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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - Il nuovo Suikoden - Campagna Kickstarter da record - Disponibile |


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Per le Kunoichi mi piacciono la D e la B... spero di non essere l'unico.  :megahype:
B mi ricorda un botto Kasumi ed io adoro Kasumi(Scusa Valeria :bruniii: ) anche D mi piace è..."diversa". A e C questa volta mi sono indifferenti :sisi:

mi son detto "quasi quasi faccio anche io un pledge" poi ho visto il prezzo del tuo e ho detto inchia :asd:  , 200 carte, è troppo per il mio orgoglio :asd:   al massimo prenderò la collector prima che esca, ci penserò in queste ore.
Quando si tratta di Kickstarter ognuno finanzia con quello che può.

Non devi mica sentirti in colpa, ogni contributo è importante...non importa quanto piccolo sia.

Nel mentre ci si dirige a grandi passi verso il teatro :geddoe:



Iscritto dal
25 Nov 2009


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Visto che ci siamo direi che è anche il caso di aggiungere il banner, teatro ipoteco  :megahype:

Ultima modifica da un moderatore:


Iscritto dal
22 Feb 2010
Ma non posso semplicemente fare il Pladge e personalizzare quello che voglio?

cioè per una cavolo di versione fisica devo sganciare minimo 80 euro?



Iscritto dal
25 Ott 2011
Ma non posso semplicemente fare il Pladge e personalizzare quello che voglio?
cioè per una cavolo di versione fisica devo sganciare minimo 80 euro?
Una vecchia pubblicità di una birra diceva: pagareeeeeee

Comunque il ragionamento giusto è che "spendi 80 euro perché vuoi supportarli e non perché vuoi l'edizione fisica".

Se consideri kick come un negozio, cosa che non andrebbe mai fatta, è chiaro che 80 son tanti per una edizione fisica.

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Iscritto dal
22 Feb 2010
Una vecchia pubblicità di una birra diceva: pagareeeeeee

Comunque il ragionamento giusto è che "spendi 80 euro perché vuoi supportarli e non perché vuoi l'edizione fisica".

Se consideri kick come un negozio, cosa che non andrebbe mai fatta, è chiaro che 80 son tanti per una edizione fisica.

Sent from Tapatalk
Si lo capisco il tuo ragionamento e sono daccordo :D  

ma se per ogni pladge c'è la lista di cose che avrai, perchè io devo essere costretto a pagare quanto una mega limited un edizione fisica? poi dell artbook e ost digitale non me ne faccio nulla XD  , li voglio fisici semmai,

comunque vorrei supportarli in quanto lo stile è veramente bello e sarà un giocone, però sono sempre 80 carte, e son tanti :sisi:   tu Sh1n alla fine che hai fatto?



Iscritto dal
25 Ott 2011
Si lo capisco il tuo ragionamento e sono daccordo  
ma se per ogni pladge c'è la lista di cose che avrai, perchè io devo essere costretto a pagare quanto una mega limited un edizione fisica? poi dell artbook e ost digitale non me ne faccio nulla
 , li voglio fisici semmai,
comunque vorrei supportarli in quanto lo stile è veramente bello e sarà un giocone, però sono sempre 80 carte, e son tanti
  tu Sh1n alla fine che hai fatto?
Ho fatto che le mie carte non sono accettate... quandi comprerò l'ediz. fisica o una special se, si spera, arriveranno mai nei normali negozi

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Iscritto dal
22 Feb 2010
Ho fatto che le mie carte non sono accettate... quandi comprerò l'ediz. fisica o una special se, si spera, arriveranno mai nei normali negozi

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:asd:   misà faccio anche io cosi,

farei il primo pladge da 40 euro se sapessi se c'è qualcosa in esclusiva per i backer, voi sapete qualcosa?

edit: ho letto tutto, alla fine so che è un supporto e sono daccordo, ma nel rapporto "quantità-prezzo" non ci siamo, spenderi 50 euro per la versione fisica con il beta access che non mi interessa, aspetto al massimo la versione fisica e via, ci penso gli ultimi minuti e al massimo li supporto senza reward.

