The Legend of Zelda (Zeruda no densetsu, "La leggenda di Zelda") è il primo episodio dell'omonima serie videoludica, ideato e diretto da Shigeru Miyamoto e realizzato da Nintendo. Il primo gioco è ambientato in una primitiva incarnazione del regno di Hyrule e segue le avventure del giovane Link, che deve salvare la Principessa Zelda (il nome è ispirato a quello della scrittrice Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald) dalle grinfie del malvagio Ganon recuperando gli otto frammenti di un oggetto noto come la Triforza. Fu ispirato dalle avventure immaginarie di Miyamoto nei boschi dietro casa sua quando era bambino. Fu pubblicato per la console giapponese Famicom nel 1986 e in occidente per il NES nel 1987. Una versione modificata nota come BS Zelda fu pubblicata per il Satellaview, un'espansione del Super Famicom basata sul satellite, all'inizio degli anni 1990 in Giappone. La musica fu composta da Koji Kondo.

La trama di The Legend of Zelda è sommariamente la stessa in quasi tutti i giochi. Il nemico principale, (la maggior parte delle volte un malvagio mago chiamato Ganon), deciso a impossessarsi del mistico oggetto chiamato Triforza, semina il terrore per le lande di Hyrule invadendole con le sue orde di creature e mostri e prendendo in ostaggio la Principessa Zelda, erede al trono di Hyrule. A frapporsi alle malefatte di Ganon interviene sempre Link, l'eroe eletto dalle dee. Alcuni giochi della serie principale, però, non possono essere rappresentati da questa trama: in diversi manca Ganon, come in Majora's Mask o Phantom Hourglass, in quanto già sconfitto nei predecessori dei suddetti giochi (rispettivamente Ocarina of Time e The Wind Waker), mentre altri, come lo stesso Majora's, non sono ambientati ad Hyrule.

