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games dome
Iscritto dal
10 Gen 2009

In performance mode la vegetazione (piante, fogliame e erba) è ridotta, le texture in lontananza hanno una resa peggiore, come l'illuminazione volumetrica e la nebbia. Ci sono tagli anche sulle ombre, assenti per gli oggetti più lontani, e i riflessi e in generale il LOD è più aggressivo con effetti pop-in.

Quality mode:
1270p nativi (2160p con upscaling) su Series X e PS5.
30 fps granitici su Series X (nei test di DF ci sono stati piccoli cali in una sola area), frame rate instabile su PS5.

Performance mode:
847p nativi (1440p con upscaling) su Series X e PS5.
60 fps molto stabili su Series X (sporadici cali di 1-2 frame), più instabile su PS5 con cali fino a 10 fps e molto più frequenti.

Series S:
720p nativi (1440p con upscaling), 30 fps meno stabili della quality mode su Series X ma più stabili della quality mode su PS5. Le impostazioni sono quelle della performance mode di Series X e PS5.


sezione sony
Iscritto dal
7 Gen 2007

UE5's Full Suite:

  • Full suite of UE5 features.
  • Software Lumen GI used in place of typical GI
  • Very consistent and accurate lighting
  • Indirect lighting can be slightly coarse as it is tracing at a low resolution
  • Some instances of light leaking also spotted
  • But, not an issue 'overwhelmingly amount of times'.

  • Software lumen reflections are also present along with screen space reflections
  • Reflections aren't perfect and NPC's are only reflected in SSR.
  • Foliage and animated elements don't animate in reflections and they aren't applied on all surfaces

  • Virtual shadow maps also used using high res shadow maps.
  • Unreal's ray traced shadow map technique also used
  • More diffused shadows at distance just like real life.
  • Super fine detail up close. Some shadows can be unnaturally sharp however, but terrific looking generally.

  • Nanite also used for great LoD management.
  • Best seen in dense natural rocky areas.

- Physics also used liberally with lots of destruction in environments.

Console Comparison:

  • PS5/SX have 30 FPS Quality and 60 fps Performance mode.
  • Software lumen used in both but quality a little worse in Performance mode.
  • Transparent surfaces render higher quality in Quality mode.
  • Likely more differences but nothing stands out.

  • Series X:
  • Both modes targeting 1440p final resolution using up-scaling from 1080p
  • DRS possible but not noticed

  • PS5:
  • Same metrics in visuals features
  • PS5 Quality mode seems to run natively at 1440p instead of upscaling providing a slightly cleaner final image.
  • Both Xbox consoles have rendering bug on asphalt that PC/PS5 does not, DF thinks this is a bug.
  • Some reflections in select locations look higher quality on PS5. (police station)

- Performance:

  • Series X:
  • SX runs at 60 in most area and fire fightss, drops to 40s and even low 30's in heavy stressed combat areas.
  • Cutscenes target 60 but do not reach it in most cases
  • Traversal stutter also seen.
  • Quality mode is more stable with lesser traversal stutters
  • Motion blur only seems to work in one mission, in other missions having it toggled on doesn't do anything.

  • PS5
  • More or less the same as SX in terms of stutter, quality mode performance etc.
  • In Performance mode, PS5 suffers from significant frame rate dips in open world traversal, 10~ FPS lower versus SX,
  • DF thinks it might be because of PS5 not having the asphalt rendering bug seen on Xbox

- Load times are very fast on all consoles

Series S:
  • Lumen reflections are absent
  • Lumen GI is present but lower quality compared to SX/PS5
  • Still very good but not as stable as the other machines.
  • Virtual shadow map also present but scaled back.
  • Other visual settings are mostly the same
  • Output resolution is 1440p with internal 1080p
  • Frame rate mostly same as Quality mode on PS5/SX
  • More frequent dips to 20s in stress fire fights


sezione sony
Iscritto dal
7 Gen 2007

Between PS5/XSX

- The game on PS5 has improved its performance since its launch.

- Quality mode at 1440p on PS5/XSX and 1080p in performance mode (as a curiosity, the XSX HUD has a lower resolution)

- Visually there are few differences. For example, in the XSX version the characters are on surfaces in a more realistic way; On PS5 they seem to "float", but the geometry is very similar. The XSX version has worse texture filtering. The water also looks slightly different, which they believe is because they've tried to make it look more realistic, but up close they look identical.

- Performance is similar, but in CPU-limited areas like the third act, PS5 performs better. It should be mentioned that PS5 has improved performance since its launch.


- The quality of shadows is lower than that of XSX. There are no more visual differences apparently, the texture filtering for example is identical.

- 1080p native.

- 30fps, performance is the same as Xbox Series X.


Legend of forum
Iscritto dal
8 Set 2009

Between PS5/XSX

- The game on PS5 has improved its performance since its launch.

- Quality mode at 1440p on PS5/XSX and 1080p in performance mode (as a curiosity, the XSX HUD has a lower resolution)

- Visually there are few differences. For example, in the XSX version the characters are on surfaces in a more realistic way; On PS5 they seem to "float", but the geometry is very similar. The XSX version has worse texture filtering. The water also looks slightly different, which they believe is because they've tried to make it look more realistic, but up close they look identical.

- Performance is similar, but in CPU-limited areas like the third act, PS5 performs better. It should be mentioned that PS5 has improved performance since its launch.


- The quality of shadows is lower than that of XSX. There are no more visual differences apparently, the texture filtering for example is identical.

- 1080p native.

- 30fps, performance is the same as Xbox Series X.

e dove sarebbero le differenze? :asd:


Iscritto dal
19 Mag 2020
Però PS5 ha un valore minimo della risoluzione interna dinamica più basso (1008p contro 1152p su Series X. Il valore massimo è 1440p per entrambe).
Poco importa, e´ una risoluzione minima per non intaccare i frame quindi a occhio nudo non noterai differenze
i frame sono piu´ importanti
non solo

  • They tweaked the PC version to be a match for the PS5's settings and DRS range
  • Xbox loses that one pretty badly. That benchmark run would probably look worse for the Series X if the PS5 wasn't capped to 60fps.