Ultima modifica da un moderatore:


Iscritto dal
25 Nov 2009
Progetto finanziato con tutti gli stretch goal :bruniii:  

Contento anche per il companion game (che ho aggiunto proprio all'ultimo), spero venga fuori una cosa carina tipo quello di Bloodstained.



jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Copio-incollo quanto scritto in sezione Sony va :miagi:

Sto sognando, DEVE essere un sogno.

è tutto troppo bello per essere vero  :bruniii:

Progetto finanziato con tutti gli Streach Goal, compreso il Companion Game conclusivo che si spera sia una cosa graziosissima come accaduto con Bloodstained.

Per dare qualche info:

-Terzo Kickstarter più finanziato di sempre, subito dietro a Shenmue e Bloodstaiend

-Maggior numero di backer giapponesi mai visti su Kickstarter.

-TUTTI gli Streach Goal centrati(l'ultimo per un soffio).

-4 contenuti scaricabili gratuiti per i backer, a cui si aggiunge il Companion game.

-110 personaggi giocabili, di cui 2 scelti dai backer.

-Duelli, battaglie campali, teatro, cucina, pesca, fattorie è Suikoden con un altro nome.

-Goal iniziale superato in meno di due ore, con Crash di Kickstarter annesso.

-Social Media Game completato "quasi" nella sua interezza.



Iscritto dal
25 Ott 2011
Ora hanno sul groppone una bella responsabilità, speriamo bene.

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jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Nel marasma dei festeggiamenti, non ho aggiunto i risultati del sondaggio per la 110, rimediamo:

A 1278

B 1291

C 938

D 3028

D vince di peso, il suo nome è Hakugin.
Aggiungo che, come nel caso del 109, il secondo classificato sarà probabilmente presente in game come npc. 

In questo caso...B era la "mia" prima scelta ma D, in quanto seconda, non mi dispiace affatto :megahype:


Vincent 86

jrpg world
Iscritto dal
10 Gen 2009
E' un ottimo risultato. Speriamo che raggiunga la stessa qualità dei Suikoden.  :sisi:



Iscritto dal
25 Nov 2009
Nel marasma dei festeggiamenti, non ho aggiunto i risultati del sondaggio per la 110, rimediamo:

A 1278

B 1291

C 938

D 3028

D vince di peso, il suo nome è Hakugin.
Aggiungo che, come nel caso del 109, il secondo classificato sarà probabilmente presente in game come npc. 

In questo caso...B era la "mia" prima scelta ma D, in quanto seconda, non mi dispiace affatto :megahype:
La mia preferita ha trionfato, e la mia seconda preferita è arrivata seconda. :superhype:

Comunque vorrei far notare come i tre giochi KS più finanziati di sempre sono, oltre a Shenmue, gli eredi spirituali di Suikoden e Castlevania.

Visto che non c'è due senza tre, lo vogliamo far partire questo bel progetto KS di Delinquent Hearts? :asd:  

Ora si profila una lunga attesa, vediamo se quegli idioti di Konami faranno delle versioni remaster dei vari Suikoden per ingannarla un po'...



Iscritto dal
22 Feb 2010
Nel marasma dei festeggiamenti, non ho aggiunto i risultati del sondaggio per la 110, rimediamo:

A 1278

B 1291

C 938

D 3028

D vince di peso, il suo nome è Hakugin.
Aggiungo che, come nel caso del 109, il secondo classificato sarà probabilmente presente in game come npc. 

In questo caso...B era la "mia" prima scelta ma D, in quanto seconda, non mi dispiace affatto :megahype:
Contento abbia vinto la D, era la più sensata e figa, gli altri troppo anonimi.

