as that if you want to, but it’s mostly going to be a lot of teenagers dying in increasingly creative and sudden ways, and also jokes. Entertaining the reader comes first. The other stuff, the formalist obstacle course I set myself, I do because it entertains me.

I think as anyone who read the first Archie vs. Predator knows, I'm a huge fan of both franchises, and it's massively important to me that both Archie and Predator fans feel like I'm handling their babies with love and respect and knowledge

My goal is always to deliver a great Archie comic -- with the humor, teen drama and romance we love from Riverdale's finest -- as well as a great Predator comic, with the scares and violence you want from the galaxy's most dangerous hunters.


Robert Hack:

There's so much to love about playing in this iconic universe, but key to me is the humor of it all," Hack added. "And, of course, a book like AVP2 definitely appeals to that subversive streak in me that wants to take the humor and the horror just that little bit too far



Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013
Il secondo volume edito da BD Edizioni delle Terrificanti Avventure di Sabrina sta arrivando

ah ma quindi attendevano che droppassero la seconda stagione :asd:



Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013
Ristampa del primo volume delle Terrificanti Avventure di Sabrina

con cover della serie su Netflix, 2° Volume in arrivo a Maggio

ma che du pile, poi il primo volume è semi introvabile ma la cover brandizzata Netflix non la voglio :mh:  (magari è solo una sovraccoperta?)

comunque la vedo nera per un terzo volume in tempi brevi, praticamente stiamo in un caso simil GoT con la gente che dovrebbe fare la serie a fumetti impegnata sullo show televisivo, con il primo che di conseguenza va in stallo, tra l'altro se il disegnatore adesso si è messo su Archie vs Predator questa è un altro chiaro indizio che la serie è ufficialmente in hiatus :solo:



Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013
finalmente sono riuscito a recuperare il primo volume delle Terrificanti Avventure di Sabrina :gab:
devo ammettere che non mi aspettavo fosse così diverso dalla serie Netflix :asd: , ma lo è davvero in tutti i buoni modi possibili, tra cui ci metto anche il non rischia di rovinare/spoilerare qualunque dei due si recuperi in un secondo momento
In particolare gli eventi nel fumetto (anche se confrontare solo 5 capitoli contro anche solo quella dozzina di episodi da quasi un ora sembra un pò ingiusto) appaiono molto più circoscritti alla sfera personale e sentimentale degli attori principali (devo dire così perchè Sabrina mi ha dato davvero poco l'impressione di essere la protagonista a momenti) a cominciare dai genitori su cui mentre la serie tv eclissa fornendoci solo l'immagine indiretta di una coppia idealizzata, qui sono attivamente nella storia ed una dissacrante versione degli archetipi degli archie comics

miseriacci è il trittico Archie, Betty e Veronica all over again, solo portato all'eccesso e follia
in generale a tirare le somme per questo semplice motivo mi sento di preferire la serie tv che si distacca ed eleva dal clichè, ma per quanto riguarda la storia è ancora tutto da vedere sopratutto per come dovranno far reagire Sabrina alla situazione (per me ha di fronte una montagna invalicabile :azz: ) per il momento posso dire di non essere rimasto soddisfatto della caratterizzazione dei personaggi, tra l'eccessivamente sadici/schizzati ed elementi del loro passato che non sembrano essere così significati

appunto al contrario della serie TV non si tace su molta della backstory di Sabrina e famiglia


ma che conseguenze da questa versione così creepy di lei? se adesso la ritroviamo così "docile" e nella norma (non ha nemmeno una presa di coscienza per il battesimo che sarebbe andato anche liscio)
pur ammettendo che sia stata un occasione sporadica, visivamente ha un certo impatto

tutto un discorso più degenerato invece riguardo al padre, non solo fa qualcosa di orribile alla moglie dopo averla sfruttata e senza un attimo di esitazione :S

capisco la scala di valori totalmente capovolti ma un minimo di transizione forse sarebbe stata meglio

Nascondi Contenuto
adesso ritorna pure resuscitato all'interno del corpo di Harvey e non sò cosa abbiano intenzione di fare perchè proprio cilffhanger alla fine del quinto capitolo ma lil solo pensiero è abbastanza nauseante

le zie poco e nulla con ben poche caratteristiche che di certo non includono la benevolenza, mi chiedo davvero se siano delle alleate e di qualche utilità

praticamente a farla da padrone è Madam Satan simile ma completamente diverso da quella vista nella serie TV