Per anni i Fan si sono scervellati nel creare una Timeline che comprendesse tutti gli episodi,anche invogliati dalle indicazioni di Miyamoto e soci. I problemi non erano pochi,specialmente se consideriamo che i primi episodi non tenevano conto di tutto ciò,in quanto Nintendo non pensava che il gioco avrebbe creato la saga che oggi conosciamo bene. Nel 2011,in occasione del 25° Anniversario della saga,Nintendo realizza la Collection "Hyrule Historia",che oltre a bozzetti vari,conteneva la fantomatica Timeline,per la gioia di tutti i fan (o quasi).
Skyward Sword | Minish Cap | Four Swords | Ocarina of Time (Qui si divide in 3) A: L'eroe del Tempo perde/fallisce B: L'eroe del Tempo vince,viene rispedito nel passato e la storia segue le sue vicende
? L'eroe del Tempo vince,viene rispedito nel passato e la storia segue le vicende della Hyrule del futuro
Sezione A : A Link To The Past | Oracle Of Ages/Seasons | Link's Awakening | A Link Between Worlds | Triforce Heroes | The Legend Of Zelda | Zelda II : The Adventure Of Link
Sezione B : Majora’s Mask | Twilight Princess | Four Swords Adventures
Sezione C : Wind Waker | Phantom Hourglass | Spirit Tracks
? L'eroe del Tempo vince,viene rispedito nel passato e la storia segue le vicende della Hyrule del futuro
Sezione A : A Link To The Past | Oracle Of Ages/Seasons | Link's Awakening | A Link Between Worlds | Triforce Heroes | The Legend Of Zelda | Zelda II : The Adventure Of Link
Sezione B : Majora’s Mask | Twilight Princess | Four Swords Adventures
Sezione C : Wind Waker | Phantom Hourglass | Spirit Tracks
Di seguito trovate i punti salienti della Timeline ricostruita nella Hyrule Historia e raccolta anche nella Wiki di Zelda (http://zeldawiki.org/Zelda_Timeline) Nel sito troverete anche i dettagli riguardanti ogni capitolo
The chronology section of Hyrule Historia consists of a collection of tales passed down by the people of Hyrule. There are many obscure parts in the account presented that will become perhaps more clear at a later point. Considering also that the account may contain inaccuracies, the editors of the book invite the readers to give their own interpretation regarding the actual events Creation of the World Hyrule was formed many ages ago through the works of the three Golden Goddesses: Din the Goddess of Power, Nayru the Goddess of Wisdom, and Farore the Goddess of Courage. Before spirits and life existed, these three goddesses descended upon the chaos that was Hyrule. Din, with her strong flaming arms, cultivated the land, created the red earth, and was thus responsible for the creation of the geography of Hyrule. Nayru poured her wisdom onto the earth and gave the spirit of law to the world, bringing order to a formerly chaotic realm.Farore, with her rich soul, created all life forms that would uphold the law established by Nayru.
The Era of the Goddess Hylia When the labors of the three great goddesses were completed, they departed the world for the heavens. The three goddesses left behind a symbol of their power, the all-powerful relic known as the Triforce, which when mastered in its entirety would grant the heart's desire of its holder. They trusted the ultimate power in the hands of Her Grace, the Goddess Hylia, to protect it. The Demon King Demise, wanting to make the world his own, gathered an army of monsters and together launched an attack against the people of the surface, murdering them and causing misfortunes in an attempt to get their hands on the power guarded by Hylia. Hylia gathered the surviving humans on a piece of land and sent it to the heavens, beyond the clouds and out of reach from the evil plaguing the land. In order to keep it from falling into the hands of Demise, Hylia also sent the Triforce to The Sky and hid the portals to three pieces of the Triforce within Sky Keep, and enshrined the Goddess Sword inside the Statue of the Goddess, to be found by a chosen hero when the time was right. Now that the humans were safe, the goddess and the five tribes who lived on the surface joined forces and sealed away Demise, restoring peace to the land, although the goddess had suffered "grave injuries".
The Sky Era Skyloft remained in the sky above the clouds for generations, with knowledge of the Surface and the origins of Skyloft becoming mere legend. Despite their dwindling knowledge of their origins, the people of Skyloft still knew of the Goddess Hylia and believed she watched over them to that day, unaware that she was living among them in a mortal form. On the day of the 25th anniversary of Skyloft's Knight Academy, Zelda is taken to the surface by Demon Lord Ghirahim in an attempt to revive Demise. That night, Link is awakened by the voice of a mysterious spirit, who reveals itself as the sword spirit of the Goddess Sword, created by the goddess Hylia for the purpose of assisting Hylia's chosen hero in fulfilling his destiny. Guided by Fi, Link travels to the Surface in search of Zelda, who herself is guided by Impa to purify her body at the goddess statues to reawaken as the incarnation of the Goddess Hylia. As Zelda and Impa escape from Ghirahim to the past, Link quests to purify the Goddess Sword and power it to become the Master Sword. After traveling to the past, Zelda reveals her true identity to him, and as such must remain in a deep sleep to keep Demise imprisoned within his seal. Link travels back to the present and after learning the Song of the Hero finds the Triforce and successfully wishes upon the destruction of Demise. Link and Demise After Zelda awakens from her sleep, an enraged Ghirahim kidnaps her back to the past, where Demise is still alive. Link follows Ghirahim to the past for a final showdown, but is unable to stop the ritual to revive Demise. The ancient Demon King escapes from his seal, swallows Zelda as The Imprisoned and returns to his original form. Demise announces his intention to take the world as his own now that Hylia is gone, but gives Link the chance to duel him in another realm for the fate of the world. After a fierce fight, Link bests Demise and fatally wounds him. The Demon King stumbles to his feet, congratulating Link, but warns him that it is not over, and that his hatred would be reborn as a being to pursue domination of the world, and those with the blood of the goddess and spirit of the hero in a cycle without end. Link raises his blade and absorbs the remains of the Demon King into the Master Sword. Link returns from the battle to find Zelda and Groose, and the three return to the Temple of Hylia, where they meet with Impa and prepare to return to their own time. At Fi's behest, Link plunges the Master Sword into a pedestal in the Sealed Temple, leaving it and his partner behind now that her purpose to guide Link had been completed. Saying goodbye to Impa before she destroys the Gate of Time, the three return to their own time where peace has returned and residents of Skyloft take their first steps on the Surface.
The Era of Chaos and the Sealing of the Sacred Realm Following the defeat of Demise, the world created by the Golden Goddesses and guarded by the Goddess Hylia, became known as Hyrule. Those descended from the people who were living in ancient times under the protection of the Goddess Hylia were known as Hylians. They were born with magic-infused blood, endowing them with psychic powers and skill in wizardry. It is also believed that the Hylians' pointed ears allow them to hear the messages of the gods. Hyrule knew many years of peace, however, the legend of the Triforce, which was located in the Sacred Realm, spread throughout the land. Its power was lusted after by many people, and a wave of chaos descended upon the land of Hyrule as people tried to take this power for themselves. To protect the sacred power, Rauru, the Sage of Light, constructed the Temple of Time, which contained the only entrance to the Sacred Realm. Rauru sealed the entrance with the Master Sword and closed the chamber of the Master Sword behind the Door of Time. The Spiritual Stones acted as keys to opening the door. The Temple of Light, located at the center of the Sacred Realm, became the resting place of the Triforce, while Rauru remained in the temple to protect the sacred relic.
The Era of Prosperity Those with the blood of the Goddess Hylia, reborn as Zelda, established the kingdom of Hyrule. Hyrule Castle was built at the center of the land, watching over the Temple of Time, which was protecting the Sacred Realm and the Triforce. Many years passed after the kingdom's establishment. Within the Royal Family of Hyrule, as descendants of the Goddess, many were born with a special power that existed deep within the bloodline and the queen would often be named Zelda after the historical.
The Force Era The Hero of Men As ages went by and the Kingdom of Hyrule continued to develop in peace, one day the land was suddenly overwhelmed by evil creatures that descended upon it in swarms, driving the world into shadows and bringing the kingdom to near-ruin. As Hyrule neared the brink of collapse, the tiny Picori appeared from the sky and gave the Hero of Men the Picori Blade and the magical Light Force. Using these two special gifts, the Hero drove the beasts back and restored light to the land of Hyrule. To ensure the beasts could not bring further destruction to the land, the Hero of Men sealed them all within the Bound Chest. Sealing the chest with the Picori Blade itself, the Hero of Men was able to bring the destructive war to an end and brought peace to the kingdom. The Light Force was embodied within the princess of Hyrule to prevent its misuse, shining forth upon the lands within its ruler.
The Hero of the Four Sword One year, in celebration of when the Picori last came to Hyrule 100 years ago to the day, the festival was unusually grand. Hyrule Castle was hosting a tournament of sword-fighting skill that called to mind the heroes of legend. That year's champion was a mysterious man by the name of Vaati. He won the tournament with an almost magical ease, and all of Hyrule was abuzz with rumors about this shadowy figure. During the ceremony following the sword competition, Vaati shattered the sacred Picori Blade and opened the Bound Chest, which, for an age, had been sealed by the Picori Blade, trapping evil monsters within. Vaati was after the Light Force, that golden light that was once wielded by the hero mentioned in the legends of the Picori. He subdued the castle guards and turned Princess Zelda to stone before making a speedy departure. King Daltus asked the young Link to seek out the Picori and ask them to reforge the sacred blade. Traveling to the Minish Woods he met Ezlo, who helped him find the Picori, or Minish as they called themselves. Link met with the elder of Minish Village, who told him that in order to reforge the sacred Picori sword he would require the four Elements, the embodiments of the sacred powers of earth, fire, water, and wind. Once he had gathered the Four Elements, Link brought the Picori Blade—now the White Sword—to the Elemental Sanctuary hidden within the courtyard of Hyrule Castle. There he infused the White Sword with the Elements, fully restoring the sacred Four Sword; a legendary blade with the power to split one warrior into four. Meanwhile, Vaati had brainwashed King Daltus and shrouded Hyrule Castle in darkness. He had discovered that the sacred Light Force had actually been passed down through Hyrule's princesses, and so he prepared to extract the Light Force from Princess Zelda. Link rushed to her rescue, and, after vanquishing Vaati, he used the Four Sword's evil-banishing power to restore Princess Zelda. Vaati had been a Minish, an apprentice of Ezlo, who was also a Minish. Ezlo had made a magical cap with the power to grant wishes, but Vaati had stolen it and used it to become a powerful sorcerer. He had transformed Ezlo into a hat himself, then proceeded to hunt down the Light Force. Now that Vaati had fallen, the wishing cap could be used to restore Hyrule. Princess Zelda put on the cap and wished with all her heart that Vaati's cruelty might be undone. With her righteous wish and the power of the Light Force that still dwelled within her, many miracles happened as a result and peace returned to the
The Resurrection of the Wind Mage Peace returned briefly to the kingdom of Hyrule, as Vaati was presumed dead, but suddenly he re-appeared to terrorize the land once again. No longer remembering his days as a Picori, or his lust for the Light Force, he made himself a home in the Palace of Winds and he named himself The Great Sorcerer of the Wind, Vaati. With the power to bend the wind to his will, Vaati goes on a rampage, using this awful power to terrorize many villages of Hyrule. In his assaults on the villages, Vaati would kidnap any beautiful girls who caught his fancy. Many knights from the castle and other brave men set out to subdue the sorcerer and rescue the girls, but each one fell in turn to Vaati's awesome power. Just as the people had begun to lose hope, a lone young boy traveling with little but a sword at his side appeared. When this boy heard what was happening, he said only, "I will defeat this sorcerer." He boldly entered Vaati's palace, mystically trapped the evil sorcerer inside the blade of his sword, and returned the young girls to their villages. The boy then went deep into the forest and disappeared. The villagers asked the girls how a boy so young could have saved them all and defeated the sorcerer when no one else could. The young girls told a story of how, with just a wave of his sword, the boy's body shattered into four pieces, each of which then formed a complete copy of the boy. These four young boys then worked together to defeat the sorcerer. The people did not believe the story, but they called it the Four Sword nonetheless. As rumors of the blade's power to divide a person into four entities spread, the people built a shrine to protect it.
Defeat of the Wind Mage For generations Zelda and her descendants managed the seal of the Four Sword, but one day the seal weakened. Zelda was in Hyrule Castle when she sensed that something unusual was occurring at the Four Sword Shrine. She asked a boy named Link, whom she trusted above anyone else, to accompany her to investigate the happenings at the shrine. As they approached the shrine to check on the seal, a dark figure suddenly appeared and grabbed princess Zelda. The seal on Vaati had weakened over time, and Vaati managed to break out of his prison within the Four Sword. Having still no memory of his time as a Picori, or the power of the Light Force, Vaati did not recognize the princess and saw her only as a fair maiden. He decided she was to become his bride to commemorate his return and took off with her to his palace. After being instructed by fairies, Link takes the Four Sword from its pedestal and is split into four, as the legend foretold. The Great Fairies could help Link to get to the Palace of Winds, but not until he proved himself courageous enough. After traveling over three different lands and the dungeons they contained, Link and his three other selves confronted the wind mage in the Palace of Winds, the seat of Vaati's power. After an arduous battle between the sorcerer and the heroes, Link was able to reseal Vaati into the Four Sword's blade. Princess Zelda and the people of Hyrule once again kept a watchful eye on the Four Sword.
The Era of the Hero of Time Hyrule Kingdom in Chaos (Hyrulean Civil War) For reasons not specified, Hyrule entered into a period of fierce war. During this war, a Hylian woman fled the fires of war and entered the Kokiri Forest, giving her newborn baby, named Link, to the Great Deku Tree to be raised as a Kokiri. Finally the war ended and the King of Hyrule unified his country. The war was first referenced by the Great Deku Tree Sprout to explain Link's origins after he lifted the curse on the Forest Temple. To escape from the fires of the war, a Hylian mother and her baby boy went to the Kokiri Forest. Before passing away, the mother left her child under the guardianship of the Great Deku Tree. The child was raised as a Kokiri and a few years later became the Hero of Time. Finally the war ended and resulted in the unification of Hyrule under one banner. Ganondorf once again swore fealty to the King of Hyrule. The peace was short lived (however, as some years later, Ganondorf acquired the Triforce of Power and the conquest of Hyrule began). The Boy Followed by a Fairy When the baby had become a young boy, he had many restless nights as nightmares of an evil man from the desert plagued his sleep. One day, The Great Deku Tree sent the Fairy Companion Navi to summon him. After defeating the monster Gohma within the Deku Tree itself, the guardian of the forest revealed that he had been cursed by the evil Ganondorf and implored Link to take the Spiritual Stone of Forest, the Kokiri Emerald, to Princess Zelda at Hyrule Castle. Link hurried to Hyrule Castle to meet Zelda, who told him that Ganondorf plotted to appropriate the sacred power of the Triforce. She and Link schemed to obtain the Triforce before Ganon could. Link would gather the other Spiritual Stones needed to open the Door of Time, and she would play the Ocarina of Time to open the door. After retrieving the two remaining Spiritual Stones, Link returned to Hyrule Castle only to see Zelda fleeing from Ganondorf. During her flight, Zelda threw the Ocarina of Time into the moat for Link to find. After a brief confrontation with Ganondorf, Link retrieved the Ocarina and proceeded to the Temple of Time. With all the keys in hand, he opened the Door of Time and lifted the Master Sword from its pedestal, opening the entrance to the Sacred Realm. As Link was too young to be the Hero of Time, Link's spirit was sealed in the Temple of Light for seven years.
The Awakening of the Hero of Time With the gates of the Sacred Realm unguarded, Ganondorf was able to enter and take the Triforce for his own. However, since his heart was not in balance, the Prince of Darkness was left with only the Triforce of Power. Despite this, Ganondorf was able to use it to conquer the land of Hyrule, as the Hero of Time slept for seven years. After seizing the Triforce and corrupting the Sacred Realm, he caused that corruption to seep into the temples of the Sages, which became infested with all kinds of monsters, so that the Sages-to-be would not be able to fulfill their duty and aid Link. As Link awakened after seven years, he found Hyrule in ruins. Led by Rauru's and Sheik's instructions, Link managed to cleanse the temples and help each Sage to gain their power. Upon Rauru's advice, he then returned to the Temple of Time, where he found Sheik waiting. His mysterious ally revealed himself to be none other than Princess Zelda, keeper of the Triforce of Wisdom and the seventh Sage, leader of them all. The reunion was cut short when the princess was abducted by Ganondorf. With the Sages help, Link fought his way to the top of Ganon's Tower, clearing the path to Ganondorf for the final showdown between the Hero of Time and the King of Evil.
Split of the Timeline Link finally confronted the king of evil in a final battle within his tower. When Link defeated the evil king, he escaped the tower with Zelda as the castle crumbled around them. However, as the two watched the rubble, Ganondorf emerged. Enraged by his defeat and fueled by the Triforce of Power still within him, he transformed into Ganon, a being of pure evil, and challenged Link one last time. Link managed to weaken Ganon so that Zelda and the six sages could seal him away in the Sacred Realm. Once the battle was over, Zelda used the Ocarina of Time to return Link to his own age before he drew the Master Sword. Link then went to Zelda, and together they convinced the king of Ganondorf's treachery thanks to the pieces of the Triforce which they held. Ganondorf was imprisoned and sealed away for his conspiracy. Because Zelda sent Link back in time, she forever altered the course of Hyrule's history, splitting it in two. However, in an alternate reality, Link was bested by Ganondorf. Despite his best efforts, he failed to defeat the king of evil, seemingly dooming the kingdom of Hyrule forever. Fallen Hero Timeline The Fallen Hero Timeline is the timeline in which Link, the Hero of Time, despite his best efforts, was defeated by Ganondorf in the final battle. Ganondorf obtained the remaining Triforce pieces from Link and Zelda, and was subsequently sealed within the corrupted Sacred Realm by the seven Sages. This timeline branch contains the events of A Link to the Past, the Oracle series, Link's Awakening, A Link Between Worlds, The Legend of Zelda, and The Adventure of Link in that order. Ganondorf obtains the complete Triforce After the Hero of Time is defeated at the hands of Ganondorf, the King of Evil extracted the Triforce of Courage from Link and the Triforce of Wisdom from Zelda. Obtaining the true power of the complete Triforce, he is transformed into the Demon King Ganon. In a desperate last resort, the Seven Sages seal Ganon along with the complete Triforce away in the Sacred Realm, which was already transformed into the Dark World as a reflection of Ganondorf's evil heart. The Imprisoning War Hyrule enjoys a brief period of peace, but as rumors spread of the Golden Power lying in the Sacred Realm, greed-ridden Hyruleans traveled to the Sacred Realm seeking it, never to return. Within the Dark World, they were transformed into monsters by the power of the Triforce and became a part of Ganon's army. As this army grew larger, it poured forth from the Sacred Realm and attacked Hyrule. The King of Hyrule commanded the Seven Sages of that era to seal the gateway to the Dark World shut, in order to halt Ganon's invasion of the kingdom. The Seven Sages did so under the protection of the Knights of Hyrule. The Knights of Hyrule took the full brunt of the attack from Ganon's monsters, and while they fought courageously to the end, they were nearly wiped out entirely as they did their duty. Their lives were not lost in vain however, as they bought the necessary time for the Seven Sages to create their seal, trapping Ganon's forces in the Dark World and halting the invasion. Though it had come at a very high cost, with this, the war ended in a victory for Hyrule. The people of Hyrule rejoiced nonetheless at the restoration of order and peace to their kingdom, thanks to the efforts of the Seven Sages and the Knights of Hyrule. Following the destruction of the kingdom during the Imprisoning War, the bloodline of the Hylians diminished significantly compared to how it was in the Hero of Time era. The sages' power waned as well, and the kingdom became a mere shadow of its former glory.
The Era of Light and Dark A Link to the Past The Kingdom of Hyrule remained at peace for many years, until the land was suddenly plagued by a series of misfortunes. The King of Hyrule offered a reward for anyone who could put a stop to them; it was then that the dark wizard Agahnim appeared. Using previously unheard-of magic, the mysterious stranger put a stop the disasters. He was proclaimed a hero and said to be the second coming of the Seven Sages. As a reward for his services, the king appointed him chief advisor and priest at Hyrule Castle. Agahnim used this position and his magic to brainwash all of Hyrule's soldiers, depose the King of Hyrule, and make six of the Maidens, descendants of the Seven Sages, disappear into the Dark World. He did this in order to break the seal on Ganon, so that he could rule both the Light and Dark worlds. His last remaining victim was Zelda herself. As the princess lay in her prison cell, she used telepathy to call out to Link, who lived near the castle with his uncle. Link awoke in the middle of the night to find his uncle leaving the house armed with a sword and shield. Despite his uncle's warnings, Link followed the telepathic call to the castle dungeon, where he found his uncle dying. With his last breath, Link's uncle bequeathed him the sword and shield, and told Link that he was the heir to the Knights of Hyrule. Link stormed the castle and rescued Zelda, leaving her in the care of the priest at the Sanctuary. The priest told Link to seek out Sahasrahla, the elder of Kakariko Village. Sahasrahla told Link to seek out the three Pendants of Virtue in order to discover the Master Sword hidden deep within the Lost Woods. Link found these pendants in the Eastern Palace, Desert Palace, and Tower of Hera. Once he had obtained the legendary blade, however, Agahnim's forces attacked the Sanctuary and kidnapped Zelda. Link ventured into Hyrule Castle once again, only to see Agahnim send Zelda into the Dark World before his very eyes. Link defeated Agahnim atop Hyrule Castle, but Agahnim used the last of his magic to draw Link into the Dark World as well. This was a twisted dimension that transformed anyone into a reflection of their true selves. Link's dark world form was a pink rabbit. He was only able to remain in his human form with the help of the Moon Pearl. Once trapped in the Dark World, Link could use the Magic Mirror to travel back and forth between worlds and rescue the maidens who were trapped in the Dark World palaces. During his adventures, Link learned that Agahnim was merely Ganon's pawn. He climbed Ganon's Tower and met Agahnim at the top. Link defeated Agahnim once more, but then saw Ganon rise out of Agahnim's crumpled body. Agahnim was in fact Ganon's alter ego. Ganon then fled to the Pyramid of Power in the center of the Dark World, with Link in hot pursuit. They faced off in one final battle, with Link emerging victorious. Following Ganon's defeat, he found the Triforce within the Pyramid of Power, whereupon it spoke to him. He touched it, and his wish restored Hyrule to peace. The king and Link's uncle returned to life, and Link entrusted the Triforce to the Royal Family.
The Adventure in Holodrum Oracle of Seasons Oracle of Seasons opens up the same as Oracle of Ages, with Link riding a horse. Spying a castle on the horizon, he goes inside and is sent by the Triforce to help a land being ravaged by the ruthless General Onox. Upon awakening in Holodrum, Link met with a group of traveling performers who were watching after a dancer named Din. Link danced with Din, but suddenly a whirlwind appeared and snatched Din away. Din was actually the Oracle of Seasons, and her capture by Onox meant that the seasons in the land of Holodrum were thrown into chaos. The only way to restore balance to the seasons was to collect the eight Essences of Nature scattered around Holodrum. Link quested for the essences, using the mythical Rod of Seasons in order to manipulate the seasons as he went. Once Link defeated Onox and rescued Din, he was magically transported to the land of Labrynna, the setting of his second trial. However, even after his death, Onox's actions caused the Flame of Destruction to be lit. The Adventure in Labrynna Oracle of Ages Link, having been sent from Hyrule to Labrynna by the power of the Triforce, awoke in Labrynna, almost immediately after stumbling upon Impa, who was besieged by a group of Octoroks. He helped her by moving a block with the Triforce crest on it. Then, both of them met Nayru, who was singing to animals. Suddenly, a shadow came out of Impa and possessed Nayru, who was actually the Oracle of Ages. It was Veran, who had used Impa's body to trick Link. Veran used Nayru's time-traveling abilities to go back in time and alter the past. Veran influenced Queen Ambi in the past to build the sinister Black Tower. Link had to use the Harp of Ages to travel back and forth between the present and the past in order to collect the eight Essences of Time and challenge Veran atop the Black Tower.[75] Link was able to drive Veran out of the body of Queen Ambi and defeat her, but he was too late: the Flame of Sorrow had been lit.
In order to light the third and final flame, Twinrova kidnapped Princess Zelda who had arrived in Labrynna. This would complete their dark ritual and light the Flame of Despair. However, Link challenged them and killed them in battle. As a last-ditch effort to complete the sacrifice needed to revive Ganon, the witches offered their own bodies and revived the King of Darkness. However, because the ritual was incomplete, Ganon returned as a mindless beast. Link battled Ganon and defeated him, restoring peace to Holodrum and Labrynna. His quest to stop Ganon's revival complete, Link departed Labrynna by boat.
A Hero's Adventure within a Fleeting Dream Link's adventures on Koholint On his sea voyage back to Hyrule, Link ran into a terrible storm. The waves and winds overpowered his boat and sunk it. Link awoke, washed ashore on an island known as Koholint. He was rescued by Marin, a young woman who bore a striking resemblance to Princess Zelda. Upon his attempts to leave the island, its inhabitants insisted that there was nothing beyond the sea. He learned that the only way to get off the island was to collect the Eight Instruments of the Sirens and wake the Wind Fish who slept in an egg atop Mt. Tamaranch. After traveling all over the island and obtaining the instruments, Link journeyed to the top of the mountain and played the Ballad of the Wind Fish and fought the Nightmare. Upon the Nightmare's defeat, it revealed that if the Wind Fish were to awake, the island would disappear, as it was just a dream of the Wind Fish. Once Link had defeated the Nightmare and awakened the Wind Fish, he awoke clinging to the driftwood of his ship, adrift on the open seas. Link's whereabouts after this are unknown.
The Triforce, Split Apart Sometime after the events of the Great Cataclysm and the defeat of the Demon King Ganon, and after Link's adventures in Holodrum and Labrynna, the Triforce was split apart. Ganon, despite being sealed in darkness following his defeat at the hands of Link, obtained the Triforce of Power, which remained sealed with him. The Triforce of Courage's location is unknown, but said to be hidden in the heart of the eternal hero.
A Link Between Worlds Centuries after Ganon's defeat, the peace of Hyrule is once again shattered by the sudden appearance of a mysterious and enigmatic wizard known as Yuga. With his cruel magic, he invades Hyrule from another world, transforming the descendants of the Seven Sages into paintings. Link, a young apprentice of the Blacksmith attempts to halt Yuga in his ambitions, but Yuga succeeds in not only acquiring all Seven Sages in the form of paintings, but Princess Zelda as well. He retreats to his world, that of Lorule, while Link chases after him, using the power of a bracelet given to him by the mysterious peddler, Ravio. Link is too late to stop Yuga. Using his magic and that of the Seven Sages, he is able to release Ganon. Along with the Triforce of Power, Yuga and Ganon are joined as one, and using this power, Yuga desires to consume both Hyrule and Lorule. Link is protected from the beast's onslaught by Hilda, the princess of Lorule and the dark counterpart of Zelda, who urges Link to rescue the Seven Sages who have been sent to the far reaches of Lorule. With Hilda holding back Yuga and guiding Link in his quest, he succeeds in rescuing the Seven Sages and, with their power, awakens the Triforce of Courage in himself. Taking the Triforce, he rushes to challenge Yuga in Lorule Castle, only to find Hilda waiting for him in the Throne Room. Here, she reveals the truth; it was her who sent Yuga to obtain the Seven Sages and release the Demon King. Taking the Triforce of Wisdom from Princess Zelda's portrait, she explains the history of her kingdom. Lorule once had it's own Triforce, but was destroyed by her ancestors long ago to stop endless wars over it's power. However, with the Triforce gone from her world, the kingdom crumbled, monsters arose and the world turned to darkness and corruption. Upon hearing of another world with it's own Triforce, she sent Yuga to obtain the keys to unlocking the Triforce of Power, and manipulated Link into obtaining the Triforce of Courage. Summoning Yuga, she demands he obtain the Triforce of Courage from Link. Yuga, using Ganon's power, unleashes his might upon the hero. Link fights valiantly however, and defeats Yuga, upon which point Hilda demands he relinquish the Triforce of Power to her. However, Yuga disobeys his ruler, and using his magic upon her he takes her portrait and her Triforce of Wisdom into himself, becoming stronger than ever. In a desperate final battle, Link, with the aid of Princess Zelda, finally defeats Yuga. Upon his defeat, Hilda and Zelda are returned to normal, yet Hilda still desires the Triforce to save her doomed kingdom. At the last moment, Ravio appears and reveals himself to be Link's Lorulean counterpart and once Hilda's loyal subject, and pleads with her to let Link and Zelda return to Hyrule with their Triforce. Finally relenting after seeing the senseless fighting that had led to this was not what her ancestors wanted, she helps Link and Zelda return to Hyrule with the last of the bracelet's power, through the first crack to appear between the worlds in Lorule's Sacred Realm. Returning to their own Sacred Realm with the connection between worlds gone, Link and Zelda find the Triforce once again whole. It awaits for Link to make a wish upon it, and with his wish, Lorule's Triforce is restored to it's former glory, and a new, brighter age dawns upon both Lorule and Hyrule.
Tri Force Heroes Several years after the events of A Link Between Worlds, Link leaves the kingdom of Hyrule and ventures to the kingdom of Hytopia. In order to hide his identity as a hero, Link dresses in the casual Bear Minimum Outfit.[86] Despite this, he is recognized for bearing the traits of a hero in Hytopia: namely pointy ears and sideburns. Because of this, he is recruited by the Witch-Hunting Brigade to help defeat the evil witch, Lady Maud, who has cursed Hytopia's Princess Styla into wearing an irremovable, brown jumpsuit. The Golden Era Following the defeat of Yuga and the recovery of the Triforce, Hyrule entered a Golden Era of peace, in which great and wise rulers governed the land with the strength of the united Triforce at their command. The Era of Decline The Tragedy of Princess Zelda When the last of the kings to use the Triforce anticipated his death, he hoped to find someone with the innate qualities that were fitting of a worthy possessor of the true Triforce; for if it were to fall in the wrong hands, evil would befall Hyrule. Unfortunately, he was unable to find any such person during his lifespan. Since his own son did not fit this archetype, the King elected to split the relic into its three component parts. Upon his death, the prince, instead of receiving the entire Triforce, inherited only the Triforces of Power and Wisdom. The prince frantically searched for the remaining Triforce of Courage, but in vain. Then, a wizard came to the prince and told him that his younger sister, Zelda, knew the location of the mystical object. The prince demanded that Zelda turn the information over to him, but Zelda refused and, in a rage, the wizard put Zelda into an eternal sleep, himself dying in the process. Overcome with grief, the prince sealed his sleeping sister in the North Castle and ordered that all female descendants of the Hylian monarchy were to be named Zelda. As Zelda was the only one who knew the location of the Triforce of Courage, the relic was lost and the royal family was no longer able to rule using the power of the unified Triforce. No one worthy of using the Triforce.
Evil Creeps In Many years later, an evil army attacked the little kingdom of Hyrule and stole the Triforce of Power. This army was led by the Demon King Ganon, who once again had been revived and sought to plunge the World into fear and darkness under his rule. Fearing his wicked rule, Zelda, the princess of this kingdom, split the Triforce of Wisdom into eight fragments and hid them throughout the realm. At the same time, she commanded her most trustworthy nursemaid, Impa, to secretly escape into the land and go find a man with enough courage to destroy the evil Ganon. Braving forests and mountains, Impa fled for her life from her pursuers. As she reached the very limit of her energy she found herself surrounded by Ganon's evil henchmen, until a young lad appeared who skillfully drove off Ganon's henchmen. Hearing Impa's story, this young traveler, named Link, set out to recover the eight pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom. After doing so, he fought his way to Ganon's lair in Death Mountain. Link fought and destroyed the King of Evil, recovered the Triforce of Power and saved Princess Zelda.
The Hero's Quest to Reunite the Triforce Although Link had defeated Ganon, his underlings remained. Waiting for the return of their master, they continued to cause chaos and disorder in Hyrule. The key to Ganon's resurrection was the blood of Link—the valiant lad that overthrew the King of Evil. The Demon King would be revived by sacrificing Link and sprinkling his blood on the ashes of Ganon. Meanwhile, Link remained in the little kingdom of Hyrule and lent his hand to its restoration. One day, a strange mark resembling crest of the kingdom appeared on the back of Link's hand as he approached his 16th birthday. Link went to Impa, Princess Zelda's nursemaid, who was shocked when she saw the birthmark. She took Link to the North Castle and told him of the tragedy of the Princess Zelda of old. In order to revive the eternally sleeping Princess, Impa entrusted to Link six Crystals and a scroll so he could reunite the Triforce. The scroll revealed the location of the long-lost Triforce of Courage, which was hidden in the Great Palace in the Valley of Death. Link set out for the six palaces to defeat their Guardian Deities and, using each of the six crystals, dispelled the barrier around the Great Palace. After defeating the final Guardian, and his own shadow, Link retrieved the Triforce of Courage and awoke Princess Zelda from her sleep. With the Triforce reunited for the first time since Zelda was put to sleep, the revival of Ganon was prevented and peace finally returned to the Kingdom of Hyrule.
Child Link Timeline The presence of the Hero who went back and forth in time generated a fork in history, dividing Hyrule's chronology. The Child Link Timeline is the timeline that follows Link after being sent back to his original time following the defeat of Ganondorf by the Hero of Time. He warned Princess Zelda and the King of Hyrule of the tragic future that awaited the kingdom involving Ganondorf if nothing was to be done. This turn of events created the timeline containing Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, and Four Swords Adventures.
The Hero's Departure After warning the Royal Family of Hyrule, Link and Zelda spend a short amount of time together. Before leaving Hyrule in search of his fairy companion Navi, who left him at the end of his quest, young Link heads to the Lon Lon Ranch to borrow his horse Epona. During Link's last meeting with Zelda, she states her belief that they would meet again. Furthermore, she gives him the Ocarina of Time to prevent Ganondorf from entering the Sacred Realm and as a memento of the time they spent together. She also teaches Link the Song of Time, a melody that holds a special meaning to her, before handing over the ocarina, mentioning that he should play that melody if something were to happen to him so that the Goddess of Time will come to his aid. Turmoil in Termina, the Parallel Universe Several months passed during the Hero of Time's search for Navi. Link was found in a mysterious forest, where the Skull Kid and his fairy companions Tatl and Tael encountered the hero and stole his horse, Epona, as well as the Ocarina of Time.[95] During Link's pursuit, the Skull Kid cursed him and turned him into a Deku Scrub. Tatl was left behind by Tael and the Skull Kid. The fairy insisted that Link take her with him as his companion, so that they can work together to find the Skull Kid and her brother Tael. Link soon discovered that he had wandered into a parallel universe called Termina which was threatened with imminent destruction by its Moon. He met the Happy Mask Salesman, who promised Link that if he was able to recover Majora's Mask from the Skull Kid, he would restore Link to his true form. Skull Kid had stolen the evil mask, which was a powerful artifact that had been used by an Ancient Tribe for hexing rituals. The Skull Kid, possessed by the mask, caused mischief for the people of Termina. He imprisoned his former childhood friends and deities of Termina, the Four Giants, within their respective temples, cursed the four lands the Four Giants created, and pulled the Moon from its orbit and destined it to crash into Clock Town in just three days in order to destroy all of Termina. Link then set off in his Deku form, finding himself in Clock Town at the epicenter of Termina. With the help of Tatl and the Great Fairy, he managed to find the Skull Kid atop Clock Tower. With an unearthly shriek, the Skull Kid began to bring the moon down completely to the land. Taking advantage of this, Link fired a Bubble Blast at the Skull Kid, causing him to drop the Ocarina of Time. Upon picking it up, memories of his departure from Hyrule flooded back to Link. After being snapped out of this reverie by Tatl, he played the Song of Time, and was immediately thrown back to the morning that he first entered Clock Town, three days prior. The Happy Mask Salesman taught Link the Song of Healing, restoring him to his human form. The hero gained the Deku Mask which held the spirit of a Deku. Donning the mask allowed him to transform into Deku Link once again. He again requested that Link recover Majora's Mask, stating his belief in the Hero of Time's strength. Link went to the four temples in the South, North, West, and East in order to free the Four Giants from their prisons and stop the moon from falling. In his travels, Link obtained transformation masks which allowed him to assume the forms of heroes whose souls he had healed with the Song of Healing. Once Link confronted the Skull Kid again, he summoned the Giants, causing the demon Majora to reveal itself as the source of the Skull Kid's evil. As the moon descended upon the Clock Tower, Link went inside it, where he confronted Majora on an otherworldly plain. Once Majora was defeated, the Hero of Time's secret journey ended with the beginning of the Carnival of Time. Link left Termina for Hyrule on Epona, still searching for his companion Navi.
Ganondorf's Execution Several years after the failure of his attempted invasion, Ganondorf was taken prisoner in the Arbiter's Grounds prison. When the ancient Sages tried to execute him, however, they discovered to their horror that he had the Triforce of Power, so they activated the Mirror of Twilight and sent him into the Twilight Realm. Here, Ganondorf languished for years, until he met Zant and promised him power in exchange for freedom from his prison.
The Era of Twilight Shadow King Zant's Invasion of the Light World Ganondorf took the form of a dark god and promised the Twili Zant incredible powers and the throne of the Twilight Realm on one condition: Zant would merge the worlds of Light and Twilight in order to create a world of darkness. Zant agreed, and pledged his undying service to his new master. He used his newfound powers to transform the Twilight Princess Midna into an imp and take the throne before launching his invasion of the light world.[98] Hyrule was unprepared for the invasion, and Princess Zelda soon found herself with her back against the wall. When given an ultimatum by Zant to surrender or die, she chose to surrender. Zant sent his minions over the land and stole power from the Light Spirits guarding each province, shrouding the kingdom of Hyrule in Twilight.
Midna and Link Midna uncovered the dark magic of her Dark Interloper ancestors in the form of the Fused Shadow. She used its magic to help a youth from Ordon Village named Link, a descendant of the Hero of Time, who had become trapped in the Twilight in the form of a wolf. Twili legend said that the Hero of Light would appear in the form of a sacred beast: in this case, a wolf. Midna struck a deal with Link that she would help him regain his human form if he would help her gather the other pieces of the Fused Shadow in order to defeat Zant. Once Midna and Link had cleared the land of Twilight and gathered the Fused Shadows, Zant revealed himself and stole the Fused Shadows, wounded Midna, and cursed Link to his wolf form once again. Midna and Link sought the aid of Princess Zelda, who gave up her soul so that Midna could live, and told Link to seek out the Master Sword in the Sacred Grove. The Master Sword dispelled the curse on Link, and allowed him to transform between his human and wolf forms at will. Throughout his adventure, Link learned the secrets of combat from the ghost of his ancestor, the Hero of Time. The Hero had lived a life filled with regret because he could not be a hero in this timeline, so he imparted his wisdom to his descendant.
In order to enter the Twilight Realm and confront Zant, Midna and Link sought the Mirror of Twilight at Arbiter's Grounds, but Zant had shattered it into pieces and scattered it across the land. The Sages who had executed Ganondorf appeared to the pair and told them about Ganondorf's involvement with the darkness which plagued the land. Midna and Link gathered the pieces of the Mirror and entered the Twilight Realm, and Link defeated Zant in single combat. Zant was not fazed, however, boasting that his god Ganon would revive him. In her fury, Midna reclaimed the Fused Shadow and used its power to destroy Zant completely.[103] Ganon and Link's duel Link and Midna went to the top of Hyrule Castle in order to battle the King of Darkness, who was in possession of Zelda's lifeless body. He possessed it and forced Link to do battle with the princess. Once he defeated her, Midna revived Zelda and Link defeated Ganon in his beast form. Midna used the Fused Shadow to become a terrifying monster and her struggle with Ganon destroyed the castle itself. Midna transported Link and Zelda to Hyrule Field, where they battled Ganondorf on horseback, and finally Link defeated Ganon in single combat, stabbing him in the chest. Ganon attempted to use the Triforce of Power to revive himself, but discovered that its power had left him. Zant stood on the gateway to the afterlife, mocking Ganon by snapping his own neck just as Ganon died. Midna was restored to her true form as the beautiful Twilight Princess, and bade farewell to Link and Zelda as she returned to the Twilight Realm. As she left, she shattered the Mirror of Twilight to ensure that its power would never be misused again. Link returned to Ordon Village; however, he later departed with Epona from his hometown. The Era of Shadow Hundreds of years after Ganondorf's death, the people of Hyrule had reconciled with Ganondorf's tribe, the Gerudo, and it seemed for a while that peace would prevail in the land. However, a new Ganondorf was born to the Gerudo tribe who was the reincarnation of the King of Darkness that was defeated by the Hero Chosen by the Gods, and violated their taboo on the Ancient Pyramid.[107] He stole the Trident from the pyramid and then stole the Dark Mirror from the Temple of Darkness. The mirror served as a prison for a Dark Tribe that, long ago, invaded the kingdom. It had the ability to reflect the evil heart of its bearer, giving birth to demonic creatures. Ganondorf schemed to release the ancient sorcerer Vaati from his prison within the Four Sword, and created a dark copy of Link, Shadow Link, with the Mirror. The clouds of darkness covering the land made Zelda uneasy, so she gathered the six shrine maidens to renew the seal upon Vaati. At that moment, Shadow Link appeared and scattered the maidens with his powers. Link drew the sword from its pedestal, splitting into four just as in ancient times. However, this released Vaati from his prison to cause chaos. Ganon used Shadow Link to tear open rifts to the Dark World, pulling the four Knights of Hyrule into his sway and transforming them into Stalfos. The four Links journeyed throughout Hyrule to rescue the Shrine Maidens, and learned that Ganon was the mastermind behind the darkness plaguing Hyrule. They obtained the four jewels from the Knights, and made their way to the Tower of Winds, where they battled Vaati and Ganon himself, destroying Vaati and sealing Ganon inside the Four Sword forevermore.
Adult Link Timeline The presence of the Hero who went back and forth in time generated a fork in history, dividing Hyrule's chronology. The Adult Link Timeline[114] is the timeline that follows the events after Link is being sent back to his original time, following the Hero of Time's defeat of Ganondorf in the final battle and his subsequent sealing within the corrupted Sacred Realm by the Seven Sages. This turn of events created the timeline containing The Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, and Spirit Tracks. The Era without a Hero The Great Flood Many years after the Hero of Time's victory, the seal of the Seven Sages began to weaken for an unknown reason, and Ganondorf managed to escape his imprisonment. Ganondorf intended to make good on his threat to the Hero of Time and the Seven Sages that he would escape one day to make their descendants pay for his imprisonment. The people of Hyrule hoped that the Hero of Time would show up to save them, but the hero did not appear. Left with no other choice, they pleaded to the gods.[119] The gods answered their prayers by instructing those chosen to take refuge on the mountaintops before they flooded Hyrule, keeping Ganon and his army trapped in time underneath the waves. The people of Hyrule would then go on to build a new civilization on the surface of the Great Sea and, with the passing of time, largely forget the memory of the old Hyrule that still existed deep beneath the waves. On Outset Island, a tradition emerged of having young boys wear the green garb of the Hero of Time for one day on their birthdays.
The Era of the Great Sea Beneath the waves, Ganon was revived and sought out the two sages who prayed for the power of the Master Sword. He killed them in order to stop the sword's power to repel evil and reach the surface world. He built a base in the Forsaken Fortress and filled it with his dark army. He sought out all young girls with long, pointed ears, in hopes that he would capture the descendant of Princess Zelda. In response, King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule also awoke and used his powers to guide a boat called the King of Red Lions on the surface world. On Outset, a young boy named Link came of age and was given the Hero's Clothes to wear for one day. Unfortunately, this was the day that the terrible bird called the Helmaroc King attacked the island, carrying the pirate captain named Tetra. The bird dropped Tetra on the island, but left with Link's sister Aryll. Link joined forces with Tetra's pirates in order to storm the Forsaken Fortress and rescue Aryll. The Helmaroc King captured Link once he reached Aryll's cell, and showed him to Ganon. Ganon thought the boy was worthless, so the bird threw him into the sea. Luckily, the King of Red Lions rescued Link and brought him to Windfall Island. Along with the magical baton called the Wind Waker, they journeyed across the Great Sea in order to retrieve the Goddess Pearls and open the gateway to Hyrule. Link raised the Tower of the Gods to the surface and proved his worth to be a hero by passing its trials. Then, he ventured down the ancient kingdom of Hyrule and drew the Master Sword from its pedestal. With the Master Sword in hand, Link went to challenge Ganon in the Forsaken Fortress, but Ganon told him that the sword was powerless to defeat him, because it did not have the power to repel evil. Link went back to Hyrule with Tetra, where the King of Red Lions revealed himself as the King of Hyrule and Tetra as his descendant Princess Zelda. Link then searched for the Sages of Earth and Wind in order to restore the power of the Master Sword. He awakened Medli as Sage of Earth and Makar as Sage of Wind. Their prayers restored power to the Master Sword. Link then searched for the Triforce of Courage, which had been split into eight pieces when the Hero of Time left to return to his own time. Armed with the Triforce and the Master Sword, Link returned to the kingdom beneath the waves and challenged Ganon atop his tower. Ganon united the Triforce pieces and made a wish that he be the ruler of Hyrule. However, before he could touch the Triforce to make his wish come true, King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule touched the Triforce and wished for Hyrule to be washed away, so that his descendants could build a new future above the waves. Ganon was defiant, and faced Link and Zelda in battle. Link stabbed Ganon in his forehead, turning him to stone as the waves crashed around him. The King, staying behind to be buried beneath the waves along with his kingdom, sent Link and Zelda back the surface world in order to begin their new future.
The Era of the Great Voyage After defeating Ganon, Link and Tetra set out on a new voyage. They reached the waters ruled by the Ocean King to investigate rumors about a mysterious Ghost Ship which had terrorized the ocean. The Ghost Ship appeared and Tetra jumped aboard and was taken away. Link tried to rescue her, but fell into the ocean. He awoke on Mercay Island and met Ciela the fairy and her "grandfather," Oshus. Link met a sea captain named Linebeck who let him use his ship. After searching for clues in the Temple of the Ocean King with the help of the Phantom Hourglass, Link rescued the Spirits of Power and Wisdom, and discovered Ciela was the Spirit of Courage. Link then boarded the Ghost Ship in order to rescue Tetra, who had been turned to stone. Oshus revealed himself to be the Ocean King and told Link that an evil monster named Bellum had drained her life force. He then affirmed that the only thing which could defeat Bellum was the Phantom Sword. Link journeyed through the seas to find the three Pure Metals and forge the Phantom Sword. Then, he ventured deep into the Temple once more to confront Bellum. He defeated Bellum, but then Bellum possessed Linebeck and forced him to fight in the form of a powerful knight. Link was able to defeat Bellum without harming Linebeck, and restored Tetra to life. The Ocean King returned Link and Tetra to their world, where only ten minutes had passed since they left. Link was not sure if the entire adventure had been a dream, but then he saw that he carried the empty Phantom Hourglass, and saw Linebeck sailing off into the distance.
The Era of Hyrule's Rebirth The New Hyrule Tetra's pirates eventually landed on a new continent, where the Tower of Spirits stood tall over the landscape. She founded a new kingdom here, connected by the Spirit Tracks which ran across the land. Tetra decreed that her soldiers would wear a green uniform, like that worn by the Hero of Winds. A century after the kingdom's establishment, the rails began to disappear. Tetra's descendant, Princess Zelda, gave a Royal Engineer named Link a Recruit Uniform and joined him to investigate the Tower of Spirits. Link lived with Niko, the last remaining member of Tetra's pirate crew. On their way to the Tower, Chancellor Cole revealed himself as a demon whose aim was to revive the Demon King Malladus who had been sealed underneath the Tower of Spirits in ancient times. Cole and Byrne stole her body and left her as a spirit. Link and Zelda sought the advice of the Lokomo sage Anjean, who told them to restore the Tower. In spirit form, Zelda was able to possess the Phantoms which roamed the Tower of Spirits and helped Link advance to the top. Link and Zelda restored the Tower of Spirits by journeying throughout Hyrule and breaking the barriers at each temple so that they could reach the Demon King at the top. Once they reached the top of the tower, Malladus was revived, and Link went into the Dark Realm in order to defeat him. Once Malladus was destroyed and Zelda returned to her body, the Lokomos departed into the heavens, their duty to protect Hyrule fulfilled.