Ora se c'è ancora tempo (si lo so che è finito lo kickstarter) finanzierò la versione classica fisica, anche perchè non avevo letto da nessuna parte che essendo backer ti arrivavano quelle 4 cose gratis, e seppur succulenti i contenuti, non mi andava di spendere oltre 120 euro per un artbook e la steelbook, anche perchè non ho ancora giocato i primi due Suikoden, non mi sembrava morale per me stesso :sisi:  

Male che vada aspetto la versione fisica in qualche sito.

ps: il personaggio squalo comunque non si può vedere  :sard:

Ultima modifica da un moderatore:


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Dopo oltre un mese dalla conclusione trionfale del Kickstarter, abbiamo finalmente il primo update.

Tanto info succose, qualche chiarimento e rassicurazione per le survey: enjoy  :geddoe:

Hey there backers!

It’s been some time since our last update! Thanks to all of you for your patience. We know it’s tough to shift from daily updates to monthly updates, but we’ve continued to keep an eye on Discord and Kickstarter comment sections, and we’ll continue to put out updates on the various Eiyuden Chronicle social media platforms.

This last month has given us the opportunity to put our full effort into the development of the game, and we’d like to share some of our progress with all of you. So, with that, take it away, Murayama-san!

A Word from Murayama-san

Eiyuden Chronicle is scheduled to be released in October 2022, and we are still in the early stages of development. There is a lot of work to be done, such as examining system standards and incorporating them into specifications, creating graphic design plans, and making program prototypes.

In a sense, it's a fun time for us, as we are working towards the goals we have set out in the Kickstarter.

What's different from past development is that we've already had user feedback at this early stage of development. Of course, we must make some decisions, but when we're talking about adding something to a game, there's a lot of talk about user reactions.

The other day we were discussing the party conversation system. It's a system that has been introduced in other titles, but what would be the best form of this system in Eiyuden Chronicle, where there are many characters? It's a pleasure for me as a planner to talk about that.

It makes me feel like I'm really making a video game! LOL

Last month I created about 30 character profiles. An elf, a dwarf, an android? A dragon? A freelance cook? A seasoned middle-aged swordsman? A prideful wizard? I really have fun when I imagine all the different characters getting together.

And I'd like to share some of that fun with you, even if it's just a tiny part of it.

Survey Says…

As many of you probably remember, it was our intention to get the backer survey ready to go by October. Unfortunately, with juggling all of the logistical implications, and making sure backers have the opportunity to purchase the companion game at the $7 price point, we have to be very careful how this is structured.

With Kickstarter, we only get one chance to send out a backer survey, and all future changes have to be done manually. With 45,000 backers, that can become a logistical nightmare, so we need to double, triple and quadruple check everything to make sure it’s perfect before we send it out. That said, it’s our firm hope that we’ll be able to send out the backer survey to all of you in November. Thanks for your continued patience in this regard!

Speaking of Halloween!

One of the most challenging things on a Kickstarter campaign is that, if you are listening to the backers, it means you have to create content other than what you had originally planned. This came in the form of Character 109, after we cleared the first 8 additional character stretch goals. Junko Kawano, always the amazing artist that she is, was able to quickly whip up the four character sketches to choose from, but never had the chance to polish any of them up to the quality level she wanted.

Thanks to additional time since the backer vote, Kawano-san has had the opportunity to polish the Skeleton King’s design. Hopefully even those of you that didn’t choose this design for Character 109 will see that this more polished version has just as much heart and love put into it as any of the other characters in the game.

So here he is, in all of his boney glory: Marcus the Skeleton King.


Origin: Old Kingdom

Gender: Male

Age: 300

Favorite food: Champagne and Jellybeans

A man of ambition whose lust for power drove him to turn himself undead by arcane means.In times past, Markus tried to found a kingdom for the undead—a failure that cost him dearly and put him to flight.

These days, he contents himself with a single castle and a band of loyal followers who, um, might best be described as the "old" guard.

"One kingdom and castle to call my own—that's all I dream of! Well, all I dream of for now. Heh heh heh."