sinceramente mi manca tutto l'angolo Lilith/Eva/infatuamento con il SIgnore oscuro :asd:  (senza tirare in ballo che portava la narrativa molto più in grande che è sempre un arma a doppio taglio che non è automatico di meglio), dove qui è solo desiderosa di vendicarsi (rispondendo appunto alla chiamata del triangolo geloso alla Archie), ed onestamente non capisco perchè non si sia pappata Sabrina in due secondi, cos'è si lecca i baffi? ed è un grosso problema, vedo praticamente Sabrina assediata da tutti i lati e senza una minima possibilità
invece proprio caduta libera

l'inclusione di Betty e Veronica, il cui ruolo si può dire venga migliorato e ripreso dalle sorelle sinistre nella serie, davvero scadente oltre che assolutamente contradditorio dal momento che tentano di assoldare compagni di classe per diventare streghe ... WTF se è stato stabilito tutta questa importanza a discendenza e legami di sangue che diavolo è sta fandonia, danno davvero l'impressione di essere stati incollati all'ultimo senza curarsene ... e tutto sommato nemmeno mi darebbe troppo fastidio se non fosse che sono loro a resuscitare Madam Satan, così tanto per che è il motore di tutta la storia, mi sembra un pò troppo for the LOLz andando un pò a minare il tono oscuro ed estremo 
molto carino vedere reiterate delle scene dal fumetto alla serie TV in un contesto diverso

mi viene da dire la scena dell' interrogatorio (un altro di quei momenti in cui il fumetto divaga nel puro sadismo e ti ci vuole pure far fare una risata ... e me la faccio :asd:  ... sono una persona peggiore di quanto credessi :monkaS: ) che ha il suo doppio nella serie tv con l'imbroglio alla prima prova dell'esame

altre immagini che sembrano proprio riprese pari pari


ovviamente dalla fine della prima stagione

il punto di forza rimangono come dovrebbe essere in ogni fumetto sono i disegni in acquerello e lo stile visivo davvero originale, anche se non sono sicurissimo sull'espressività dei personaggi, quello che mi è rimasto più impresso dopo la lettura è stato ... "cavolo perchè non leggo più da così tanto tempo Dylan Dog?" :rickds:  comunque alla fine sembra che ho scritto più critiche che elogi ma me la sono goduta parecchio, è che è dura da appena fuori dalla fantastica serie tv in cui anche i race bender hanno senso :asd:



Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013
Annunciato l'arco narrativo "Archie and Sabrina" per il rilancio 2019 (#700) 
il team-up presenterà per la prima volta i due personaggi come coppia romantica
continua la scrittura da Nick Spencer con illustrazioni da Sandy Jarrell, in arrivo dal #705 a Maggio 


Alex Segura(Archie Comics Co-President):

The biggest revelation from Nick’s first arc was that Archie and Sabrina were a couple — which got everyone talking and set up a new, wholly original status quo, but how’d we get there? What are the repercussions? We’ll see that as Sandy and Nick roll out their second arc, and it made sense to have the title reflect that — showcasing two of the company’s biggest characters in one, must-read title.

Annunciata "Season of the Witch" Tie-in prequel Novel della serie su Netflix in collaborazione con Scolastic 
incentrata sugli eventi dei sei mesi precedenti all'inizio serie
dalla penna di Sarah Rees Brennan (Demon's Lexicon trilogy) in arrivo a Luglio e primo di tre libri ed altro merchandise 


Debra Dorfman (Scholastic VP/Publisher of Licensed Publishing):

We are publishing the successful Riverdale [books based on The CW] show from Archie Comics, so when we heard that the same showrunners and producers were creating Sabrina, we jumped on it right away,we just loved everything they're doing with the show. We love the whole girl power angle and so we're just very excited and this is the perfect genre for us.

[The readers are] definitely gonna get a lot of extra story development, a lot of behind-the-scenes, a lot of insights, it's like lore that they would not get from just watching the TV show. When you make a TV show, there's only so much you can do, you have a limited [amount] of time. With the book, we could take a deep dive into the character and just expand the storyline.

We are going to have at least, we hope, three novels, they'll be different formats, we're doing handbooks and guidebooks and character studies and fun potions and we'll see, we're just exploring that right now.

Preview e dettagli per la nuova mini-serie di Sabrina (non terrificanti avventure) 
ispirata alla Sitcom degli anni 90 e scritta da Kelly Thompson e disegni di Veronica ed Andy Fish 


Kelly Thompson (Scrittrice):

Sabrina is one of the most fascinating and story-rich properties at Archie, so I feel incredibly lucky to get the opportunity to build in that world, and with [Archie Comics co-president] Alex Segura, someone I’ve been hoping to work with for a long time now, 
Because Chilling Adventures of Sabrina already exists and is brilliant, readers should expect something a little different in our book, a modern interpretation of the classic. One of my favorite things to do is come in and modernize a wonderful classic, and I hope with this incredible team on board we can do something really special with Sabrina.