The Era of the Goddess Hylia When the labors of the three great goddesses were completed, they departed the world for the heavens. The three goddesses left behind a symbol of their power, the all-powerful relic known as the Triforce, which when mastered in its entirety would grant the heart's desire of its holder. They trusted the ultimate power in the hands of Her Grace, the Goddess Hylia, to protect it. The Demon King Demise, wanting to make the world his own, gathered an army of monsters and together launched an attack against the people of the surface, murdering them and causing misfortunes in an attempt to get their hands on the power guarded by Hylia. Hylia gathered the surviving humans on a piece of land and sent it to the heavens, beyond the clouds and out of reach from the evil plaguing the land. In order to keep it from falling into the hands of Demise, Hylia also sent the Triforce to The Sky and hid the portals to three pieces of the Triforce within Sky Keep, and enshrined the Goddess Sword inside the Statue of the Goddess, to be found by a chosen hero when the time was right. Now that the humans were safe, the goddess and the five tribes who lived on the surface joined forces and sealed away Demise, restoring peace to the land, although the goddess had suffered "grave injuries".

The Sky Era Skyloft remained in the sky above the clouds for generations, with knowledge of the Surface and the origins of Skyloft becoming mere legend. Despite their dwindling knowledge of their origins, the people of Skyloft still knew of the Goddess Hylia and believed she watched over them to that day, unaware that she was living among them in a mortal form. On the day of the 25th anniversary of Skyloft's Knight Academy, Zelda is taken to the surface by Demon Lord Ghirahim in an attempt to revive Demise. That night, Link is awakened by the voice of a mysterious spirit, who reveals itself as the sword spirit of the Goddess Sword, created by the goddess Hylia for the purpose of assisting Hylia's chosen hero in fulfilling his destiny. Guided by Fi, Link travels to the Surface in search of Zelda, who herself is guided by Impa to purify her body at the goddess statues to reawaken as the incarnation of the Goddess Hylia. As Zelda and Impa escape from Ghirahim to the past, Link quests to purify the Goddess Sword and power it to become the Master Sword. After traveling to the past, Zelda reveals her true identity to him, and as such must remain in a deep sleep to keep Demise imprisoned within his seal. Link travels back to the present and after learning the Song of the Hero finds the Triforce and successfully wishes upon the destruction of Demise. Link and Demise After Zelda awakens from her sleep, an enraged Ghirahim kidnaps her back to the past, where Demise is still alive. Link follows Ghirahim to the past for a final showdown, but is unable to stop the ritual to revive Demise. The ancient Demon King escapes from his seal, swallows Zelda as The Imprisoned and returns to his original form. Demise announces his intention to take the world as his own now that Hylia is gone, but gives Link the chance to duel him in another realm for the fate of the world. After a fierce fight, Link bests Demise and fatally wounds him. The Demon King stumbles to his feet, congratulating Link, but warns him that it is not over, and that his hatred would be reborn as a being to pursue domination of the world, and those with the blood of the goddess and spirit of the hero in a cycle without end. Link raises his blade and absorbs the remains of the Demon King into the Master Sword. Link returns from the battle to find Zelda and Groose, and the three return to the Temple of Hylia, where they meet with Impa and prepare to return to their own time. At Fi's behest, Link plunges the Master Sword into a pedestal in the Sealed Temple, leaving it and his partner behind now that her purpose to guide Link had been completed. Saying goodbye to Impa before she destroys the Gate of Time, the three return to their own time where peace has returned and residents of Skyloft take their first steps on the Surface.

The Era of Chaos and the Sealing of the Sacred Realm Following the defeat of Demise, the world created by the Golden Goddesses and guarded by the Goddess Hylia, became known as Hyrule. Those descended from the people who were living in ancient times under the protection of the Goddess Hylia were known as Hylians. They were born with magic-infused blood, endowing them with psychic powers and skill in wizardry. It is also believed that the Hylians' pointed ears allow them to hear the messages of the gods. Hyrule knew many years of peace, however, the legend of the Triforce, which was located in the Sacred Realm, spread throughout the land. Its power was lusted after by many people, and a wave of chaos descended upon the land of Hyrule as people tried to take this power for themselves. To protect the sacred power, Rauru, the Sage of Light, constructed the Temple of Time, which contained the only entrance to the Sacred Realm. Rauru sealed the entrance with the Master Sword and closed the chamber of the Master Sword behind the Door of Time. The Spiritual Stones acted as keys to opening the door. The Temple of Light, located at the center of the Sacred Realm, became the resting place of the Triforce, while Rauru remained in the temple to protect the sacred relic.

The Era of Prosperity Those with the blood of the Goddess Hylia, reborn as Zelda, established the kingdom of Hyrule. Hyrule Castle was built at the center of the land, watching over the Temple of Time, which was protecting the Sacred Realm and the Triforce. Many years passed after the kingdom's establishment. Within the Royal Family of Hyrule, as descendants of the Goddess, many were born with a special power that existed deep within the bloodline and the queen would often be named Zelda after the historical.

The Force Era The Hero of Men As ages went by and the Kingdom of Hyrule continued to develop in peace, one day the land was suddenly overwhelmed by evil creatures that descended upon it in swarms, driving the world into shadows and bringing the kingdom to near-ruin. As Hyrule neared the brink of collapse, the tiny Picori appeared from the sky and gave the Hero of Men the Picori Blade and the magical Light Force. Using these two special gifts, the Hero drove the beasts back and restored light to the land of Hyrule. To ensure the beasts could not bring further destruction to the land, the Hero of Men sealed them all within the Bound Chest. Sealing the chest with the Picori Blade itself, the Hero of Men was able to bring the destructive war to an end and brought peace to the kingdom. The Light Force was embodied within the princess of Hyrule to prevent its misuse, shining forth upon the lands within its ruler.