Shark Tales

For our next reveal, we’re going shark themed! We’ve got a wealth of new art to share from the region of the world Yuferius VII calls home, including a new in-game location, and a new creature!


This is the home of the Sharkmans. They live in a village in the middle of the desert, in a house made of sand bricks.

They make a living by fishing for sandfish lurking in the desert, and they have sandfish fishing tools (like a long harpoon) and a bench with nets on it to dry sandfish. It's a desert village, but there's even a few trees growing on it.

The Sharks have a legend that they once lived on a large planet filled with water.


Fishermen's prey. It takes several Sharkmen to catch it with a long harpoon, it is about six meters long, about the size of a small whale.

The flesh underneath the hard scales is somewhat plain like a white fish, so it is usually eaten grilled with sauce.

The fins are dried, then made into a regional specialty preserved food.


This is the ship that Sharkmen sail on. They are used for transportation and hunting. The sail catchs the wind and surfs across the desert. It also uses magic power from a magical lens as an auxiliary power source.

New Enemy Design

In keeping with the spooky, scary Halloween theme, we wanted to share a brand new enemy that will be appearing in the game: The Corpse Witch!

Corpse Witch

A type of undead created by the higher undead. Individuals created by dead countess have been found.

Social Media Links

If you’re dying to stay connected to the world of Eiyuden Chronicle, don’t forget to join our Official Discord by clicking here, and join the large, friendly and active community that helped bring the game to life!

You can also find us on the following platforms:






Iscritto dal
22 Feb 2010
Domanda, roba da backers (quindi anche solo il gioco standard MA con i bonus da backers) non c'è più possibilità alcuna di prenderla? intendo non si può più prenotare in quel senso?

perchè ai tempi pensavo che il preorder basilare comprendeva il gioco e BASTA, invece non si sono spiegati bene e ho scoperto solo alla fine che ci saranno bonus vari.



jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Domanda, roba da backers (quindi anche solo il gioco standard MA con i bonus da backers) non c'è più possibilità alcuna di prenderla? intendo non si può più prenotare in quel senso?

Ad ora le dichiarazioni sono per il no ;)


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Nuovo aggiornamento signori...

Hey there, heroes!

Remember, remember, it’s now November, and that means another meaty update for all of you waiting for that new drip of Eiyuden information. We know the wait for that monthly update can be tough, so we’re trying our best to make sure the wait is worth it.


It’s finally here! The main event! The thing you’ve been waiting months for! The Eiyuden Chronicle Kickstarter Survey (survey, survey, survey…)! First, an important reminder: some of you received marketing surveys during the Kickstarter campaign. This was NOT the official Kickstarter survey.

The official survey will go out starting Friday, November 13th (ooh, spooky!) in Japan, and Thursday November 12th in the US. With over 45,000 backers, this will be a process that takes several days to finish. If you don’t get your survey on the first day, don’t panic! It will absolutely arrive within a few days. If you haven’t received your survey within one week’s time, please reach out to us at

Also, please, please, PLEASE check your spam folder first, to make sure the survey didn’t end up there by mistake. The survey will be open for a large part of the development process, but since your answers will allow us to get an early read on some key information, it would be extremely helpful to get your responses sooner rather than later.

We’re also working on a store backend solution that will allow pre-existing backers to purchase additional items. This system will also allow backers to input any reward related details that are not covered in the upcoming backer survey. We appreciate your patience as we continue to develop and test this brand new system.

Murayama’s Monthly Development Update​

We are now in the process of fleshing out the details of the game design that were vague before. Right now, a lot of ideas have come from our team members, and my job is to pick and choose what works in the context of the game "Eiyuden Chronicles".

However, I'm often stumped when I'm faced with ideas that are equally good and difficult to decide on. I often wonder whether I made the right choice or not.

And the biggest job I have at the moment is the foundation of the story, the plot. The plot is not only important to the final outcome of the story, but it's also a very important part of the framework of an RPG game.