Veronica Fish (Disegnatrice):

I actually grew up in the Greendale area of Massachusetts and had a moody black cat named Sam, but I couldn’t, and still can’t, do magic.

Preview: #1 & #2






Schizzi personaggi:



Annunciato il ritorno di "Jughead's Time Police" con una mini-serie in cinque numeri 
comparso originariamente nel 1990
scritto da Sina Grace ed illustrazioni da Derek Charm, a partire da Giugno 


Alex Segura (Archie Comics Co-President):

Jughead's Time Police is a beloved concept that was screaming to be modernized, so once we read Sina's pitch, we were in business, he honors what came before but gives the idea a much-needed jolt. I can't think of a better artist to bring it to life than Derek, who had a stellar un on the main Jughead title -- which kind of feels like a warmup for this!

Sina Grace (Scrittrice):

Jughead messes up the time-space continuum, so don't be surprised if you see different versions of your favorite characters pop up

Derek Charm (Disegnatore):

Time travel elements are just the beginning.

Schizzi personaggi:


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Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013
comunque questo mese è uscito il primo libro tie-in di Riverdale dalla Mondadori

spero che arrivino anche i successivi e sopratutto quelli di Sabrina :unsisi:  (siccome non guardo Riverdale)

Ultima modifica da un moderatore:


Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013
Intervista al Co-presidente di Archie Comics Alex Segura riguardo al rilancio 2019


You’ve been editing for years now, but you recently took over editing Archie with the new numbering as Nick Spencer took over writing. What was behind decision to relaunch the book in this way? 

Alex Segura (Editor & Co-President):

he idea was that Mark [Waid] had had such an epic, iconic run that reintroduced Archie and his friends for a more modern audience – and it worked so well. 32 issues is a pretty amazing run these days. We knew we wanted to stay in that framework that Mark had laid out. We didn’t want to deviate too much from it, but we wanted a different flavor and to have an element of noir and darkness while still retaining the general humor and characterization and friendship that had really made the book a success.

I knew Nick Spencer based on his own work and I knew he was an Archie fan. To me, the perfect person to write Archie is someone who has a background with Archie but is also talented. We obviously want someone who’s talented, but familiarity with the characters is really important. It feels stronger and purer, I guess, if there’s a sense of character. You can put Archie in different situations – you can have the Predator chase him, you can have him meeting KISS, you can have him interacting with Batman, but if Archie isn’t Archie, it feels forced. It feels like a gag. Mark did such a great job boiling it down. That first scene where Archie is opening his locker and saying, this is my life, that feels like Archie. I needed someone that was familiar with the characters but was also going to come to the table and change things up in a way that didn’t feel like a seismic change but would feel a little different. That would evoke the [Riverdale] show but didn’t feel like an episode of the show.

It feels like Nick’s run so far is taking cues from the TV show but also operating and moving in different directions. 

Alex Segura (Editor & Co-President):

That was intentional. If it feels too much like the show, it’s the Riverdale comic or it should just be an episode of the show. I think that’s something comics has trouble with. I’m not saying we’re doing it perfectly right, but sometimes you’ll see the source material start to veer towards different iterations to pull in that audience. Just because there’s a TV show based on this superhero with a supporting character that isn’t in the comics, doesn’t mean you have to introduce that character in the comics. We wanted to evoke the show and the things that make the show work — the mystery, the drama — but also retain what kept the comic popular and what kept people reading it. I think it would have been very easy to say, this is a new #1 and this is a new jumping on point but I felt we could do that with #700. That was something we debated internally a lot and our CEO Jon Goldwater said, “let’s embrace history.” It tells fans that this is important and that everything that came before matters.

One way it helps to differentiate is Marguerite Sauvage’s art and coloring, which really help establish a different tone from the show and help to make the comic its own thing. 

Alex Segura (Editor & Co-President):

Marguerite has done a fantastic job for us on the covers for so long. I really wanted to work with her on interiors for some time and it just seemed to sync up perfectly. She brings this beautiful line art and design sense and style. It’s very Archie. When she draws Betty and Veronica, you feel, that’s them. It evokes the relaunch in some ways. We had Mark come in and we knew the story would be great but in some ways it was Fiona’s visual look that recalibrated the whole thing. His story was pitch perfect and it worked really well, but you needed that modern look. You needed Fiona to come in and re-imagine the visuals. If it had been drawn in a more classic way it would have felt like a different story.