The Hero of the Four Sword One year, in celebration of when the Picori last came to Hyrule 100 years ago to the day, the festival was unusually grand. Hyrule Castle was hosting a tournament of sword-fighting skill that called to mind the heroes of legend. That year's champion was a mysterious man by the name of Vaati. He won the tournament with an almost magical ease, and all of Hyrule was abuzz with rumors about this shadowy figure. During the ceremony following the sword competition, Vaati shattered the sacred Picori Blade and opened the Bound Chest, which, for an age, had been sealed by the Picori Blade, trapping evil monsters within. Vaati was after the Light Force, that golden light that was once wielded by the hero mentioned in the legends of the Picori. He subdued the castle guards and turned Princess Zelda to stone before making a speedy departure. King Daltus asked the young Link to seek out the Picori and ask them to reforge the sacred blade. Traveling to the Minish Woods he met Ezlo, who helped him find the Picori, or Minish as they called themselves. Link met with the elder of Minish Village, who told him that in order to reforge the sacred Picori sword he would require the four Elements, the embodiments of the sacred powers of earth, fire, water, and wind. Once he had gathered the Four Elements, Link brought the Picori Blade—now the White Sword—to the Elemental Sanctuary hidden within the courtyard of Hyrule Castle. There he infused the White Sword with the Elements, fully restoring the sacred Four Sword; a legendary blade with the power to split one warrior into four. Meanwhile, Vaati had brainwashed King Daltus and shrouded Hyrule Castle in darkness. He had discovered that the sacred Light Force had actually been passed down through Hyrule's princesses, and so he prepared to extract the Light Force from Princess Zelda. Link rushed to her rescue, and, after vanquishing Vaati, he used the Four Sword's evil-banishing power to restore Princess Zelda. Vaati had been a Minish, an apprentice of Ezlo, who was also a Minish. Ezlo had made a magical cap with the power to grant wishes, but Vaati had stolen it and used it to become a powerful sorcerer. He had transformed Ezlo into a hat himself, then proceeded to hunt down the Light Force. Now that Vaati had fallen, the wishing cap could be used to restore Hyrule. Princess Zelda put on the cap and wished with all her heart that Vaati's cruelty might be undone. With her righteous wish and the power of the Light Force that still dwelled within her, many miracles happened as a result and peace returned to the

The Resurrection of the Wind Mage Peace returned briefly to the kingdom of Hyrule, as Vaati was presumed dead, but suddenly he re-appeared to terrorize the land once again. No longer remembering his days as a Picori, or his lust for the Light Force, he made himself a home in the Palace of Winds and he named himself The Great Sorcerer of the Wind, Vaati. With the power to bend the wind to his will, Vaati goes on a rampage, using this awful power to terrorize many villages of Hyrule. In his assaults on the villages, Vaati would kidnap any beautiful girls who caught his fancy. Many knights from the castle and other brave men set out to subdue the sorcerer and rescue the girls, but each one fell in turn to Vaati's awesome power. Just as the people had begun to lose hope, a lone young boy traveling with little but a sword at his side appeared. When this boy heard what was happening, he said only, "I will defeat this sorcerer." He boldly entered Vaati's palace, mystically trapped the evil sorcerer inside the blade of his sword, and returned the young girls to their villages. The boy then went deep into the forest and disappeared. The villagers asked the girls how a boy so young could have saved them all and defeated the sorcerer when no one else could. The young girls told a story of how, with just a wave of his sword, the boy's body shattered into four pieces, each of which then formed a complete copy of the boy. These four young boys then worked together to defeat the sorcerer. The people did not believe the story, but they called it the Four Sword nonetheless. As rumors of the blade's power to divide a person into four entities spread, the people built a shrine to protect it.

The Era of the Hero of Time Hyrule Kingdom in Chaos (Hyrulean Civil War) For reasons not specified, Hyrule entered into a period of fierce war. During this war, a Hylian woman fled the fires of war and entered the Kokiri Forest, giving her newborn baby, named Link, to the Great Deku Tree to be raised as a Kokiri. Finally the war ended and the King of Hyrule unified his country. The war was first referenced by the Great Deku Tree Sprout to explain Link's origins after he lifted the curse on the Forest Temple. To escape from the fires of the war, a Hylian mother and her baby boy went to the Kokiri Forest. Before passing away, the mother left her child under the guardianship of the Great Deku Tree. The child was raised as a Kokiri and a few years later became the Hero of Time. Finally the war ended and resulted in the unification of Hyrule under one banner. Ganondorf once again swore fealty to the King of Hyrule. The peace was short lived (however, as some years later, Ganondorf acquired the Triforce of Power and the conquest of Hyrule began). The Boy Followed by a Fairy When the baby had become a young boy, he had many restless nights as nightmares of an evil man from the desert plagued his sleep. One day, The Great Deku Tree sent the Fairy Companion Navi to summon him. After defeating the monster Gohma within the Deku Tree itself, the guardian of the forest revealed that he had been cursed by the evil Ganondorf and implored Link to take the Spiritual Stone of Forest, the Kokiri Emerald, to Princess Zelda at Hyrule Castle. Link hurried to Hyrule Castle to meet Zelda, who told him that Ganondorf plotted to appropriate the sacred power of the Triforce. She and Link schemed to obtain the Triforce before Ganon could. Link would gather the other Spiritual Stones needed to open the Door of Time, and she would play the Ocarina of Time to open the door. After retrieving the two remaining Spiritual Stones, Link returned to Hyrule Castle only to see Zelda fleeing from Ganondorf. During her flight, Zelda threw the Ocarina of Time into the moat for Link to find. After a brief confrontation with Ganondorf, Link retrieved the Ocarina and proceeded to the Temple of Time. With all the keys in hand, he opened the Door of Time and lifted the Master Sword from its pedestal, opening the entrance to the Sacred Realm. As Link was too young to be the Hero of Time, Link's spirit was sealed in the Temple of Light for seven years.

The Awakening of the Hero of Time With the gates of the Sacred Realm unguarded, Ganondorf was able to enter and take the Triforce for his own. However, since his heart was not in balance, the Prince of Darkness was left with only the Triforce of Power. Despite this, Ganondorf was able to use it to conquer the land of Hyrule, as the Hero of Time slept for seven years. After seizing the Triforce and corrupting the Sacred Realm, he caused that corruption to seep into the temples of the Sages, which became infested with all kinds of monsters, so that the Sages-to-be would not be able to fulfill their duty and aid Link. As Link awakened after seven years, he found Hyrule in ruins. Led by Rauru's and Sheik's instructions, Link managed to cleanse the temples and help each Sage to gain their power. Upon Rauru's advice, he then returned to the Temple of Time, where he found Sheik waiting. His mysterious ally revealed himself to be none other than Princess Zelda, keeper of the Triforce of Wisdom and the seventh Sage, leader of them all. The reunion was cut short when the princess was abducted by Ganondorf. With the Sages help, Link fought his way to the top of Ganon's Tower, clearing the path to Ganondorf for the final showdown between the Hero of Time and the King of Evil.

The Adventure in Holodrum Oracle of Seasons Oracle of Seasons opens up the same as Oracle of Ages, with Link riding a horse. Spying a castle on the horizon, he goes inside and is sent by the Triforce to help a land being ravaged by the ruthless General Onox. Upon awakening in Holodrum, Link met with a group of traveling performers who were watching after a dancer named Din. Link danced with Din, but suddenly a whirlwind appeared and snatched Din away. Din was actually the Oracle of Seasons, and her capture by Onox meant that the seasons in the land of Holodrum were thrown into chaos. The only way to restore balance to the seasons was to collect the eight Essences of Nature scattered around Holodrum. Link quested for the essences, using the mythical Rod of Seasons in order to manipulate the seasons as he went. Once Link defeated Onox and rescued Din, he was magically transported to the land of Labrynna, the setting of his second trial. However, even after his death, Onox's actions caused the Flame of Destruction to be lit. The Adventure in Labrynna Oracle of Ages Link, having been sent from Hyrule to Labrynna by the power of the Triforce, awoke in Labrynna, almost immediately after stumbling upon Impa, who was besieged by a group of Octoroks. He helped her by moving a block with the Triforce crest on it. Then, both of them met Nayru, who was singing to animals. Suddenly, a shadow came out of Impa and possessed Nayru, who was actually the Oracle of Ages. It was Veran, who had used Impa's body to trick Link. Veran used Nayru's time-traveling abilities to go back in time and alter the past. Veran influenced Queen Ambi in the past to build the sinister Black Tower. Link had to use the Harp of Ages to travel back and forth between the present and the past in order to collect the eight Essences of Time and challenge Veran atop the Black Tower.[75] Link was able to drive Veran out of the body of Queen Ambi and defeat her, but he was too late: the Flame of Sorrow had been lit.

In order to light the third and final flame, Twinrova kidnapped Princess Zelda who had arrived in Labrynna. This would complete their dark ritual and light the Flame of Despair. However, Link challenged them and killed them in battle. As a last-ditch effort to complete the sacrifice needed to revive Ganon, the witches offered their own bodies and revived the King of Darkness. However, because the ritual was incomplete, Ganon returned as a mindless beast. Link battled Ganon and defeated him, restoring peace to Holodrum and Labrynna. His quest to stop Ganon's revival complete, Link departed Labrynna by boat.

A Hero's Adventure within a Fleeting Dream Link's adventures on Koholint On his sea voyage back to Hyrule, Link ran into a terrible storm. The waves and winds overpowered his boat and sunk it. Link awoke, washed ashore on an island known as Koholint. He was rescued by Marin, a young woman who bore a striking resemblance to Princess Zelda. Upon his attempts to leave the island, its inhabitants insisted that there was nothing beyond the sea. He learned that the only way to get off the island was to collect the Eight Instruments of the Sirens and wake the Wind Fish who slept in an egg atop Mt. Tamaranch. After traveling all over the island and obtaining the instruments, Link journeyed to the top of the mountain and played the Ballad of the Wind Fish and fought the Nightmare. Upon the Nightmare's defeat, it revealed that if the Wind Fish were to awake, the island would disappear, as it was just a dream of the Wind Fish. Once Link had defeated the Nightmare and awakened the Wind Fish, he awoke clinging to the driftwood of his ship, adrift on the open seas. Link's whereabouts after this are unknown.

A Link Between Worlds Centuries after Ganon's defeat, the peace of Hyrule is once again shattered by the sudden appearance of a mysterious and enigmatic wizard known as Yuga. With his cruel magic, he invades Hyrule from another world, transforming the descendants of the Seven Sages into paintings. Link, a young apprentice of the Blacksmith attempts to halt Yuga in his ambitions, but Yuga succeeds in not only acquiring all Seven Sages in the form of paintings, but Princess Zelda as well. He retreats to his world, that of Lorule, while Link chases after him, using the power of a bracelet given to him by the mysterious peddler, Ravio. Link is too late to stop Yuga. Using his magic and that of the Seven Sages, he is able to release Ganon. Along with the Triforce of Power, Yuga and Ganon are joined as one, and using this power, Yuga desires to consume both Hyrule and Lorule. Link is protected from the beast's onslaught by Hilda, the princess of Lorule and the dark counterpart of Zelda, who urges Link to rescue the Seven Sages who have been sent to the far reaches of Lorule. With Hilda holding back Yuga and guiding Link in his quest, he succeeds in rescuing the Seven Sages and, with their power, awakens the Triforce of Courage in himself. Taking the Triforce, he rushes to challenge Yuga in Lorule Castle, only to find Hilda waiting for him in the Throne Room. Here, she reveals the truth; it was her who sent Yuga to obtain the Seven Sages and release the Demon King. Taking the Triforce of Wisdom from Princess Zelda's portrait, she explains the history of her kingdom. Lorule once had it's own Triforce, but was destroyed by her ancestors long ago to stop endless wars over it's power. However, with the Triforce gone from her world, the kingdom crumbled, monsters arose and the world turned to darkness and corruption. Upon hearing of another world with it's own Triforce, she sent Yuga to obtain the keys to unlocking the Triforce of Power, and manipulated Link into obtaining the Triforce of Courage. Summoning Yuga, she demands he obtain the Triforce of Courage from Link. Yuga, using Ganon's power, unleashes his might upon the hero. Link fights valiantly however, and defeats Yuga, upon which point Hilda demands he relinquish the Triforce of Power to her. However, Yuga disobeys his ruler, and using his magic upon her he takes her portrait and her Triforce of Wisdom into himself, becoming stronger than ever. In a desperate final battle, Link, with the aid of Princess Zelda, finally defeats Yuga. Upon his defeat, Hilda and Zelda are returned to normal, yet Hilda still desires the Triforce to save her doomed kingdom. At the last moment, Ravio appears and reveals himself to be Link's Lorulean counterpart and once Hilda's loyal subject, and pleads with her to let Link and Zelda return to Hyrule with their Triforce. Finally relenting after seeing the senseless fighting that had led to this was not what her ancestors wanted, she helps Link and Zelda return to Hyrule with the last of the bracelet's power, through the first crack to appear between the worlds in Lorule's Sacred Realm. Returning to their own Sacred Realm with the connection between worlds gone, Link and Zelda find the Triforce once again whole. It awaits for Link to make a wish upon it, and with his wish, Lorule's Triforce is restored to it's former glory, and a new, brighter age dawns upon both Lorule and Hyrule.

The Hero's Departure After warning the Royal Family of Hyrule, Link and Zelda spend a short amount of time together. Before leaving Hyrule in search of his fairy companion Navi, who left him at the end of his quest, young Link heads to the Lon Lon Ranch to borrow his horse Epona. During Link's last meeting with Zelda, she states her belief that they would meet again. Furthermore, she gives him the Ocarina of Time to prevent Ganondorf from entering the Sacred Realm and as a memento of the time they spent together. She also teaches Link the Song of Time, a melody that holds a special meaning to her, before handing over the ocarina, mentioning that he should play that melody if something were to happen to him so that the Goddess of Time will come to his aid. Turmoil in Termina, the Parallel Universe Several months passed during the Hero of Time's search for Navi. Link was found in a mysterious forest, where the Skull Kid and his fairy companions Tatl and Tael encountered the hero and stole his horse, Epona, as well as the Ocarina of Time.[95] During Link's pursuit, the Skull Kid cursed him and turned him into a Deku Scrub. Tatl was left behind by Tael and the Skull Kid. The fairy insisted that Link take her with him as his companion, so that they can work together to find the Skull Kid and her brother Tael. Link soon discovered that he had wandered into a parallel universe called Termina which was threatened with imminent destruction by its Moon. He met the Happy Mask Salesman, who promised Link that if he was able to recover Majora's Mask from the Skull Kid, he would restore Link to his true form. Skull Kid had stolen the evil mask, which was a powerful artifact that had been used by an Ancient Tribe for hexing rituals. The Skull Kid, possessed by the mask, caused mischief for the people of Termina. He imprisoned his former childhood friends and deities of Termina, the Four Giants, within their respective temples, cursed the four lands the Four Giants created, and pulled the Moon from its orbit and destined it to crash into Clock Town in just three days in order to destroy all of Termina. Link then set off in his Deku form, finding himself in Clock Town at the epicenter of Termina. With the help of Tatl and the Great Fairy, he managed to find the Skull Kid atop Clock Tower. With an unearthly shriek, the Skull Kid began to bring the moon down completely to the land. Taking advantage of this, Link fired a Bubble Blast at the Skull Kid, causing him to drop the Ocarina of Time. Upon picking it up, memories of his departure from Hyrule flooded back to Link. After being snapped out of this reverie by Tatl, he played the Song of Time, and was immediately thrown back to the morning that he first entered Clock Town, three days prior. The Happy Mask Salesman taught Link the Song of Healing, restoring him to his human form. The hero gained the Deku Mask which held the spirit of a Deku. Donning the mask allowed him to transform into Deku Link once again. He again requested that Link recover Majora's Mask, stating his belief in the Hero of Time's strength. Link went to the four temples in the South, North, West, and East in order to free the Four Giants from their prisons and stop the moon from falling. In his travels, Link obtained transformation masks which allowed him to assume the forms of heroes whose souls he had healed with the Song of Healing. Once Link confronted the Skull Kid again, he summoned the Giants, causing the demon Majora to reveal itself as the source of the Skull Kid's evil. As the moon descended upon the Clock Tower, Link went inside it, where he confronted Majora on an otherworldly plain. Once Majora was defeated, the Hero of Time's secret journey ended with the beginning of the Carnival of Time. Link left Termina for Hyrule on Epona, still searching for his companion Navi.

The Era of Twilight Shadow King Zant's Invasion of the Light World Ganondorf took the form of a dark god and promised the Twili Zant incredible powers and the throne of the Twilight Realm on one condition: Zant would merge the worlds of Light and Twilight in order to create a world of darkness. Zant agreed, and pledged his undying service to his new master. He used his newfound powers to transform the Twilight Princess Midna into an imp and take the throne before launching his invasion of the light world.[98] Hyrule was unprepared for the invasion, and Princess Zelda soon found herself with her back against the wall. When given an ultimatum by Zant to surrender or die, she chose to surrender. Zant sent his minions over the land and stole power from the Light Spirits guarding each province, shrouding the kingdom of Hyrule in Twilight.

Midna and Link Midna uncovered the dark magic of her Dark Interloper ancestors in the form of the Fused Shadow. She used its magic to help a youth from Ordon Village named Link, a descendant of the Hero of Time, who had become trapped in the Twilight in the form of a wolf. Twili legend said that the Hero of Light would appear in the form of a sacred beast: in this case, a wolf. Midna struck a deal with Link that she would help him regain his human form if he would help her gather the other pieces of the Fused Shadow in order to defeat Zant. Once Midna and Link had cleared the land of Twilight and gathered the Fused Shadows, Zant revealed himself and stole the Fused Shadows, wounded Midna, and cursed Link to his wolf form once again. Midna and Link sought the aid of Princess Zelda, who gave up her soul so that Midna could live, and told Link to seek out the Master Sword in the Sacred Grove. The Master Sword dispelled the curse on Link, and allowed him to transform between his human and wolf forms at will. Throughout his adventure, Link learned the secrets of combat from the ghost of his ancestor, the Hero of Time. The Hero had lived a life filled with regret because he could not be a hero in this timeline, so he imparted his wisdom to his descendant.

