Vlad Love

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11 Gen 2013
Vlad Love


Daisuke Miyachi produrrà la musica per l'anime, Comic Animation curerà la produzione e Drive la produzione dell'animazione, Production I.G. coopererà.

Oshii ha dichiarato che sono passati 30 anni dall'ultima volta che ha lavorato ad una serie animata (Lamù) e sono due-tre anni che pensava di tornare con questo obiettivo, il concept per questa opera è nata mentre lavorava al live-action GarWars. Al momento l'anime è allo step del design mentre Yamamura sta scrivendo la sceneggiatura



Mitsugu Bamba is a high school girl who finds meaning in donating her blood. She feels compelled to visit a local blood bank, despite unfriendly treatment by the nurse. One day, she encounters a beautiful girl at the blood bank who looks like she’s come from overseas. The girl is so pale that she appears ready to faint. Instead, she starts trashing the blood bank. The girl then loses consciousness and so Mitsugu takes her home…

puzza di cazzatina yuri bait spudorata ma per Oshii una possibilità gliela si dà
Ultima modifica da un moderatore:
Boh, commedia di vampiri non ce lo vedo come una roba di potenziale alto profilo.




rinviato causa virus a data da comunicare più avanti (che sarà comunque 2021 :asd:  )

Mamoru Oshii's VladLove Anime Reveals 4 New Cast Members

The official Twitter account for Ichigo Animation and Mamoru Oshii's new anime series Vladlove revealed four new cast members on Friday. The newly announced cast members are:

Saori Hayami as Maki Watabe: She is the Captain of the Cinema Club who is passionate about creating films. Interested in watching and making movies, she is a self-proclaimed natural-born documentary filmmaker who wants to film everything. She is also very knowledgeable about vampires.
Yōko Hikasa as Jinko Sumida: She is the Chairman of the Discipline Committee who is stubborn and inflexible. She is a perfectionist who is quite stubborn and unwilling to compromise on anything. Her “Ittokan tin can” attack on discipline violators is notorious. She is an active gamer.

Yu Kobayashi as Nami Unten: She is the Captain of the Dance Club who is full of curiosity and wants to get involved in everything. She is tall and slender, and leads the Dance Club. She is strong-minded and full of curiosity, and will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. She loves Okinawa!

Kanako Takatsuki as Kaoru Konno: She is the Captain of the Cosplay Club, who is short, geeky, and cute. Despite her cute appearance and way of speaking, she is very daring. She is extremely passionate about cosplay. She is also a cat lover with a cat named Tamasaburo.

The 12-episode anime was originally slated to debut this fall but was delayed due to the effects of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.


Mamoru Oshii's VladLove Anime Teaser Trailer Reveals More Cast, Staff

The official Twitter account for Ichigo Animation and Mamoru Oshii's new anime series Vladlove began streaming a teaser trailer for the anime on Wednesday. The account also revealed more cast and staff members for the anime.

The male cast for the anime includes the Karate Club members and other characters:

The newly announced staff members include:

Mamoru Oshii's VladLove Anime Previews Character Jinko Sumida

The official YouTube channel for Ichigo Animation and Mamoru Oshii's new anime series Vladlove began streaming a new character video on Friday highlighting the character Jinko Sumida (voiced by Yōko Hikasa). The character is the "chairman of the Discipline Committee who is stubborn and inflexible."

The 12-episode anime was originally slated to debut this fall but was delayed due to the effects of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

Heavy Metal Band Lovebites Perform Opening Theme for Mamoru Oshii's VladLove Anime

The staff for Ichigo Animation and Mamoru Oshii's new anime series Vladlove revealed on Thursday that Japanese female heavy metal band Lovebites will perform the opening theme song "Winds Of Transylvania" for the anime. The song will mark the first time the group are performing a song for an anime.

The 12-episode anime was originally slated to debut this fall but was delayed due to the effects of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.
Non vedo l’ora che esca :sisi:
Ufficialmente in anteprima il primo episodio subbato eng su youtube

Commedia yuri su tipa tomboy sfigata che si ritrova vampira gnoccolona, non fosse yuri lo avreste visto 36 volte.
Sembra carino e animato molto bene ma c'è qualcosa che non mi convince.
Il primo episodio mi è piaciuto inoltre c’è dietro Oshii quindi a prescindere si da fiducia incondizionata
Mamoru Oshii's VladLove Vampire Comedy Anime Streams 2nd Half on March 14

The staff for Ichigo Animation and Mamoru Oshii's new anime series Vladlove announced on Wednesday that the second half of the 12-episode anime will begin streaming on March 14.


The official YouTube channel for the anime had streamed a English-subtitled "special version" of the show's first episode on December 18. The anime formally debuted the first six episodes online on February 14 on Abema and Amazon Prime Video in Japan, alongside other subscription and rental streaming services in Japan. Crunchyroll began streaming the first six episodes in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, and the Commonwealth of Independent States that same day.

(Just as February 14 is Valentine's Day, March 14 is White Day in Japan. On this day, people can give gifts to those who had given them Valentine's gifts.)
Usciti gli ultimi.

Mi sa che oshii forse era meglio non fosse tornato.