I think Marguerite had the same effect on Nick’s story. It made it feel different and special. I regret that she couldn’t be on the book for longer. We were really lucky to have Sandy Jarrell who we’d had in the queue as the next artist and he’s really evoking her art in some ways but it’s also him. He’s not trying to draw like somebody else. He’s doing a great job. I think it’s his best work.

And Marguerite stands out after Audrey’s great run on the book as artist. There’s been this conversation about Archie having a “house style” despite having some very different artists. 

Alex Segura (Editor & Co-President):

If you have any knowledge of the art — even “classic Archie,” which is such a broad term — Samm Schwartz’s art doesn’t look a lot like Dan DeCarlo’s art doesn’t look a lot like Harry Lucey’s art. They’re all working on an algorithm, but even Bob Montana, who started drawing the characters a certain way at a certain point, started drawing them like DeCarlo drew them. [“Classic Archie” is] a very broad term. Audrey did a fantastic job. She was such a find. Archie has often been stumbling across these artists like Audrey, who started on Josie and just knocked it out of the park before working on Archie, or Veronica Fish, who’s drawing Sabrina. Marguerite has done work for pretty much everyone so I can’t lay any claim to discovering her, but she’s fantastic.

When you were taking over editing the book and talking to Nick, was the plan from the outset to tell a serialized story? Because this isn’t something that Archie had done in this way before the relaunch. 

Alex Segura (Editor & Co-President):

Right. A big difference between Archie and mainstream comics for decades was that Archie was much more of a sitcom approach as opposed to the dramatic saga going back decades. With the Mark and Fiona run, that changed, and it changed the line. Stuff like Afterlife with Archie had an ongoing narrative. We’ll continue with that and Nick has a great handle on the characters and we have a few surprises up our sleeves, too, which will be fun.

Nick’s second arc on the book is going to be retitled Archie and Sabrina because the big plot reveal from the first few issues is that Archie has been in this secret relationship with Sabrina Spellman and so it made sense to re-title the book for that arc. That lets people know, this is going to be the focus of this story. That will give readers a chance to know when to hop in and what the theme will be for the next arc.

Having read your novels, you seem very concerned with structure and plotting. There are lots of crime novels and comics that do both poorly, but we love them anyway. But I feel like this carries over into your editing, and is important at Archie now. 

Alex Segura (Editor & Co-President):

I hate think about it in financial terms, but it is about the value of your dollar. When you bought a digest 15 years ago — or when I bought them as a kid — I was getting a lot of stories for very little of my parents’ money. I put down a couple bucks and got 200 pages of comics. The quality and the quantity was there. Today, people are paying 4-5 bucks for a comic book and it’s 20 pages and it has to be significant. The challenge is that we’ve decompressed the storytelling so much.

As an industry, there was that moment when people realized, I can just write to the trade and I think that novelty or that cushion has worn off. The window for success is much shorter. You have to grab people right away because you need to survive in one market before you can get to the next one, if that makes sense. I feel like each issue needs to be impactful. I think about that in terms of the novels, too. People are paying $25 for a hardcover or $10 bucks for an ebook and you have to entertain — unless the goal is something else, but for me, it’s about entertainment. I want people to be surprised by the ending. I want people to feel like the characters have evolved enough to merit their engagement. It doesn’t have to be fan service; you don’t have to just give them what they want. The saying is that you give them what they need or what they don’t know that they want. You have to entertain them. You have to get a reaction.

Editorially, that’s a challenge. I teach this class on Litreactor about comic book pitching, where I help students form their ideas into a pitch. Some have become comics, which is gratifying in many ways. One of the big things that I always tell them is that you have to know how to pace the story. You can’t just say, this happens and then that happens. You have to show the editor that you can break it down by issue, and have a beginning and middle and end and spread out your twists. You can’t just info-dump the story. I think that plays into any form of entertainment. You have to plan it. A lot of that can come on the front end or it can come in revision, but it’s going to come one way or the other. Or it’s just not going to work. I think it’s much harder with novels because you want to keep yourself entertained. I think readers get that. They can tell when a surprise is planned or if it’s something you just threw in there because you don’t know what you’re doing or you’re desperate to get a reaction. Which is not what you want.

In each novel you’ve written, and in comics you’ve written as well, the story has an arc but so do the characters. 

Alex Segura (Editor & Co-President):

With the novels people ask, how do you map your stories out? I think, what’s the story I want to write, independent of character? What do I want to write about thematically? What are the things I’m obsessing over? What do I want the character to do? Where do I want Pete be at the beginning and where do I want him to be at the end?