In order to enter the Twilight Realm and confront Zant, Midna and Link sought the Mirror of Twilight at Arbiter's Grounds, but Zant had shattered it into pieces and scattered it across the land. The Sages who had executed Ganondorf appeared to the pair and told them about Ganondorf's involvement with the darkness which plagued the land. Midna and Link gathered the pieces of the Mirror and entered the Twilight Realm, and Link defeated Zant in single combat. Zant was not fazed, however, boasting that his god Ganon would revive him. In her fury, Midna reclaimed the Fused Shadow and used its power to destroy Zant completely.[103] Ganon and Link's duel Link and Midna went to the top of Hyrule Castle in order to battle the King of Darkness, who was in possession of Zelda's lifeless body. He possessed it and forced Link to do battle with the princess. Once he defeated her, Midna revived Zelda and Link defeated Ganon in his beast form. Midna used the Fused Shadow to become a terrifying monster and her struggle with Ganon destroyed the castle itself. Midna transported Link and Zelda to Hyrule Field, where they battled Ganondorf on horseback, and finally Link defeated Ganon in single combat, stabbing him in the chest. Ganon attempted to use the Triforce of Power to revive himself, but discovered that its power had left him. Zant stood on the gateway to the afterlife, mocking Ganon by snapping his own neck just as Ganon died. Midna was restored to her true form as the beautiful Twilight Princess, and bade farewell to Link and Zelda as she returned to the Twilight Realm. As she left, she shattered the Mirror of Twilight to ensure that its power would never be misused again. Link returned to Ordon Village; however, he later departed with Epona from his hometown. The Era of Shadow Hundreds of years after Ganondorf's death, the people of Hyrule had reconciled with Ganondorf's tribe, the Gerudo, and it seemed for a while that peace would prevail in the land. However, a new Ganondorf was born to the Gerudo tribe who was the reincarnation of the King of Darkness that was defeated by the Hero Chosen by the Gods, and violated their taboo on the Ancient Pyramid.[107] He stole the Trident from the pyramid and then stole the Dark Mirror from the Temple of Darkness. The mirror served as a prison for a Dark Tribe that, long ago, invaded the kingdom. It had the ability to reflect the evil heart of its bearer, giving birth to demonic creatures. Ganondorf schemed to release the ancient sorcerer Vaati from his prison within the Four Sword, and created a dark copy of Link, Shadow Link, with the Mirror. The clouds of darkness covering the land made Zelda uneasy, so she gathered the six shrine maidens to renew the seal upon Vaati. At that moment, Shadow Link appeared and scattered the maidens with his powers. Link drew the sword from its pedestal, splitting into four just as in ancient times. However, this released Vaati from his prison to cause chaos. Ganon used Shadow Link to tear open rifts to the Dark World, pulling the four Knights of Hyrule into his sway and transforming them into Stalfos. The four Links journeyed throughout Hyrule to rescue the Shrine Maidens, and learned that Ganon was the mastermind behind the darkness plaguing Hyrule. They obtained the four jewels from the Knights, and made their way to the Tower of Winds, where they battled Vaati and Ganon himself, destroying Vaati and sealing Ganon inside the Four Sword forevermore.

Adult Link Timeline The presence of the Hero who went back and forth in time generated a fork in history, dividing Hyrule's chronology. The Adult Link Timeline[114] is the timeline that follows the events after Link is being sent back to his original time, following the Hero of Time's defeat of Ganondorf in the final battle and his subsequent sealing within the corrupted Sacred Realm by the Seven Sages. This turn of events created the timeline containing The Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, and Spirit Tracks. The Era without a Hero The Great Flood Many years after the Hero of Time's victory, the seal of the Seven Sages began to weaken for an unknown reason, and Ganondorf managed to escape his imprisonment. Ganondorf intended to make good on his threat to the Hero of Time and the Seven Sages that he would escape one day to make their descendants pay for his imprisonment. The people of Hyrule hoped that the Hero of Time would show up to save them, but the hero did not appear. Left with no other choice, they pleaded to the gods.[119] The gods answered their prayers by instructing those chosen to take refuge on the mountaintops before they flooded Hyrule, keeping Ganon and his army trapped in time underneath the waves. The people of Hyrule would then go on to build a new civilization on the surface of the Great Sea and, with the passing of time, largely forget the memory of the old Hyrule that still existed deep beneath the waves. On Outset Island, a tradition emerged of having young boys wear the green garb of the Hero of Time for one day on their birthdays.

The Era of the Great Sea Beneath the waves, Ganon was revived and sought out the two sages who prayed for the power of the Master Sword. He killed them in order to stop the sword's power to repel evil and reach the surface world. He built a base in the Forsaken Fortress and filled it with his dark army. He sought out all young girls with long, pointed ears, in hopes that he would capture the descendant of Princess Zelda. In response, King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule also awoke and used his powers to guide a boat called the King of Red Lions on the surface world. On Outset, a young boy named Link came of age and was given the Hero's Clothes to wear for one day. Unfortunately, this was the day that the terrible bird called the Helmaroc King attacked the island, carrying the pirate captain named Tetra. The bird dropped Tetra on the island, but left with Link's sister Aryll. Link joined forces with Tetra's pirates in order to storm the Forsaken Fortress and rescue Aryll. The Helmaroc King captured Link once he reached Aryll's cell, and showed him to Ganon. Ganon thought the boy was worthless, so the bird threw him into the sea. Luckily, the King of Red Lions rescued Link and brought him to Windfall Island. Along with the magical baton called the Wind Waker, they journeyed across the Great Sea in order to retrieve the Goddess Pearls and open the gateway to Hyrule. Link raised the Tower of the Gods to the surface and proved his worth to be a hero by passing its trials. Then, he ventured down the ancient kingdom of Hyrule and drew the Master Sword from its pedestal. With the Master Sword in hand, Link went to challenge Ganon in the Forsaken Fortress, but Ganon told him that the sword was powerless to defeat him, because it did not have the power to repel evil. Link went back to Hyrule with Tetra, where the King of Red Lions revealed himself as the King of Hyrule and Tetra as his descendant Princess Zelda. Link then searched for the Sages of Earth and Wind in order to restore the power of the Master Sword. He awakened Medli as Sage of Earth and Makar as Sage of Wind. Their prayers restored power to the Master Sword. Link then searched for the Triforce of Courage, which had been split into eight pieces when the Hero of Time left to return to his own time. Armed with the Triforce and the Master Sword, Link returned to the kingdom beneath the waves and challenged Ganon atop his tower. Ganon united the Triforce pieces and made a wish that he be the ruler of Hyrule. However, before he could touch the Triforce to make his wish come true, King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule touched the Triforce and wished for Hyrule to be washed away, so that his descendants could build a new future above the waves. Ganon was defiant, and faced Link and Zelda in battle. Link stabbed Ganon in his forehead, turning him to stone as the waves crashed around him. The King, staying behind to be buried beneath the waves along with his kingdom, sent Link and Zelda back the surface world in order to begin their new future.

The Era of Hyrule's Rebirth The New Hyrule Tetra's pirates eventually landed on a new continent, where the Tower of Spirits stood tall over the landscape. She founded a new kingdom here, connected by the Spirit Tracks which ran across the land. Tetra decreed that her soldiers would wear a green uniform, like that worn by the Hero of Winds. A century after the kingdom's establishment, the rails began to disappear. Tetra's descendant, Princess Zelda, gave a Royal Engineer named Link a Recruit Uniform and joined him to investigate the Tower of Spirits. Link lived with Niko, the last remaining member of Tetra's pirate crew. On their way to the Tower, Chancellor Cole revealed himself as a demon whose aim was to revive the Demon King Malladus who had been sealed underneath the Tower of Spirits in ancient times. Cole and Byrne stole her body and left her as a spirit. Link and Zelda sought the advice of the Lokomo sage Anjean, who told them to restore the Tower. In spirit form, Zelda was able to possess the Phantoms which roamed the Tower of Spirits and helped Link advance to the top. Link and Zelda restored the Tower of Spirits by journeying throughout Hyrule and breaking the barriers at each temple so that they could reach the Demon King at the top. Once they reached the top of the tower, Malladus was revived, and Link went into the Dark Realm in order to defeat him. Once Malladus was destroyed and Zelda returned to her body, the Lokomos departed into the heavens, their duty to protect Hyrule fulfilled.

Shigeru Miyamoto, per creare la serie, si ispirò alle sue esperienze esplorative. Da ragazzo amava esplorare la zona collinare che circondava il suo quartiere natale a Kyōto, dove si avventurava dentro fitte foreste con laghi e caverne in esse. Sempre secondo Miyamoto, un'esperienza significativa fu scovare l'ingresso di una grotta in mezzo alla foresta, che decise di esplorare sino in fondo facendosi luce con una lanterna. Questo influenzò molto la creazione di Zelda, in quanto l'esplorazione delle grotte è un elemento principale del gioco. Il nome di Zelda invece venne ispirato dalla moglie di Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Zelda Fitzgerald. Il nome di Link deriva dalla parola inglese collegamento, in quanto il personaggio era inteso come un collegamento tra il giocatore ed esso.
Link :
Link, nato nella tribù degli Hylia, come mostrato in Ocarina of Time è in alcuni episodi in forma fanciullesca; in altri è adulto (sempre in Ocarina of Time è sia adulto che bambino in Wind Waker lo ritroviamo ragazzino). Link non ha mai parlato durante i giochi, lasciando un alone di mistero dietro la sua figura. Shigeru Miyamoto, suo creatore, ha spiegato che un Link muto avrebbe fatto immedesimare meglio il giocatore nel protagonista. In tutta la saga, Link parla solo due volte: In The Adventure of Link, dove nella casa di un villaggio troverà uno specchio sotto un tavolo e dirà "I found a mirror under the table" (Ho trovato uno specchio sotto il tavolo) e in Wind Waker, quando deve farsi seguire da un partner e urla "Come on!!". La serie ci propone diversi Link, infatti ogni gioco presenta un Link diverso appartenente ognuno a un'epoca differente. In ogni gioco, comunque, l'eroe indossa una tunica di colore verde, un cappuccio del medesimo colore, degli stivali marroni e una cintura. Le sue orecchie sono a punta, simili a quelle di un elfo. I capelli sono quasi sempre biondi, tranne nei primi giochi della serie in cui erano castani, mentre i suoi occhi sono azzurri. Link è sempre riuscito a salvare il regno di Hyrule (dove regna la principessa Zelda) dalle minacce del suo eterno nemico Ganondorf, il re del male. Link possiede inoltre un pezzo della Triforza, la sacra reliquia intorno alla quale ruota la storia del gioco. Il pezzo posseduto dall'eroe è quello del coraggio. Da Ocarina of Time viene introdotta una fedele compagna di Link, la cavalla Epona, utilizzata per spostarsi rapidamente nel regno di Hyrule. L'arma di cui non si separa mai è la Master Sword, spada incantata e leggendaria che esorcizza il male, forgiata dagli antichi saggi. Durante il corso della leggenda, tutte le incarnazioni di Link acquisiscono un titolo speciale. Ad esempio, il Link dell'epoca di Ocarina of Time e Majora Mask viene chiamato Eroe del Tempo, mentre il Link dell'epoca di Wind Waker e Phantom Hourglass viene chiamato Eroe del Vento, mentre in "Twilight Princess" viene chiamato "Eroe prescelto dalle Dee". Fuori dalla serie, Link è comparso in vari giochi di lotta tra i quali Super Smash Bros. inclusi tutti i seguiti e Soul Calibur II. Il personaggio di Link viene inoltre citato in videogiochi e cartoni animati esterni alla serie.

Link, nato nella tribù degli Hylia, come mostrato in Ocarina of Time è in alcuni episodi in forma fanciullesca; in altri è adulto (sempre in Ocarina of Time è sia adulto che bambino in Wind Waker lo ritroviamo ragazzino). Link non ha mai parlato durante i giochi, lasciando un alone di mistero dietro la sua figura. Shigeru Miyamoto, suo creatore, ha spiegato che un Link muto avrebbe fatto immedesimare meglio il giocatore nel protagonista. In tutta la saga, Link parla solo due volte: In The Adventure of Link, dove nella casa di un villaggio troverà uno specchio sotto un tavolo e dirà "I found a mirror under the table" (Ho trovato uno specchio sotto il tavolo) e in Wind Waker, quando deve farsi seguire da un partner e urla "Come on!!". La serie ci propone diversi Link, infatti ogni gioco presenta un Link diverso appartenente ognuno a un'epoca differente. In ogni gioco, comunque, l'eroe indossa una tunica di colore verde, un cappuccio del medesimo colore, degli stivali marroni e una cintura. Le sue orecchie sono a punta, simili a quelle di un elfo. I capelli sono quasi sempre biondi, tranne nei primi giochi della serie in cui erano castani, mentre i suoi occhi sono azzurri. Link è sempre riuscito a salvare il regno di Hyrule (dove regna la principessa Zelda) dalle minacce del suo eterno nemico Ganondorf, il re del male. Link possiede inoltre un pezzo della Triforza, la sacra reliquia intorno alla quale ruota la storia del gioco. Il pezzo posseduto dall'eroe è quello del coraggio. Da Ocarina of Time viene introdotta una fedele compagna di Link, la cavalla Epona, utilizzata per spostarsi rapidamente nel regno di Hyrule. L'arma di cui non si separa mai è la Master Sword, spada incantata e leggendaria che esorcizza il male, forgiata dagli antichi saggi. Durante il corso della leggenda, tutte le incarnazioni di Link acquisiscono un titolo speciale. Ad esempio, il Link dell'epoca di Ocarina of Time e Majora Mask viene chiamato Eroe del Tempo, mentre il Link dell'epoca di Wind Waker e Phantom Hourglass viene chiamato Eroe del Vento, mentre in "Twilight Princess" viene chiamato "Eroe prescelto dalle Dee". Fuori dalla serie, Link è comparso in vari giochi di lotta tra i quali Super Smash Bros. inclusi tutti i seguiti e Soul Calibur II. Il personaggio di Link viene inoltre citato in videogiochi e cartoni animati esterni alla serie.
Zelda :

Figlia di Re Daphnes di Hyrule, Zelda è la principessa del regno. Possiede un frammento del leggendario oggetto chiamato Triforza, più precisamente la Triforza della Saggezza. Questo fatto attira spesso l'attenzione del malvagio mago Ganon, possessore di un altro frammento della Triforza. Zelda viene perciò rapita in certe occasioni da Ganon. In molti giochi viene rappresentata come una dei saggi e una profetessa. In Ocarina of Time e Minish Cap Zelda dimostra di conoscere l'arte della magia, lanciando potenti raggi energetici e campi di forza magici. Come Link, Zelda non è sempre la stessa persona in ogni gioco ma una discendente di essa. Tuttavia, possiede sempre le stesse caratteristiche. Appare in tutti i giochi ad eccezione di Link's Awakening, dove è solo menzionata. Viene mostrata da bambina in quasi tutti i capitoli, mentre in Ocarina of Time e Twilight Princess la vediamo adulta. In ogni caso, la sua età è sempre la stessa di Link. In Twilight Princess, Zelda viene imprigionata dal malvagio Zant, ma si scopre in seguito che gli era stato ordinato da Ganondorf. Per un breve periodo di tempo, il malvagio Ganon prende possesso del corpo della principessa, ma viene scacciato via da Link. Durante la battaglia finale, Zelda lancerà delle frecce di luce contro Ganondorf per stordirlo. In Wind Waker, Zelda ha inizialmente l'identità di una giovane piratessa chiamata Dazel (Tetra in inglese, comunque è un anagramma di Zelda ). Seguendo Link per la sua avventura, Dazel giunge insieme a lui nel Castello di Hyrule, dove scopre di essere la Principessa Zelda. In Phantom Hourglass, Zelda ricompare nuovamente sotto il nome di Dazel. Viene trasformata in pietra dal malvagio demone Bellum, ma viene salvata nuovamente da Link. In Spirit Tracks vediamo di nuovo Zelda bambina, discendente della piratessa Dazel. Il suo corpo viene rapito da dei demoni e Link può vedere il suo spirito. Sotto questa forma è in grado di prendere possesso degli spettri. Link molte volte deve salvare la principessa per il rapimento di zelda da il malvagio Ganondorf re delle tenebre
Ganondorf :

Appare per la prima volta (nella sua forma umana) in Ocarina Of Time. Qui, Ganondorf è inizialmente conosciuto come re, e unico maschio del popolo Gerudo. Viene a sapere della Triforza e subito desidera conquistarla. Per farlo avrebbe dovuto possedere le tre pietre sacre che gli avrebbero permesso il libero accesso al Sacro Reame. Dopodiché, avrebbe ucciso il re e sarebbe diventato il nuovo re incontrastato di Hyrule. Dopo che Link viaggiò nel tempo, ebbe l'opportunità di mettere le mani sulla triforza, ma essa si divise in tre parti a causa dell'incompatibilità col malvagio cuore di Ganondorf. Esso ricevette la Triforza del Potere, Link quella del Coraggio e Zelda quella della Saggezza. Alla fine dell'avventura, Link affronta Ganondorf con la Spada Suprema e le Frecce di Luce. Dopo essere stato sconfitto, Ganondorf distrugge il suo castello, e sfruttando il potere della Triforza cambia forma, diventando Ganon, la sua forma animale. Link sconfigge Ganon con la Spada Suprema. In Wind Waker, Ganondorf ordina ai suo servi di rapire tutte le ragazze con le orecchie a punta, per risalire a Zelda. Aril, la piccola sorellina di Link viene quindi rapita. Il vero piano di Ganon era quello di rapire Link e Zelda per ottenere i due pezzi di Triforza mancanti che si sarebbero aggiunti al suo pezzo del Potere. Link e Zelda combattono contro di lui, eliminandolo definitivamente impalando la Spada Suprema sulla sua testa e trasformandolo in roccia. Twilight Princess, durante la sua stessa esecuzione Ganondorf riesce a uccidere uno dei Sette Saggi grazie al potere della Triforza, ma essi riescono a rinchiuderlo nel Regno del Crepuscolo grazie allo Specchio Oscuro. Qui, Ganondorf appare come un semi-dio incorporeo al malvagio Zant, proponendogli di aiutarlo a conquistare il regno della luce, Hyrule. Viene infine ucciso da Link, il quale lo trafigge con la lama leggendaria in pieno petto. Appare inoltre nei titoli Four Swords Adventures e Oracle of Seasons
Master Sword :

Benchè non sia proprio un personaggio,la Master Sword (マスターソード, Masutā Sōdo?, Spada Suprema in italiano) è la spada immaginaria che affianca Link, protagonista di ogni episodio della serie di Legend of Zelda, nelle sue avventure. Viene definita come "La Spada che Esorcizza il Male". In tutti gli episodi in cui è presente, la Master Sword deve essere estratta da un piedistallo, il che è un chiaro riferimento a Excalibur, la famosa spada nella roccia di Re Artù. La Master Sword compare nella maggior parte degli episodi della saga a partire da The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Apparizioni nella serie Skyward Sword Qui assistiamo (e partecipiamo) alla creazione della Master Sword. In questo capitolo è presente anche lo spirito della spada,una fata di nome Faih. A Link to the Past La prima apparizione della Master Sword si ha nell'episodio per Super Nintendo. Qui la Master Sword viene trovata da Link nella Lost Woods, e solo colui che riesce a recuperare i tre pendagli potrà estrarla dalla base in cui è inserita. È l'unica arma a poter rompere il sigillo messo da Aganhim all'entrata dell'Hyrule Castle. La spada può inoltre essere temperata, in modo da aumentarne la potenza e, successivamente, resa ancora più forte dalla Regina delle Fate all'interno della Pyramid of Power. Insieme alle Frecce d'argento, è l'unica arma in grado di danneggiare Ganon. Ocarina of Time In questo episodio la Master Sword gioca un ruolo ancora più importante. Essa si trova all'interno del Tempio del Tempo e può essere estratta solamente dall'Eroe del Tempo. Quando Link bambino riuscirà ad estrarla dal Piedistallo del Tempo, la Master Sword conserverà il suo corpo e la sua anima per sette anni nella Camera dei Saggi(nei quali Ganodorf si impossessa della triforza e diventa re malvagio di hyrule), dove Link si risveglierà quando sarà pronto per diventare effettivamente l'Eroe del Tempo ed affrontare Ganondorf. Mentre Link estraeva la spada ha però aperto le porte del Sacro Reame anche a Ganondorf, che si impossessa della Triforza del Potere. Quando Link è adulto, può tornare bambino reinserendo la Master Sword nel Piedistallo del Tempo, e viceversa. La Master Sword non è l'unica arma che può danneggiare Ganondorf; Link può usare anche la Giant's Knife e la Biggoron's Sword, ma per dargli il "colpo finale" può usare solo la Master Sword. The Wind Waker In questo episodio la Master Sword si trova nel palazzo di Hyrule nel fondo del mare, chiusa in una stanza segreta sotto la statua dell'Eroe del Tempo. La Master Sword però non ha più il potere di distruggere il Male, perché i saggi che pregavano affinché tale potere restasse sono stati uccisi da Ganondorf. Link dovrà portare nei Templi della Terra e del Vento due nuovi saggi che preghino affinché la Master Sword riacquisti il potere perduto. Twilight Princess In questo episodio, la Master Sword si trova nella Foresta Sacra (Sacred Grove),più precisamente nel Tempio della Foresta(che poi sarebbero i resti del Tempio del Tempo), protetta da due statue di pietra che faranno passare Link solo se riuscirà a risolvere un difficile rompicapo. Grazie ad essa, Link potrà ritornare in forma umana dopo essere stato trasformato in lupo dal potere di Zant.
I Kokiri sono una razza di folletti con fattezze di bambini, presenti nell'episodio del videogioco The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, primo episodio della saga di Zelda ad essere apparso su Nintendo 64. Hanno inoltre brevi apparizioni in Zelda: The Wind Waker per Nintendo Gamecube. I Kokiri indossano tuniche verdi (a volte anche un berretto) ed hanno le orecchie a punta, come la razza Hylian. Tuttavia non crescono e non invecchiano, restando per tutta la vita in corpi di bambini. I Kokiri paiono essere immortali; oppure più semplicemente restano con fattezze di bambini fino alla morte. Non è dato sapere l'eta' media di un Kokiri. I capelli dei Kokiri possono essere verdi (come quelli di Saria), oppure biondi, o castani, ricordando comunque aspetti della foresta, come il verde degli alberi o il castano e il biondo delle foglie d'autunno. Le fate I Kokiri trascorrono la loro esistenza nel loro villaggio, isolati dal mondo esterno, e protetti dall'albero Deku, il guardiano della foresta. Di natura allegra e spensierata, vengono definiti come i figli della foresta stessa, probabilmente generati dallo stesso Deku. Ogni Kokiri possiede una fata personale che fa da guida, amica e guardiana, giocando un ruolo molto importante nella vita dei folletti. Si dice inoltre che solo i Kokiri riescano a trovare la strada nelle Lost Woods, con la guida della propria fata personale. Una persona comune senza una fatina riuscirebbe solamente a perdersi nei suoi meandri misteriosi. Se un Kokiri si perde dentro alle Lost Woods e non riesce ad uscirne, molto probabilmente diventera' uno Skull Kid, un folletto perduto nei meandri della foresta magica. Link aveva come compagna di viaggio una fata di nome Navi, sebbene non fosse di sangue Kokiri. All'inizio del gioco Link ci viene presentato come un Kokiri senza fata personale, cosa inusuale per un folletto della foresta. Tuttavia Link non appartiene alla razza Kokiri, al contrario dell'amica Saria. Secondo la tradizione, un Kokiri non puo' lasciare la foresta: è convinzione comune che morirebbe. Questo è in disaccordo col finale del gioco, che mostra i Kokiri al Lon Lon Ranch, durante i festeggiamenti per la liberazione di Hyrule. Nella storia della saga di Zelda è certo che almeno due Kokiri abbiano aiutato l'eroe (o gli eroi) Link: Saria, divenuta Saggio della Foresta, e Fado, nel capitolo di Zelda: The Wind Waker, saggio del vento, morto per mano di un Ganondorf redivivo. In Zelda: Wind Waker non esistono i Kokiri (tranne Fado). Piuttosto esistono i Korogu, che vivono con l'albero Deku sull'isola della foresta. Forse si tratta di un'evoluzione dei Kokiri, entrati in simbiosi cosi' tanto con la natura da subirne una mutazione. Kokiri Famosi Saria : personaggio molto importante in questo capitolo di Zelda, Saria è una Kokiri molto ammirata dai suoi simili, in particolar modo da Mido, che pare quasi avere una infatuazione nei confronti della ragazza. Di animo gentile e sensibile, Saria insegna la sua canzone a Link. In questo modo l'eroe è capace di parlare con lei ogni volta che la suona. Insieme alla canzone, Saria dona a Link anche un'ocarina, come simbolo della loro profonda amicizia. Più avanti nella storia verra' risvegliata come saggio della foresta, donando il medaglione della foresta a Link. Mido : Kokiri sbruffone ed invidioso della relazione tra Saria e Link, si atteggia a capo della comunità Kokiri. Fado : anche se non appare in Ocarina of Time, Fado fa la sua apparizione come spirito deceduto in Zelda: The Wind Waker per Gamecube. Fado era il saggio del vento, col suo violino omaggiava le potenze per alimentare la potenza della Master Sword. Abilissimo col violino, faceva parte dell'orchestra condotta dal Re di Hyrule. In Ocarina of Time esiste un Kokiri di nome Fado, ma si tratta solo di un riciclo di nomi. Origini I Kokiri potrebbero essere ispirati in vaga misura dalla storia di Peter Pan, avendo vaghe similitudini con quest'opera. Come il personaggio principale e i bambini smarriti, i folletti della foresta di Ocarina of Time non invecchiano, ed indossano tuniche e cappelli verdi, quasi ad essere in simbiosi con la foresta stessa. Ogni nome Kokiri (tranne Saria, il cui nome appare anche come città in Zelda II: Adventure of Link) è una concatenazione di due note musicali: Mi+Do, Fa+Do, e via dicendo. Villaggio dei Kokiri I Kokiri vivono in un villaggio tra le foreste di Hyrule. Il protagonista, di nome link nel racconto originale, inizia la sua avventura in questo villaggio in cui intraprendere un'eroica missione: salvare l'intero regno e la principessa Zelda dalle grinfie del malefico Ganondorf. Una caratteristica originale di questo popolo è che non avanza mai con l'età, difatti è composto solo da giovani folletti di cui non è dato sapere l'eta media. Il villaggio kokiri si presenta all'interno di una foresta da cui eredita i principali aspetti quali il verde degli alberi, liane ed insetti. All'interno del villaggio Link si procura un pugnale, attraverso uno scrigno accessibile da un punto segreto ed uno scudo di legno che può essere comprato alla bottega per il prezzo di qualche rupia. Oltre alla bottega, nell'isola sono presenti diverse case dei kokiri in cui si possono raccogliere rupie. Punti caratteristici del villaggio Il punto più protetto e importante del villaggio è l'albero Deku, il più anziano albero protettore della foresta dove risiede il villaggio, entro il quale si nasconde un dungeon: per l'appunto il primo che affronta il nostro eroe Link prima di lasciare il villaggio. Altro punto di notevole importanza e la Lost Woods, bosco che collega il villaggio Kokiri ad altri due luoghi: l'ingresso alla città degli Zora e a quella dei Goron; altre due razze che fanno parte della saga di Zelda.

I Kokiri sono una razza di folletti con fattezze di bambini, presenti nell'episodio del videogioco The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, primo episodio della saga di Zelda ad essere apparso su Nintendo 64. Hanno inoltre brevi apparizioni in Zelda: The Wind Waker per Nintendo Gamecube. I Kokiri indossano tuniche verdi (a volte anche un berretto) ed hanno le orecchie a punta, come la razza Hylian. Tuttavia non crescono e non invecchiano, restando per tutta la vita in corpi di bambini. I Kokiri paiono essere immortali; oppure più semplicemente restano con fattezze di bambini fino alla morte. Non è dato sapere l'eta' media di un Kokiri. I capelli dei Kokiri possono essere verdi (come quelli di Saria), oppure biondi, o castani, ricordando comunque aspetti della foresta, come il verde degli alberi o il castano e il biondo delle foglie d'autunno. Le fate I Kokiri trascorrono la loro esistenza nel loro villaggio, isolati dal mondo esterno, e protetti dall'albero Deku, il guardiano della foresta. Di natura allegra e spensierata, vengono definiti come i figli della foresta stessa, probabilmente generati dallo stesso Deku. Ogni Kokiri possiede una fata personale che fa da guida, amica e guardiana, giocando un ruolo molto importante nella vita dei folletti. Si dice inoltre che solo i Kokiri riescano a trovare la strada nelle Lost Woods, con la guida della propria fata personale. Una persona comune senza una fatina riuscirebbe solamente a perdersi nei suoi meandri misteriosi. Se un Kokiri si perde dentro alle Lost Woods e non riesce ad uscirne, molto probabilmente diventera' uno Skull Kid, un folletto perduto nei meandri della foresta magica. Link aveva come compagna di viaggio una fata di nome Navi, sebbene non fosse di sangue Kokiri. All'inizio del gioco Link ci viene presentato come un Kokiri senza fata personale, cosa inusuale per un folletto della foresta. Tuttavia Link non appartiene alla razza Kokiri, al contrario dell'amica Saria. Secondo la tradizione, un Kokiri non puo' lasciare la foresta: è convinzione comune che morirebbe. Questo è in disaccordo col finale del gioco, che mostra i Kokiri al Lon Lon Ranch, durante i festeggiamenti per la liberazione di Hyrule. Nella storia della saga di Zelda è certo che almeno due Kokiri abbiano aiutato l'eroe (o gli eroi) Link: Saria, divenuta Saggio della Foresta, e Fado, nel capitolo di Zelda: The Wind Waker, saggio del vento, morto per mano di un Ganondorf redivivo. In Zelda: Wind Waker non esistono i Kokiri (tranne Fado). Piuttosto esistono i Korogu, che vivono con l'albero Deku sull'isola della foresta. Forse si tratta di un'evoluzione dei Kokiri, entrati in simbiosi cosi' tanto con la natura da subirne una mutazione. Kokiri Famosi Saria : personaggio molto importante in questo capitolo di Zelda, Saria è una Kokiri molto ammirata dai suoi simili, in particolar modo da Mido, che pare quasi avere una infatuazione nei confronti della ragazza. Di animo gentile e sensibile, Saria insegna la sua canzone a Link. In questo modo l'eroe è capace di parlare con lei ogni volta che la suona. Insieme alla canzone, Saria dona a Link anche un'ocarina, come simbolo della loro profonda amicizia. Più avanti nella storia verra' risvegliata come saggio della foresta, donando il medaglione della foresta a Link. Mido : Kokiri sbruffone ed invidioso della relazione tra Saria e Link, si atteggia a capo della comunità Kokiri. Fado : anche se non appare in Ocarina of Time, Fado fa la sua apparizione come spirito deceduto in Zelda: The Wind Waker per Gamecube. Fado era il saggio del vento, col suo violino omaggiava le potenze per alimentare la potenza della Master Sword. Abilissimo col violino, faceva parte dell'orchestra condotta dal Re di Hyrule. In Ocarina of Time esiste un Kokiri di nome Fado, ma si tratta solo di un riciclo di nomi. Origini I Kokiri potrebbero essere ispirati in vaga misura dalla storia di Peter Pan, avendo vaghe similitudini con quest'opera. Come il personaggio principale e i bambini smarriti, i folletti della foresta di Ocarina of Time non invecchiano, ed indossano tuniche e cappelli verdi, quasi ad essere in simbiosi con la foresta stessa. Ogni nome Kokiri (tranne Saria, il cui nome appare anche come città in Zelda II: Adventure of Link) è una concatenazione di due note musicali: Mi+Do, Fa+Do, e via dicendo. Villaggio dei Kokiri I Kokiri vivono in un villaggio tra le foreste di Hyrule. Il protagonista, di nome link nel racconto originale, inizia la sua avventura in questo villaggio in cui intraprendere un'eroica missione: salvare l'intero regno e la principessa Zelda dalle grinfie del malefico Ganondorf. Una caratteristica originale di questo popolo è che non avanza mai con l'età, difatti è composto solo da giovani folletti di cui non è dato sapere l'eta media. Il villaggio kokiri si presenta all'interno di una foresta da cui eredita i principali aspetti quali il verde degli alberi, liane ed insetti. All'interno del villaggio Link si procura un pugnale, attraverso uno scrigno accessibile da un punto segreto ed uno scudo di legno che può essere comprato alla bottega per il prezzo di qualche rupia. Oltre alla bottega, nell'isola sono presenti diverse case dei kokiri in cui si possono raccogliere rupie. Punti caratteristici del villaggio Il punto più protetto e importante del villaggio è l'albero Deku, il più anziano albero protettore della foresta dove risiede il villaggio, entro il quale si nasconde un dungeon: per l'appunto il primo che affronta il nostro eroe Link prima di lasciare il villaggio. Altro punto di notevole importanza e la Lost Woods, bosco che collega il villaggio Kokiri ad altri due luoghi: l'ingresso alla città degli Zora e a quella dei Goron; altre due razze che fanno parte della saga di Zelda.

I Goron sono delle creature fatte di roccia, apparse in Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, The Wind Waker, The Minish Cap, Four Swords Adventures, Twilight Princess , Phantom Hourglass e Spirit Tracks. Sono delle creature simili a dei sassi che vivono rintanati in zone montuose. In Ocarina of Time e in Twilight Princess, i Goron vivono pacificamente sul Monte Morte (Death Mountain in inglese), su un monte omonimo ma diverso in Majora Mask; in "Wind waker" in alcune isole si trovano dei goron mercanti erranti, e nell'Isola Goron in Phantom Hourglass. Si cibano esclusivamente di pietre. In Ocarina of Time aiutano Link a far aprire le porte del Tempio del Tempo donandogli il loro tesoro (il Goron's Ruby) da loro gelosamente custodito. Link riesce a ottenerlo solamente sconfiggendo il Re Dodongo nella Dodongo's Cavern. In Majora Mask, prima di poter accedere a un Dungeon si deve recuperare la maschera di Darmani (l'eroe della tribù, defunto nel tentativo di raggiungere la sommità della Death Mountain) per potersi trasformare in Goron Link, trasformazione che fornisce all'eroe nuovi poteri. In Phantom Hourglass invece, aiutato dal piccolo Gongoron (figlio del capo del villaggio), Link recupera uno dei tre metalli puri che servono per forgiare la Spada Illusione, unica arma in grado di sconfiggere il malefico Bellum,in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap scavano una caverna per sbloccarla devi fare delle fusioni con alcuni muri misteriosi infine troverai due Goron che fanno una fusione uno sblocchera il Goron viaggiatore e l'altro il grande Goron che fare prendere a Link lo scudo a specchio. I Goron sono molto un popolo molto fiero e valoroso, pronto sempre ad aiutare i veri amici, che loro chiamano Fratelli di Roccia(Sworn Brothers in inglese).

Gli Zora sono delle pacifiche ed amichevoli creature simili a pesci. Nei primi giochi della serie, erano presenti delle creature ostili chiamate Zolas, definite dalla Nintendo come delle femmine di Zora divenute crudeli. Successivamente, questo disguido fu corretto in Oracle of Ages, dove viene fatta una maggiore distinzione tra Zora ostili e buoni. In questo gioco, gli Zora cattivi sono chiamati River Zora e quelli amichevoli Sea Zora. Il loro aspetto viene rinnovato per la prima volta in Ocarina of Time, dove vengono rappresentati con caratteristiche più umane. In questo gioco, la loro pelle è di colore bianco con alcune zone blu, gli occhi sono completamente neri e i loro piedi sono simili a pinne. La Principessa Ruto, figlia del capo della tribù degli Zora, aiuterà Link nella sua avventura, e in seguito diverrà una dei sette saggi. In Twilight Princess, gli Zora vengono cambiati d'aspetto ancora una volta e qui presentano caratteristiche ancora più umane. Gli occhi sono dotati di pupilla, e il loro naso appare uguale a quello di un uomo. La loro pelle è liscia e di colore grigiastro, tranne nella pancia e nel petto dove è bianca; le branchie sono spostate sui fianchi. Gli Zora femmina presentano inoltre una colorazione tendente al rosa. Queste creature depongono delle uova che devono essere tenute al freddo. I cuccioli appena nati sono simili a dei girini. Inoltre, gli Zora apprezzano la musica, infatti in Majora's Mask esiste una band musicale composta da Zora, gli Indigo-Gos. In Skyward Sword appaiono come delle creaturine simili a polipetti.

I Deku sono una razza ricorrente nell'universo di Zelda. Sono delle piante umanoidi che a volte convivono con altre razze. Il termine "Deku" tuttavia serve a descrivere anche altri esseri come ad esempio il Great Deku Tree, il Great Deku Sprout, Deku Babas, Deku Nuts, Deku Sticks, Deku Seeds, Deku Flowers, e i Deku Shields. I Deku Scrubs solitamente sono identificati da delle foglie verdi. Non sono aggressivi e anzi,parlano pure. I Mad Scrubs hanno foglie rosse e sono più veloci dei Deku Scrubs. Sono la tipologia di Deku più aggressiva. I Businness Scrubs hanno braccia e parlano,spesso vendono degli oggetti se sconfitti. Alcuni esemplari tuttavia si dedicano esclusivamente alla vendita. All'inizio di Majora's Mask,Link viene tramutato in un Deku Scrub da Skull Kid.