For something like The Archies, Matt Rosenberg and I really wanted to tell the story of a band. No frills. This is what happens when you go on tour; these are the issues you face. We knew that the book wasn’t going to run forever, we just didn’t know where it was going to end, so we always had the last issue in our back pocket. Once we knew the book was ending, we started planting the seeds for the final one. We knew that the band would break up and that the story was really about friendship. We had that character arc and how it weaves into the mechanics of the story. That sounds mundane, but it’s about the character and how it weaves into the plot. For me, it’s character first.

Writing Archie books, you’re dealing with characters who don’t change much so you have to find this emotional arc. 

Alex Segura (Editor & Co-President):

The illusion of change, which was discussed a lot in the Bronze Age of comics. I’ve been rereading a lot of old Batman comics. I don’t know why; it’s just comfort. You have these long, epic runs by Len Wein, Gerry Conway, Doug Moench. They’re all writing the character for 20-30-odd issues and a lot “changes” but then it smoothly comes back into place. I think that’s what we have to do, especially with [intellectual property] that’s been around longer than we’ve been alive and probably will be around much longer after we’re gone. You have to write moments of change and drama and suspense, but also be able to able to recalibrate it down the line without being too dramatic about it.

With The Archies book, there’s change and drama and suspense, but by the end, they’re back to where they were before. You could choose to ignore the story completely — and not to minimize the work we all put in — but it doesn’t the change the characters. Because you can’t. It’s not our place. We have to be caretakers of these characters and that’s how I see it when we’re working, especially on the mainline books. With a lot of the alternative takes like Afterlife or Jughead the Hunger, we have a lot more wiggle room. You can kill a character or you can alter the relationship dynamics, and that’s where the fun is, seeing the twists on the preconceived ideas of these characters. So you can have your cake and eat it, too.

Annunciata la miniserie in 5 numeri JUGHEAD:THE HUNGER VS VAMPIRONICA 
primo cross-over della linea Archie Horror
scritta da Frank Tieri ed illustrazioni da Pat e Tim Kennedy, Matt Herms e Jack Morelli 


Frank Tieri (Scrittore):

There are no vampires in Jughead: The Hunger. Vampironica, on the other hand, has no werewolves, now, why is that? What happened in their respective worlds to cause an entire race to be wiped out? Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica answers that question as well as what happens when these elements are reintroduced once again. When werewolf Jughead meets vampire Veronica. Simple answer really ... all Hell's gonna break loose!

Alex Segura (Co-President):

They’re icons. People know them. There’s a strong familiarity and connection there, so the characters have stakes attached right out of the box. With a lot of horror stories, you start at zero - you need to not only meet the characters, but come to care for them. We have an advantage because that’s built-in, so you’re left to experience the WTF aspect of it. So, if done well - and we’ve been lucky enough to have a good run of titles - it feeds the fan side and also creates a compelling horror story.

About Afterlife with Archie and Sabrina, not to be glib, but Roberto is extremely busy running two shows and a series pilot, so the bulk of his time is spent crafting that, and it’s a very important moment for the company in terms of entertainment. But I know Afterlife and Sabrina are both dear to him, and I know Francesco and Robert Hack are eager to conclude the stories they started, so it’s a matter of the stars lining up in a way that they can come together again.

That said, Archie Horror is moving forward and continues to be a vibrant and unpredictable imprint, one that we’re constantly looking to build on and expand - as you can see with Jughead: The Hunger, Vampironica, Blossoms 666, and more.

So, while I’d love to say those stories are going to be completed soon, I can’t right now. But, believe me, we will scream it from the rooftops once issues are ready to be solicited and we can let our fans know. We realize and appreciate how much they love those takes on our characters.

About Jughead: The Hunger, Frank Tieri, Joe Eisma, and the Kennedy Bros have crafted a memorable finale to the first “season,” so I don’t want to spoil anything. But issue #13 serves as a prelude to our big summer event, Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica, which brings the two characters together for the first time. And, I can say, if you’re a fan of the imprint and the tone, you should check it out - it’s loaded with surprises and is not what you expect.

Preview: #1 & #2






con le celebri illustrazioni e retroscena dell'artista Italiano nel mondo di Archie



Archie’s new hardcover art book is a beautiful-designed celebration of Francesco Francavilla’s time at Archie. This art book is a gorgeously designed hardcover edition featuring the complete collection of his comic book covers and more. This title goes behind-the-scenes on Francavila’s work and its place in Archie’s history, with an insider’s look at the creation and ongoing legacy with the company

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Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013
Annunciato lo Spin-Off di Riverdale "Katy Keene" sull'omonimo personaggio 
prodotto da Berlanti Productions e Warner Bros TV per l'emittente CW
la serie verrà scritta da Roberto Aguirre–Sacasa e Michael Grassi e diretta da Maggie Kiley nei ruoli anche di produttori esecutivi 