Le Gerudo sono una delle più famose razze della serie di videogiochi della serie The Legend of Zelda. Fanno la loro comparsa in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, nel mondo di Termina in Majora's Mask come pirati ed infine in Four Swords Adventure. Nonostante i pochi giochi in cui sono apparse in "carne e ossa" le Gerudo sono famose sia per le moltissime citazioni (per esempio danno il nome a uno dei tanti pani di Minish Cap) che tramite il loro più famoso esponente, Ganondorf. Le Gerudo, che sono un popolo guerriero di sole donne, disprezzano i maschi, ciò nonostante una volta ogni cento anni tra di loro nasce un bambino che è destinato a diventare il capo incontrastato della tribù. La regina precedente deve donargli il trono, perché il suo ruolo è solo quello di proteggerlo in attesa del re, ma in certi casi (nella fattispecie quello di Nabooru in Ocarina of Time) la regina è allontanata dal resto della tribù proprio perché non vuole che il nuovo re salga al potere, talvolta per attaccamento al trono stesso, talvolta (come nel caso di Nabooru) perché non vuole che salga al potere il male.

I Minish sono folletti che appaiono solo in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap e che aiutano Link durante l'avventura. Secondo una leggenda, che appare all'inizio del gioco, i Minish donarono agli uomini una spada leggendaria(Quadrispada) che viene usata da un eroe per distruggere il male, dopodiché la spada fu conservata come reliquia. I Minish possono essere visti solo dai bambini una volta ogni cento anni durante una festa a loro dedicata. I Minish si dividono in tre tipi: I Minish silvani vivono nella Foresta di Tylora e hanno come capo il decano Archiardo. Sono vestiti di verde con un cappellino rosso e usano i quadrifogli come ombrelli. I Minish urbani vivono nella città di Hyrule e hanno come capo il decano Melgardo. Sono vestiti di blu o giallo con un cappello rispettivamente blu o giallo. I Minish montani vivono sul monte Fez e hanno come capo Fusardo. Sono in tutto 7 e 3 di loro hanno un piccone.

I Twili sono un'antica razza, discendente di una tribù di maghi che cercarono di conquistare il Sacro Reame dopo la creazione della Triforza. Vennero banditi dalle tre dee in un limbo conosciuto come Regno del Crepuscolo (Twilight Realm in inglese, il luogo in cui verrà recluso anche Ganondorf), e lentamente si evolvettero in una pacifica razza di creature, di colore bianco e nero. I loro corpi presentano forme allungate e non proporzionate. Due esemplari di questa razza, Midna e Zant, presentano caratteristiche completamente uniche per la loro specie. Proprio quest'ultimo, stava per essere eletto re, quando il popolo decise di eleggere Midna regina. Disperato, Zant vago' senza meta ai confini del Crepuscolo, fino a quando trovo' Ganondorf, che gli disse che era un semi-dio, dandogli una prova: parte del suo potere che, unito a quello posseduto da Zant, divenne immenso. Il Twili aveva quindi trasformato Midna in una creaturina, mentre l'intera popolazione era stata trasformata in orride creature al suo servizio. Tocca quindi a Link salvare il Reame.

I "Subrosiani" sono esseri incappucciati che vivono a Subrosia (una città che potrete raggiungere attraverso dei portali). Si trovano in The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons.



Curiosi incroci tra un vegetale e un animale. Questi esserini appaiono la prima volta in The Legend Of Zelda : Skyward Sword. La loro particolarità sta nel sdraiarsi a pancia in giù e aprire la loro coda,che,contenente un pianta,permette loro di mimetizzarsi e di sfuggire ai predatori. Sono molto piccoli,tuttavia,il loro capo è alto almeno 3 volte Link.
Robot antichi