In una New York City senza tempo, incantevole quanto Riverdale è cupa, l’aspirante stilista Katy Keene incontra Josie McCoy appena scesa dall’autobus per inseguire i suoi sogni musicali. Il loro mondo è popolato da spiriti affini, aspiranti artisti che come loro patiscono la fame, e includono la misteriosa aristocratica Pepper Smith, l’artista di Broadway Jorge Lopez, e il suo alter ego la drag queen Ginger. La loro scalata al successo è piena di ostacoli, ma questa famiglia per scelta non si fermerà di fronte a niente prima di vedere i loro nomi sui cartelloni illuminati.


Katy Keene è un personaggio degli Archie Comics comparso per la prima volta nel 1945. Soprannominata "La Regina d’America delle Pin Up e della moda", Katy è stata modella, attrice e cantante destreggiandosi tra carriera e vita privata. Il personaggio è caduto in disuso agli inizi degli anni 60, con un breve rilancio negli 80, negli anni recenti ha ricevuto solo sporadiche apparizioni tra cui quella in "Archie Meets the Punisher" del 1994


Katy Keene: Lucy Hale
Josie McCoy: Ashleigh Murray
Pepper Smith: Julie Chan
Ginger: Jonny Beauchamp

Jon Goldwater (Archie Comics CEO/Publisher):

We can never take anything for granted, the struggle to get here was pretty monumental to be honest with you, and I feel as hungry today as I did ten years ago, if not more so....If anything, we have to work a lot harder more that we’ve been here because there’s a lot more at stake, there’s a lot more eyeballs on us.

It is a watershed moment for the company, We are called Archie Comics, so most people don't realize the breadth and depth of our IP. We literally have hundreds of brands, thousands of characters, obviously some way more well-known than others. Comic book people know Katy but the world at large don't know Katy. And for us to be able to start to mine the depth of our library is a transformative moment for Archie Comics. It's such an exciting moment in time for the company and it's as exciting as when Riverdale first came along. It is that kind of seminal moment.





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Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013
Preview per il numero finale della miniserie Sabrina The Teenage Witch (2019)

scritta da Kelly Thompson con illustrazioni di Veronica ed Andy Fish in uscita a Settembre


Covers #5

Cover A by Veronica Fish 

Cover B by Gary Erskine 

Cover C by Victor Ibanez 
Preview #5






Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013
Annunciata la miniserie in cinque numeri "Sabrina: Something Wicked"
seguito di "Sabrina The Teenage Witch (2019)" per il 2020

riconfermato il team con alla scrittura Kelly Thompson ed illustrazioni di Veronica ed Andy Fish



Hot on the heels of the final issue of SABRINA THE TEENAGE WITCH hitting stores next Wednesday, writer Kelly Thompson and artists Veronica & Andy Fish have reunited for the next chapter in their spellbinding reboot of the classic Archie Comics character! SABRINA: SOMETHING WICKED, a new five-issue mini-series launching in spring 2020, follows the magical monster mayhem of the first series, with Sabrina’s powers on the rise and the forces of darkness not quite as at-bay as she and her fellow witches would like.

Kelly Thompson (scrittrice):

I knew we had a tough task ahead because the CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA comic is — rightly so — beloved! And we were coming in and doing something very different — but people really seemed to embrace it and fall in love. It’s been fantastic. The second volume spins directly out of the first, and a lot of the things that we began setting up there will get explored in this second volume. The tone and approach will be similar but it will be a little darker and more dangerous, the stakes even higher

Veronica Fish (disegnatrice):

We can’t wait to read what Kelly has coming, she always writes so much fun visual material as well as leaving space for us to add in our own little flourishes

Andy Fish (disegnatore):

I love what Kelly did with the first one and I’m looking forward to where she takes us. Kelly has a terrific reputation for making these characters feel real and she knocked it out of the park. Bring on more!

Alex Segura (Archie Co-President & Editor):

It’s not hype to say SABRINA THE TEENAGE WITCH by Kelly, Veronica, Andy, and Jack was a critical and sales success.
They perfectly threaded the needle — telling a tale with heart, magic, humor, action, and a dash of danger and action. It felt natural and true, and the reader response was overwhelmingly positive. I’d be a terrible editor if I didn’t ask for more!
benissimo :gab:  mi pareva strano con tutta la carne al fuoco rushiare una conclusione

Il Produttore Esecutivo della Serie TV di Riverdale teasera un episodio a tema Halloween

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Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013
Annunciata la miniserie in cinque numeri "Vampironica: New Blood"
ambientata dopo "Jughead: The Hunger VS Vampironica"

scritta da Frank Tieri e Michael Moreci con illustrazioni di Audrey Mok in debutto a Dicembre



Vampironica — the fanged alter-ego of Riverdale’s iconic “it girl” Veronica Lodge — will return in December’s VAMPIRONICA: NEW BLOOD, a five-issue run written by bestsellers Frank Tieri (JUGHEAD: THE HUNGER) and Michael Moreci (Roche Limit, Burning Fields) with art by Archie Comics veteran Audrey Mok (ARCHIE, JOSIE & THE PUSSYCATS), colorist Matt Herms and letterer Jack Morelli will complete the creative team.

In 2018’s VAMPIRONICA series, Veronica was turned into a creature of the night by an invading horde of fanged monsters, and the vampire slaying anti-hero has been put through her paces in the multiversal crossover JUGHEAD: THE HUNGER VS. VAMPIRONICA which concludes on October 9. NEW BLOOD spins out of the shocking events of that issue, with Ronnie back in her own world trying to deal with the ramifications as new monstrous threats rear their (very) ugly heads.

Frank Tieri (scrittore):

JUGHEAD THE HUNGER VS. VAMPIRONICA #5 really changes everything, how does she deal with this shocking revelation now that she’s back in her own reality? And what other Lodge family secrets has she been kept from? It all comes to a head in our first arc as what she uncovers may lead to nothing short of an all-out full-fledged vampire war. So yeah, I guess everyone can see we have some big plans for this book . . . plans that’ll change Vampironica’s world forever

Michael Moreci (scrittore):

Our approach to continuing Veronica’s vampire tale is to really ground both her character and the story itself. Essentially, this is a coming-of-age story we’re telling, with some cool twists and turns and a whole bunch of bloody horror for readers to — pun fully intended — sink their teeth into

Audrey Mok (disegnatore):

I feel lucky and honoured to be working with Archie Comics again! Working on a horror title is unlike my previous work for Archie; it is an opportunity to bring a different tone and approach on the art. I am also very excited to be working with Frank and Michael, with their incredible writing. I cannot wait to know where they take us as we follow Vampironica’s journey to discover more about herself and explore the vampire world


Cover A by Audrey Mok

Cover B by Laura Braga

Cover C by Rebekah Isaacs

Cover D by Greg Smallwood

Cover E by Wilfredo Torres
benissimo :nev:  la prima serie di Vampironica mi è piaciuta molto anche se non mi aspettavo una Veronica così stranamente premurosa una caratterizzazione inaspettata da combinare con l'elemento vampiresco senza giocare nemmeno sulla sensualità, tant'è che il rapporto con Dillon mi era sembrato di onesta e sincera amicizia, un pò un peccato gli ultimi numeri con il cambio di disegnatore avevo apprezzato lo stile quasi a disegno con carboncino dei primi numeri :sisi:

no aspe lo scrittore è lo stesso di The Hunger ... :nooo:
:sad2: :sad2: no ma perchè quella serie è


Preview per "Jughead: The Hunger VS Vampironica"
scritta da Frank Tieri con illustrazioni da Pat e Tim Kennedy, Matt Herms, Jack Morelli, Joe Eisma, Bob Smith, Lee Loughridge
ultimo numero questo mese


Covers #3 #4 #5

Cover A by Pat & Tim Kennedy

Cover B by Dan Panosian

Cover C by Cat Staggs

Cover A by Pat & Tim Kennedy

Cover B by Dan Panosian

Cover C by Matthew Taylor

Cover A by Pat & Tim Kennedy

Cover B by David Mack

Cover C by Dan Panosian
Preview #3 #4 #5












Trailer per la 4° Stagione di Riverdale (in debutto l'8 Ottobre su CW)



Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013


Le Terrificanti Avventure di Sabrina – Un amore di strega
di Sarah Rees Brennan

Avevamo visto la ragazza ai margini del bosco nei primi giorni di settembre. La sua auto sportiva rossa era parcheggiata sotto gli alberi, lei era seduta sul cofano e portava un cappotto verde. Sembrava uscita dalla pubblicità di una macchina e avrebbe potuto convincere qualsiasi ragazzo a comprarla.
Nemmeno io sono tanto male. Zia Hilda dice che sono carina come un cucciolo di pipistrello, e lei è davvero convinta che i pipistrelli siano carini. Mi sarei congratulata mentalmente con la sconosciuta per essere stata dipinta da Madre Natura in persona e sarei andata via senza degnarla di un altro sguardo, se il mio ragazzo non fosse rimasto imbambolato a fissarla.
Harvey mi stava riaccompagnando a casa da scuola. Eravamo andati a passo spedito prima di notare la ragazza, perchè si stava alzando il vento. D'un tratto, una raffica ci avvolse come una frusta invisibile. Guardai le prime foglie cadere dagli alberi in un improvviso e gioioso turbinio di verde. Brillando nell'aria come una pioggia di smeraldi, e provai una stretta al cuore. L'estate stava per volgere al termine.
Una spessa coltre di nuvole grigie era calata sulle cime degli alberi. Il sole aveva abbandonato Greendale, relegandola nell'ombra. La notte stava arrivando prima del solito.