Note sulla traduzione di Skyward Sword Si ringrazia MOiAKNiGHT per il lavoro svolto
Parte 1 : Nomi delle località COMING SOON Parte 1 : Nomi dei Dungeon
天望の神殿 (Tenbou no Shinden) - Skyview Temple - Santuario del Cielo In questo caso la traduzione più vicina all'originale è quella inglese. Tenbou è composto da due caratteri che significano rispettivamente "cielo" e "osservare da lontano". Il nome tradotto suonerebbe come "santuario con vista sul cielo". L adattatamento in italiano perde parte del valore semantico originale. 大地の神殿 (Daichi no Shinden) - Earth Temple - Santuario della Terra Daichi vuol dire terra proprio. Le traduzioni semplicissime sono corrette entrambe. L'uso della parola santuario è forse più corretto che non quello della parola "temple" (in jp rispettivamente shinden e tera). ラネールの錬石場 (Raneru no Rensekiba) - Lanayru Mining Facility - Opificio di Ranel La versione inglese modifica il nome del drago da Raneru a Lanayru, forse per avvicinarlo a quello della dea Nayru; in italiano viene adattato con Ranel, non sbagliato. La cosa complicata qui è la parola rensekiba, neologismo coniato nel gioco e quindi privo di una traduzione precisa. In italiano hanno tagliato la testa al toro traducendolo opificio. In inglese mining facility è più vicino all'originale. Il primo carattere "ren" significa battere, forgiare. Il secondo "seki" pietra. L'ultimo luogo "Impianto di estrazione di Ranel" o "Cava di pietra di Ranel" potrebbero essere buone traduzioni 古の大石窟 (Furu no Daisekkutsu) - Ancient Cistern - Antico Sacrario Il nome tradotto letteralmente è "Grande Grotta Antica". Entrambe le traduzioni variano un po' sul tema 砂上船 (Sajousen) - Sandship - Galeone delle Sabbie Anche qui siamo più o meno sugli stessi livelli. Nessuna delle due traduzioni rende perfettamente il termine originale che specifica che il galeone viaggia sopra la sabbia e non dentro la sabbia, ma vabbè... 古の大祭殿 (Furu no Daisaiden) - Fire Sanctuary - Grande Santuario Antico La traduzione inglese tira fuori non si sa da dove la parola fuoco, assente in originale. L'italiano Grande Santuario Antico invece è una traduzione corretta, anche se il carattere "sai" aggiunge un ulteriore valore semantico assente in italiano, specificando che il tempio in questione era luogo di cerimonie. Un'adattamento migliore potrebbe essere Antico Santuario Cerimoniale. 空の塔(Sora no Tou) - Sky Keep - Torre del Cielo Sia in italiano che in inglese troviamo una traduzione letterale.
Parte 1 : Nomi delle località COMING SOON Parte 1 : Nomi dei Dungeon
天望の神殿 (Tenbou no Shinden) - Skyview Temple - Santuario del Cielo In questo caso la traduzione più vicina all'originale è quella inglese. Tenbou è composto da due caratteri che significano rispettivamente "cielo" e "osservare da lontano". Il nome tradotto suonerebbe come "santuario con vista sul cielo". L adattatamento in italiano perde parte del valore semantico originale. 大地の神殿 (Daichi no Shinden) - Earth Temple - Santuario della Terra Daichi vuol dire terra proprio. Le traduzioni semplicissime sono corrette entrambe. L'uso della parola santuario è forse più corretto che non quello della parola "temple" (in jp rispettivamente shinden e tera). ラネールの錬石場 (Raneru no Rensekiba) - Lanayru Mining Facility - Opificio di Ranel La versione inglese modifica il nome del drago da Raneru a Lanayru, forse per avvicinarlo a quello della dea Nayru; in italiano viene adattato con Ranel, non sbagliato. La cosa complicata qui è la parola rensekiba, neologismo coniato nel gioco e quindi privo di una traduzione precisa. In italiano hanno tagliato la testa al toro traducendolo opificio. In inglese mining facility è più vicino all'originale. Il primo carattere "ren" significa battere, forgiare. Il secondo "seki" pietra. L'ultimo luogo "Impianto di estrazione di Ranel" o "Cava di pietra di Ranel" potrebbero essere buone traduzioni 古の大石窟 (Furu no Daisekkutsu) - Ancient Cistern - Antico Sacrario Il nome tradotto letteralmente è "Grande Grotta Antica". Entrambe le traduzioni variano un po' sul tema 砂上船 (Sajousen) - Sandship - Galeone delle Sabbie Anche qui siamo più o meno sugli stessi livelli. Nessuna delle due traduzioni rende perfettamente il termine originale che specifica che il galeone viaggia sopra la sabbia e non dentro la sabbia, ma vabbè... 古の大祭殿 (Furu no Daisaiden) - Fire Sanctuary - Grande Santuario Antico La traduzione inglese tira fuori non si sa da dove la parola fuoco, assente in originale. L'italiano Grande Santuario Antico invece è una traduzione corretta, anche se il carattere "sai" aggiunge un ulteriore valore semantico assente in italiano, specificando che il tempio in questione era luogo di cerimonie. Un'adattamento migliore potrebbe essere Antico Santuario Cerimoniale. 空の塔(Sora no Tou) - Sky Keep - Torre del Cielo Sia in italiano che in inglese troviamo una traduzione letterale.
Parte 2 : Nomi dei personaggi Abitanti di Skyloft
La maggior parte dei nomi dei personaggi non hanno nessun significato particolare e sono stati adattati quindi in modo da mantenere il suono fiabesco che li contraddistingue in originale. Laddove invece i nomi hanno dei significati nascosti, o contengono dei giochi di parole, ho aggiunto accanto al nome ua breve spiegazione. ゼルダ(Zeruda) - Zelda - Zelda バド(Bado) - Groose - Bado ラス(Rasu) - Cawlin - Ras オスト(Osuto) - Strich - Dacio セバスン(Sebasun) - Fledge - Gentirosso クラネ(Kurane) - Karane - Grudia キコア(Kikoa) - Pipit - Sparvio ゲポラ (Gepora) - Gaepora - Gaepora アウール (Auru) - Owlan - Asio Otus ホーネル (Oneru) - Horwell - Cornelio イグルス ( Igurusu) - Eagus - ??? ヘーナ (Hena) - Henya - Kyoccia フェニー (Fenii) - ??? - ??? ドルコ (Doruko) - Gondo - Kondoroy スズハ (Suzuha) - Sparrot - Prunello コーキン (Kokin) - Rupin - Rupiero --- In giapponese "kin" 金 significa oro. Il nome lascia intendere l'avarizia del personaggio che infatti è stato adattato sia in italiano che in inglese con nomi che ricordano il denaro, cioè le rupie. マンダ (Manda) - Luv - ??? アリン (Arin) - Berin - ??? ジャクリーン ( Jaqueline) - Peatrice - Vania --- Il nome scelto per la bruttissima ragazza del deposito suona altezzoso e un po' snob in originale(il nome Jacqueline è francese, una lingua raffinata), cosa che stona con il suo brutto aspetto. Anche in inglese, e un po' meno in italiano, il nome lascia trasparire la personalità vanitosa e superba della ragazza. ローク (Rōku) – Croo – Gracchio ダブ (Dabu) – Dovos – Colombio ジョナ (Jona) – Piper – Gianna ガル (Garu) – Gully – Ilario モルセゴ (Morusego) – Batreaux – Morsego クイナ (Kuina) – Orielle – Ralla パロウ (Parou) – Parrow – Paraldo クーコ (Kūko) – Kukiel – Chicca アリス (Arisu) – Wryna – Dane ゲラン (Geran) – Jakamar – Pico ルピア (Rupia) – Mallara – Artana オタカ (Otaka) – Goselle – Gazza ミホ (Miho) – Greba – Miho ジャクソン (Jakuson) – Peater – Pavello サルボ (Sarubo) – (LD-301S) Scrapper – (DR-301S) Salbot ??? – Mia – Fifi - La gattina di Cornelio
Dei,Spiriti e amenità varie
ハイリア (Hairia) - Hylia - Hylia ファイ (Fai) - Fi - Faih フィローネ (Firone) - Faron - Firone オルディン (Orudin) - Eldin - Oldin ラネール (Raneru) - Lanayru - Ranel ナリシャ (Narisha) - Levias - Narisha
I Cattivi
ギラヒム (Girahimu) - Ghirahim - Ghiraim
La Triforza in Ocarina of Time (FAKE)
Dopo il finale di A Link to the Past, molti si aspettavano che il suo più diretto successore, Ocarina of Time, assieme all'ingresso nella terza dimensione e alle somiglianze con i trascorsi, includesse anche l'artefatto mitologico più importante di tutta Hyrule: la Triforce. La delusione fu quindi cocente quando ci si accorse che nel corso del gioco principale non v'è alcun modo di vedere e tantomeno toccare la Triforce completa. È vero, Link ottiene la Triforce del Coraggio, ma essa non si riunisce con le altre parti alla fine della storia. Quello che parecchi appassionati non riescono ad accettare è che sarebbe stato totalmente insensato permettere di vedere o di ottenere la Triforce, considerando la trama di Ocarina of Time. Non tutti sanno che, nel gioco, la Triforce non si riunisce dopo essere stata divisa dalle azioni di Ganondorf. Si susseguirono dunque numerosissime voci, alcune più verosimili di altre, su una possibile presenza della Triforce unita in Ocarina of Time. Probabilmente si tratta del fenomeno che si è attirato più falsi, voci di corridoio e scherzi in rete di qualunque altro, almeno nell'ambito del fandom zeldoso. Allora, Ocarina of Time non era ancora conosciuto in tutti i suoi più intimi aspetti, e quindi ogni rumor, a meno che non fosse evidentemente falso, veniva esaminato con attenzione per controllare che non vi fosse un fondo di verità. Tutta questa infinita catena di fake venne scossa nelle fondamenta, nel lontano 1999, da un evento che fece impazzire la gran parte dei fan. La vecchia versione di Hyrule: The Land of Zelda, un mitologico sito poi evolutosi con una elaboratissima grafica in Flash,ospitò una foto e una E-Mail da una certa Ariana Almondoz, una ragazza di provenienza colombiana. Dato che molti dubitarono della veridicità delle immagini, venne pubblicata una lettera scritta al webmaster del sito che recitava così : "Prima di tutto, voglio dire che sono molto arrabbiata con coloro che pensano che la foto che ho scattato sia un falso, una qualche fotocomposizione o roba del genere. Questo perché siete tutti degli sfigati, mi spiace dirlo ma non avete il fegato di andare a vederlo con i vostri occhi: avete bisogno del mio aiuto. E questo tizio che sostiene di averla trovata prima di me... Andiamo, bimbo, vuoi solo che ti riveli il segreto. E non lo rivelerò mai, a meno che non mi si tratti col rispetto che merito. L'ho trovato io e mi merito qualcosa, forse Nintendo dovrebbe premiarmi o almeno farmi uno sconto sul prossimo gioco che acquisterò. E ancora credete che Dark Link abbia qualcosa a che fare con tutto questo!!! DARK LINK? O qualcos'altro... non è DARUNIA, è RAURU il SAGGIO CHE HA TENUTO LA TRIFORCE AL SICURO DALLE MENTI CORROTTE ALL'INTERNO DEL TEMPLE OF LIGHT, CHE È SIGILLATO GRAZIE AL TEMPLE OF TIME!!! Sfortunatamente, Link ha aperto il sigillo e Ganondorf è entrato nel Sacred Realm... ma se si riesce a saltare questa parte si può ENTRARE NEL TEMPLE OF LIGHT E VEDERE LA TRIFORCE FLUTTUARE PROPRIO DAVANTI AI PROPRI OCCHI. 1) prima di tutto, dovreste sapere che KAEPORA GAEBORA è la reincarnazione di RAURU. Il GUFO è RAURU, che aiuta Link all'inizio del gioco. Se volete sapere come ho ottenuto questa informazione andate al SACRED FOREST MEADOW nelle LOST WOODS e parlate alle due GOSSIP STONE che si trovano lì. Non dicono che RAURU sia il GUFO, ma alludono a questa teoria, ed in effetti RAURU È KAEPORA GAEBORA. Ok, ora... 2) ... (NON INCLUDERÒ IL PASSO 2, DOVRETE SCOPRIRE QUESTA PARTE DA SOLI OPPURE ASPETTARE UN MESE PERCHÉ VI RIVELI OGNI COSA) 3) DA QUALCHE PARTE, A UN CERTO PUNTO, KAEPORA GAEBORA (cioè RAURU) vi insegnerà una melodia. Si tratta di un pezzo che DOVETE IMPARARE (come la Scarecrow's Song), quindi scrivetela su un pezzo di carta o imparatela a memoria. Si chiama "OVERTURE OF SAGES" e fa così: C(su) + C(giù) + A + C(destra) + C(sinistra) + C(su) OVVIAMENTE, DOVRETE PRIMA IMPARARE la canzone nel gioco, altrimenti non accadrà nulla anche se suonerete l'OCARINA, quindi non fate gli scemi e non dite che la melodia non funziona. Comunque, imparerete questa melodia mentre siete bambini (di cos'altro avete bisogno?). 4) Ok, questo è molto semplice, andate al TEMPLE OF TIME PRIMA DI PRENDERE LA SPADA. SE ESTRAETE LA SPADA E DIVENTATE ADULTI SARÀ TROPPO TARDI. STATE DAVANTI ALLA MASTER SWORD (non raccoglietela!!!) e suonate la "Overture of Sages". 5) Guardate la cutscene che mostra Link mentre viaggia verso il TEMPLE OF LIGHT. Se avete seguito la storia, vedrete che stavolta non sarete sigillati nel tempio come al solito. Dunque, Ganondorf non riuscirà a prendere la Triforce perché IL SIGILLO È ANCORA INTATTO, dato che NON AVETE MOSSO LA SPADA. RAURU parlerà e parlerà a proposito di voi, lui, Hyrule, la Triforce e così via. Vi chiederà se volete vedere la sacra reliquia (è molto divertente vedere i vari dialoghi, quindi non preoccupatevi, dite no oppure sì...). Alla fine ve la mostrerà in una stanza oscura, o quello che è. Rauru si trova davanti a voi. La telecamera si sposta in un angolo che inquadra la schiena di Link. Rauru muoverà le sue braccia e si aprirà un foro nel soffitto. Vedrete un raggio di luce. La stanza diventerà blu. E, una alla volta, le parti di Triforce scenderanno dal buco e si riuniranno. Poi, la camera ruoterà attorno alla scena. Si può anche vedere la Triforce da dietro, e attraverso il triangolo vuoto si può vedere il volto di Link che la guarda. Poi, Link si muoverà in avanti come se volesse toccarla, ma Rauru gli dirà che non è il momento di averla. Quindi, mi spiace deludervi ma IN REALTÀ NON SI PUÒ OTTENERE LA TRIFORCE, SI PUÒ SOLO VEDERE PER CIRCA TRE MINUTI, NON DI PIÙ. Più tardi, Link tornerà al Temple of Time e tutto sarà come prima, come se nulla fosse accaduto. Quindi, mi spiace ma il simbolo in mezzo alla schermata dei medaglioni nel menu è solo quello, un simbolo, e non potrebbe mai contenere in esso l'icona della Triforce perché si tratta solo di un elemento decorativo (anche se IN EFFETTI DÀ UN INDIZIO... avete notato che l'immagine con i medaglioni e la Triforce nella schermata dello status è identica al piedistallo in cui è piantata la Master Sword?). Quindi, come potete vedere non era molto difficile. Non c'è bisogno di fare quest stupide e inutili, tipo far esplodere le Gossip Stone o parlare a Dark Link... e neanche di quel GLITCH nel deserto che tutti pensano sia un tempio!!! MA OVVIAMENTE non vi dirò la parte più importante... come ottenere la "Overture of Sages". Pensate forse che sia una stupida? Mi spiace, questo è il mio piccolo segreto, e credetemi, soffrirete, soffrirete moltissimo.
? P.S.: Falco, la foto è vera. Ho scattato la fotogafia con una Kodak Gold, nella mia stanza e in completa oscurità. Ovviamente non ho usato un flash (non sono stupida, non so come usare Pictureshop o Painter, ma SO COME FARE UNA BUONA FOTO!!!) E lasciatemi dire qualcosa. Se non vi piace il cappello di Link, andate a lamentarvi con Nintendo. Link sta guardando la Triforce. L'angolazione è diversa da quella del gioco vero. Inoltre, non è facile scattare la foto di uno schermo TV, è pura fortuna che si riesca a vedere la Triforce. Penso di aver fatto un gran bel lavoro scattando quella foto. Ma se ne volete altre, beh, datemi del tempo, devo rigiocare tutto il gioco. Ma dato che siete COOOOOSÌ intelligenti, sono sicura che tutti la troveranno prima che io possa scattare altre foto. " Il 2 agosto 1999, Ariana Almondoz si rifece viva con una nuova E-Mail sul sito HTLOZ.com. Diceva, in sostanza, che grazie alla sua piccola rivelazione stava ricevendo centinaia di E-Mail, allegava altre due foto (l'apprendimento della "Overture of Sages" e l'entrata del Temple of Light), precisava che prima di poter vedere la Triforce occorreva percorrere il labirinto del tempio, e ribadiva che tutto ciò che aveva detto era vero. Inoltre, annunciava di non avere ancora un ragazzo e che avrebbe a breve spedito una sua foto. Cosa andò storto nella sua ricerca di fortuna e gloria (e magari anche di una dolce metà)? Successe che gente come il Video Gamer X di Odyssey of Hyrule scoprì delle cose strane nelle foto e, allo stesso tempo, giocando in lungo e in largo Ocarina of Time e provando qualsiasi possibile combinazione per cercare di imparare la "Ouverture of Sages", dato che guarda caso proprio quel punto era stranamente vago, beh, non trovò proprio niente di niente. La prima stranezza riguarda l'evidente ribaltamento della foto con la partitura: Link ha l'elsa della spada sul lato destro. Nella foto del Temple of Light, invece, il font che illustra il luogo in cui ci si trova non è esattamente lo stesso del gioco, se si osserva con molta attenzione. Si pensò anche che i webmaster del sito avessero architettato tutto per incrementare il numero dei visitatori, ma per non esagerare con la dietrologia, probabilmente si trattava semplicemente dello scherzo di un paio di persone completamente indipendenti dal sito. Questa enorme truffa (enorme soprattutto se pensiamo all'insignificante questione che affrontava) fece buttare sangue e sudore a molti giocatori, e portò in breve al declino di molti rumor relativi alla presenza della Triforce in Ocarina of Time. Poco dopo, comunque, anche le fonti ufficiali confermarono che il magico artefatto non era presente in alcun luogo del gioco. C'era stata, in tempi ancora precedenti, persino una poesia in inglese attribuita a Miyamoto, che avrebbe dovuto svelare degli indizi circa il raggiungimento della Triforce nel gioco, e mille altre beffe grandi o piccole sullo stesso argomento. Tutte, definitivamente e senza possibilità d'appello, completamente infondate.
? P.S.: Falco, la foto è vera. Ho scattato la fotogafia con una Kodak Gold, nella mia stanza e in completa oscurità. Ovviamente non ho usato un flash (non sono stupida, non so come usare Pictureshop o Painter, ma SO COME FARE UNA BUONA FOTO!!!) E lasciatemi dire qualcosa. Se non vi piace il cappello di Link, andate a lamentarvi con Nintendo. Link sta guardando la Triforce. L'angolazione è diversa da quella del gioco vero. Inoltre, non è facile scattare la foto di uno schermo TV, è pura fortuna che si riesca a vedere la Triforce. Penso di aver fatto un gran bel lavoro scattando quella foto. Ma se ne volete altre, beh, datemi del tempo, devo rigiocare tutto il gioco. Ma dato che siete COOOOOSÌ intelligenti, sono sicura che tutti la troveranno prima che io possa scattare altre foto. " Il 2 agosto 1999, Ariana Almondoz si rifece viva con una nuova E-Mail sul sito HTLOZ.com. Diceva, in sostanza, che grazie alla sua piccola rivelazione stava ricevendo centinaia di E-Mail, allegava altre due foto (l'apprendimento della "Overture of Sages" e l'entrata del Temple of Light), precisava che prima di poter vedere la Triforce occorreva percorrere il labirinto del tempio, e ribadiva che tutto ciò che aveva detto era vero. Inoltre, annunciava di non avere ancora un ragazzo e che avrebbe a breve spedito una sua foto. Cosa andò storto nella sua ricerca di fortuna e gloria (e magari anche di una dolce metà)? Successe che gente come il Video Gamer X di Odyssey of Hyrule scoprì delle cose strane nelle foto e, allo stesso tempo, giocando in lungo e in largo Ocarina of Time e provando qualsiasi possibile combinazione per cercare di imparare la "Ouverture of Sages", dato che guarda caso proprio quel punto era stranamente vago, beh, non trovò proprio niente di niente. La prima stranezza riguarda l'evidente ribaltamento della foto con la partitura: Link ha l'elsa della spada sul lato destro. Nella foto del Temple of Light, invece, il font che illustra il luogo in cui ci si trova non è esattamente lo stesso del gioco, se si osserva con molta attenzione. Si pensò anche che i webmaster del sito avessero architettato tutto per incrementare il numero dei visitatori, ma per non esagerare con la dietrologia, probabilmente si trattava semplicemente dello scherzo di un paio di persone completamente indipendenti dal sito. Questa enorme truffa (enorme soprattutto se pensiamo all'insignificante questione che affrontava) fece buttare sangue e sudore a molti giocatori, e portò in breve al declino di molti rumor relativi alla presenza della Triforce in Ocarina of Time. Poco dopo, comunque, anche le fonti ufficiali confermarono che il magico artefatto non era presente in alcun luogo del gioco. C'era stata, in tempi ancora precedenti, persino una poesia in inglese attribuita a Miyamoto, che avrebbe dovuto svelare degli indizi circa il raggiungimento della Triforce nel gioco, e mille altre beffe grandi o piccole sullo stesso argomento. Tutte, definitivamente e senza possibilità d'appello, completamente infondate.
La B finiva dopo aver sgomberato completamente l'area di gioco da tutti i blocchi, e se ricordate compariva una banda di suonatori a festeggiare l'evento. Su NES, appunto, completando la modalità B al più alto livello di difficoltà, la stessa banda appare composta da figuri "conosciuti" tra i quali, c'è anche Link che suona il flauto di TLOZ. Menzione d'onore anche per la violoncellista Samus, i fratelli Mario che si sono lasciati influenzare dalla provenienza russa del gioco, e poi un negletto Pit di Kid Icarus. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
Questo è il cameo di un oggetto, ma anche di una musica, una cosa che al tempo si faceva ancora (a causa dell'intercomunicabilità tra i franchise di mamma Nintendo, che oggi si esprime in altri modi) ma che oggi è diventata di fatto impraticabile. Usando un passaggio segreto nel castello del primo mondo di Super Mario Bros era possibile reperire un flauto che, se suonato, evocava un ciclone che permetteva di warparsi direttamente in uno dei mondi successivi (solo se appartenente alla stessa fila di tubi, però). La particolarità stava nel fatto che la melodia suonata (poi ripresa anche nell'opening di Ocarina of Time) e l'effetto del flauto erano gli stessi del flauto trovato da Link in The Legend of Zelda. F1 Racing (GB)
Diventò famoso per essere il titolo che includeva nella confezione un adattatore per quattro giocatori, raramente utilizzato in altri giochi del primissimo Game Boy. Anche qui parliamo di un piccolo "cameo" per gratificare i vincitori, nella fattispecie del quinto percorso del gioco. Arrivando primi, ecco che a salutare la vittoria troviamo un Link "prima maniera" con tanto di scudo a croce. Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES)
E dopo il primo DKC, forti di un successo strepitoso, in Rare progettarono il classico seguito più grosso, più ricco e più lungo. Non credo occorra spiegare, ancora una volta, le meccaniche di gioco, visto che stiamo parlando di un classico platform. Quel che mi preme sottolineare è il cameo enorme che si trova alla fine del gioco. Durante i livelli del gioco è possibile collezionare un certo numero di "monete DK", che poi stabilirà la vostra posizione nella classifica personale di Cranky Kong (la vecchia scimmia scorbutica che era l'originale Donkey Kong dell'81!) degli "Eroi dei Videogiochi". Se volete vedere Link (rigorosamente in versione ALTTP) fra i primi tre, dovrete collezionare meno di 19 monete. Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES)
Rare ci aveva preso gusto, a quanto pare, e dunque nel seguito di Diddy Kong's Quest inserì un cameo a Zelda molto più integrato nella storia: dopo aver acquistato la conchiglia al negozio di Bazaar, potrete tentare di chiedergli del castello e poi rifiutare per sentirvi dire che anche un giovane di nome Link è andato da lui per fargli delle domande in merito, pagandolo in Rupee per l'informazione e lamentandosi della forma della conchiglia, probabimente con riferimento a Link's Awakening. Super Mario RPG (SNES)
Sviluppato da Squaresoft per conto di Nintendo quando i rapporti tra le due case erano ancora idilliaci , Super Mario RPG ebbe poi parecchio successo fra gli appassionati proprio nel periodo in cui il SNES stava giocando le sue ultime carte prima di cedere il posto al N64. Per quanto riguarda la struttura di gioco, si trattava di un simpatico e riuscito ibrido fra platform e RPG puro, con una trama insolitamente solida visto il personaggio, che ha poi dato il via ai "seguiti" sviluppati da second party Nintendo come Paper Mario o Superstar Saga. Ma torniamo a noi. Come in ogni RPG che si rispetti, sono immancabili le locande dove riposare per ripristinare i punti ferita. In una di esse è possibile scorgere un tenero Link addormentato, e provando a parlargli si "attiva" un altro grande omaggio alla serie di Zelda. Kirby Superstar (SNES)
Altro giro, altro regalo. Ovviamente nemmeno la serie di Kirby è immune da questo tipo di cammei, quindi ecco una speciale modalità atta alla raccolta di tesori . E quale tesoro può essere più prezioso della Triforce? La scritta che ne sottolinea l'acquisizione sembra poi quasi farsi beffe dell'irraggiungibilità del mitico artefatto in questione. Warioland 2 (GBC)
Il primo Warioland su GB era a tutti gli effetti un "Super Mario Land 3", ma successivamente il rivale di Mario si ritaglia uno spazio sempre più consistente, acquistando addirittura una sua serie di platform personale. Elemento che ritorna dopo essere apparso nel primo (in cui servivano per accumulare quanti più soldi possibile al fine di costruire il proprio maniero) è la collezione di tesori, che laddove precedentemente avevano un'apparenza alquanto generica, qui si sono rifatti il look per riprodurre oggetti della vita quotidiana, ma soprattutto per omaggiare altri titoli Nintendo e il Game Boy stesso (vedere ultimo quadrato in fondo a destra). Numerose le apparizioni di oggetti zeldosi: nei cerchi sull'immagine a fianco potete notare arco e frecce, il Tridente di Ganon, la Cane of Byrna, una Rupee, un'Ocarina. Altri camei "probabili" sono gli stivali alati (Pegasus Boots ?) e la mano, che potrebbe essere un Floor Master. Visto il formato "tascabile" di Warioland 2, inoltre, l'uovo potrebbe sì essere un semplice uovo di Yoshi, ma anche quello in cima a Mt. Tamaranch, da Link's Awakening. Picross Vol. 5 (SNES)
Evidentemente in Giappone le generazioni di console non hanno confini netti e precisi, visto che sotto alcune forme lo SNES continuò a sopravvivere anche durante l'epoca del N64. Ovviamente i primi Picross, versioni digitali di un puzzle "pittorico" assai in voga in Giappone e che successivamente ha fatto furore anche qui da noi grazie all'edizione DS, uscirono solo in patria, ma tra di essi è reperibile un gioiellino che farebbe la felicità d'ogni zeldofilo accanito. Come potete vedere dall'immagine, i puzzle sono dedicati ai personaggi ed agli oggetti di Ocarina of Time. Impagabile, nell'ultima immagine in fondo a destra, un Ganondorf imbronciato in puro stile manga. Mario Golf (GBC)
La serie golfistico-RPG di Camelot con protagonisti Mario e compagni vanta su GBC un green dedicato nientepopo' di meno che ad un fantomatico "Links Club", il cui stemma è una bella Triforce. Animal Crossing (GC, DS)
Fortunatamente Animal Crossing su GC è stato reso disponibile anche al grande pubblico europeo, oltre che ai pochi (in proporzione) importer che volevano provare l'insolito communication game di Nintendo quando ancora le speranze di vederlo arrivare fin qui erano ben poche. Trattandosi di un "gioco-raccolta", in cui oltre ad arredare la propria casa con mobilia tradizionale assortita si possono anche reperire "vecchie glorie" della storia Nintendo, era immancabile che comparisse nella lista una Master Sword con tanto di piedistallo, venduta da Tom Nook al prezzo "buono ma non troppo" di 2800 Bell. Ma non finisce qui, come si potrebbe pensare: nascosto nel codice, infatti, è presente anche un NES con il primissimo The Legend of Zelda, che probabilmente avrebbe dovuto essere attivato da una apposita E-Card che però non ha mai visto la luce, assieme a quelle di Super Mario Bros. e Ice Climbers, altri giochi nascosti nel codice e ad oggi ottenibili solo tramite Action Replay. Animal Crossing: Wild World per DS aggiunge all'elenco dei cammei anche la Triforce: sganciate la modica cifra di 20000 Bell e ammiratela in casa vostra, completa di jingle del titolo di ALTTP da attivare al semplice tocco. Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak (GBA)
Questo tie-in di Hamtaro, realizzato da Nintendo, contiene un graziosissimo cammeo da Zelda: il Cucchiaio Leggendario (Legendary Spoon). Verso la fine del gioco, previo raccoglimento di tre perline, "casualmente" colorate di verde, rosso e blu, ottenute nei modi più svariati ed inserite alla base di un piedistallo con tanto di familiare elsa che può essere trovato già verso l'inizio del gioco, Hamtaro è in grado di estrarre questo oggetto chiave, che solo una volta completamente tirato fuori dalla sede rivela la sua vera forma (inizialmente può essere infatti scambiato per una Master Sword vera e propria). L'estrazione del Cucchiaio è accompagnata dal classico jingle "leggendario" di ALTTP, OOT e TWW, solo suonato... al contrario! WarioWare (GBA, GC, DS)
Raggruppo qui tutti i primi episodi di questa serie visto che in tutti i "giochi di microgiochi" che rispondono al nome di WarioWare c'è sempre un omaggio al primissimo Zelda per NES, sotto forma di schermata singola in cui eseguire, come nel resto delle mini prove, una singola azione in una manciata di secondi. Ad ogni comparsa di un WarioWare le cose da fare nel "mini-Zelda" cambiano, ma quel che non cambia è proprio l'idea di giocare con la nostalgia dei Nintendo fan (Zelda non è il solo gioco del passato ad essere stato inserito nel mazzo). In WarioWare Touched! per DS, peraltro, è possibile scorgere anche una Triforce durante i titoli di coda, nel mezzo di un coacervo di simboli e loghi nintendosi che possono essere mossi grazie al tocco dello stilo. Super Mario Sunshine (GC)
Se è normale che uno Zelda abbia dei cammei provenienti da Super Mario, è molto più raro che accada il contrario: e infatti anche qualora dovesse succedere le citazioni sono molto più nascoste, più invisibili... al punto da essere rimosse dal codice. Non sapremo mai se l'intenzione originale del team di sviluppo di Super Mario Sunshine fosse quello di rivelare l'identità di Il Palmissimo (Palmassimo nell'edizione italiana), ma sicuramente utilizzando l'Action Replay si possono avere delle sorprese davvero inaspettate. Privo del cappuccio che lo rendeva così misterioso, infatti, Il Palmissimo può rivelare il suo volto... e la sua provenienza. Non lo riconoscete? Ecco qualche indizio: corre per l'Hyrule Field alla ricerca di un vero spirito selvaggio, è impossibile batterlo e a Termina fa il postino... Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga (GBA)
È decisamente noioso ottenere abbastanza fagioli per creare i frullati speciali del prof. Strambic (Gadd) a Fagiolandia, vero? Eppure le ricompense possono fare addirittura invidia a un certo Eroe di cui non farò il nome, o meglio, a un certo suino malefico. Pensate se Ganny scoprisse che basta farsi amico il professore per conquistare la Triforce.., volevo dire Granforza (come da versione italiana)! Creando un gran numero di frullati, il premio di Strambic è infatti questo triangolo, rigorosamente dorato, che raddoppia i danni inflitti (ma anche subiti) dalla coppia. WarioWare: Smooth Moves (Wii)
Per festeggiare l'arrivo di WarioWare su una piattaforma totalmente nuova, sia per età anagrafica che per il concept che la sostiene, non c'è niente di meglio che dare una ripulita ai vecchi microgiochi. E Smooth Moves lo dimostra abbastanza bene: via il 99% degli omaggi agli ormai preistorici 8 bit, così la collezione di 9 e 18-Volt si può arricchire di nuovi spuntini videoludici ispirati, per la prima volta (e grazie anche alla potenza superiore di Wii rispetto alle altre piattaforme che in precedenza avevano ospitato la serie), all'era tridimensionale di Nintendo. Zelda ne beneficia due volte: una cita doverosamente il momento più memorabile, quello centrale, del gioco da molti ritenuto il più riuscito della saga, Ocarina of Time, facendo sognare ad occhi aperti i fan sulle possibilità aperte dall'estrazione manuale della Master Sword via Wiimote. Un'altra dà corda ad alcuni dei momenti più divertenti di The Wind Waker, le traversate via Deku Leaf, che vanno simulate tenendo la bacchetta multiforme sulla propria testa.

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