Editore: DeA Planeta

Pagine: 272

Collana: ---

Genere: Fantasy

Artista Cover: ---

Prezzo: 16€


preso molto di sorpresa da questa uscita ma vedo che almeno qualcuno si da da fare al contrario di BD :sad2:



Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013
Preview per Archie Forever "Archie and Sabrina"
scritto da Nick Spencer con illustrazioni da Jenn St-Onge / Sandy Jarrell


e annunciato il prossimo arco narrativo "Archie and Katy Keene" dal #710 a Gennaio
reintroducendo il personaggio nella serie a fumetti dopo 15 anni
con alla scrittura Mariko Tamaki e Kevin Panetta ed illustrazioni di Laura Braga


Archie and SabrinaCovers #707 & #708 (Archie and Sabrina #3 & #4)

Cover A by Jenn St-Onge

Cover B by Francesco Francavilla

Cover C by Sandy Jarrell

Cover A by Derek Charm

Cover B by Eva Cabrera

Cover C by Ramon K. Perez
Preview #707 & #708 (Archie and Sabrina #3 & #4)









Archie and Katy Keene

Mariko Tamaki (scrittrice):

Katy Keene is an incredibly talented, smart, fashionable, and cool character, we’re adding a few modern twists, of course. There is very little more fun than writing Archie comics!

Kevin Panetta (scrittore):

I can’t even express how totally excited I am to be writing an Archie comic and working with Mariko Tamaki,
I’m a lifelong Archie fan and getting a chance to incorporate a classic character like Katy Keene into the modern Archie universe has been a great experience. I think readers will really enjoy reading our arc about the multi-talented Katy and her big introduction to life in Riverdale. Katy really holds her own with the big Archie characters and she already feels like one of the gang. I can’t wait for the world to meet Katy Keene!

Covers #1

Cover A by Laura Braga

Cover B by Francesco Francavilla

Cover C by Emanuela Lupacchino

Cover D by Paul Renaud

Cover E by Billy Tucci
Schizzi personaggi




uahh vai Archie fattele tutte :wow:
no vabbè :asd:  visto il lato romantico con cui si son giocati la storia con Sabrina, dubito che si ripeteranno con qualcosa di passionale o sdolcinato con Katy, sarebbe da vedere come si liberano di Brina però mi aspetto una robba del tipo "non possiamo stare insieme veniamo da due mondi troppo diversi *sob sob sob*" una separazione di comune accordo insomma ... anche perchè se Archie gli mette le corna lo fa secco o ... peggio :monkaS:
se la giocheranno in modo molto leggero per far conoscere il personaggio in vista della serie :sisi:

Trailer Esteso per il nuovo Spin-off di Riverdale "Katy Keene" in arrivo su CW

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Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2013


Riverdale - Fuga dalla Città
di Micol Ostow

Per decenni Riverdale aveva brillato del fascino genuino delle piccole città. Nessuno si era preso la briga di smontare la facciata, neanche coloro che ne conoscevano fin troppo bene i segreti e il nucleo oscuro e marcescente. Jason Blossom. Black Hood. E adesso Archie Andrews, ex ragazzo d'oro della cittadina, sul punto di perdere tutto per aver commesso il semplice errore di fare arrabbiare l'uomo sbagliato. Sono settimane difficili per Archie. È sotto processo per omicidio e le prove non sembrano lasciargli scampo. Betty, Veronica e Jughead però sanno bene che in realtà è stato incastrato da Hiram Lodge. Nel tentativo di dimostrare la sua innocenza, i tre decidono perciò di mettere in atto un piano disperato: tornare a Shadow Lake, sulla scena del crimine. Qui, però, dietro ogni angolo si nasconde una minaccia che può mettere a rischio la loro vita. Riusciranno i ragazzi a trovare le prove che scagionano Archie? Ma, soprattutto, riusciranno a fare ritorno a Riverdale sani e salvi?


Editore: Mondadori

Pagine: 216

Collana: Chrysalide

Genere: Teen Drama

Artista Cover: ---

Prezzo: 17€