How many dungeons and towns do you need to create based on the plot, and what kind of design will they be?

They will be affected by the plot, so I have to think about those factors as well.

Unlike regular scenarios, game scenarios are closely intertwined with the gameplay.

How long does it take for the player to be able to control the game on their own after the game starts? Things like that also affect the feel of the game.

With this in mind, I have to keep in mind the biggest challenge of a story, which is to portray how people thought and acted, and how these characters lived, otherwise it will lose its appeal.

The biggest difficulty is maintaining a balance between the plot as a stage for portraying the characters' lives, and the plot as a framework for playing the game.

Juicy Game Updates​

With the administrative details out of the way, it’s time we shifted over to the juicier parts of this month’s update!

Let’s start by revisiting one of the monsters we first showed off during the campaign. As development is a living breathing thing, parts can change and evolve over time, as in the Dead Countess, which will hopefully give you some insight into the ongoing development process.

Monster Profile: Dead Countess

Dead Countess


A Demon that deceives people, turns them to undead, and recruits them to her kin. She has a distinct air of beauty and loves to decorate her surroundings.

Castle of the Dead Countess


Once a castle of man, after this abode was abandoned and fell into ruins, Dead Countess and her kin took up residence.

The interior of the castle is crumbling, but it is said that the top floor where the dead countesses are located is furnished with luxurious items in far better shape than the castle’s furnishings, and that the undead hordes raided the surrounding territory to obtain them.

Word has it that the castle floats due to the power of a rune-lens cast by its previous owner.

A lesser update would probably end there, but this is a monthly Eiyuden Chronicle update, and we’re just getting started. It’s been too long since we introduced a new character, and we felt that it was about time. Let’s check out what fresh new face is joining the crew!

Character Profile: Ivy


Profession: Engineer from an imperial workshop

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Favorite food: Milk

Ivy's two massive "rune arms" are her own invention. They're powered by rune-lenses and pack exactly the juggernaut punch you'd expect. Her diminutive stature is a bit of a sore spot with her, so the arms are her way of compensating.

"Sorry, did you say 'shorty'? Oh, you did NOT! All right... We'll see which of us is puny after I rune-slap your scrawny ass into next week!"

Kawano's Comment : I made sure this character is just bursting with energy. You can see there's a faint glow around her torso. The idea we're going with (at the moment, anyway) is that there's a large, glowing rune-lens fitted to her back. We think you'll like the way she moves, especially once you see the pixel art!

To cap off this month’s reveals, here’s a sneak peek at a brand new spooky creature you might come across during your travels in Allraan.

Monster Sneak Peek: Evil Spirit


A spirit-type monster found in ruins and caves. They are said to be what will become of a living thing that dies with an obsession.

A Word From the Team​

While Murayama-san has been handling monthly development updates, we wanted to offer a space in each update for a different key member of the development team to share their thoughts on the progress of the game. For our first Word From the Team, Director Komuta-san!

“We decided to introduce the core members' messages from this update as well, and I have been appointed as the top batter.

Ladies and gentlemen, Komunichiwa, or Komubanwa, this is Komuta, the director of Eiyuden Chronicles.

It's been a couple of months since we finished our Kickstarter campaign. The planning team has been discussing a "war event" for a while now.

"Let's have a bunch of characters active in the war at the same time."

"I want to show a big army advancing on the battlefield."

The members of the planning team and Murayama-san would work together to come up with ideas for the game and establish a direction for it. How are we going to show a lot of characters? What should it look like visually? What kind of game should it be so it's interesting to play? How should a war in Eiyuden Chronicles be fought? Why not create multiple units with a captain and second-in-command, with a platoon leader-like character among them, and have the player dictate the actions and routes of each unit? I don't think it's suitable for Eiyuden users, or users who want to play RPGs, so let's make it a turn-based type of game. But we don't want to make it a visual representation of just advancing pieces on a hex!...

It's exciting to see the "core of the project" of the blurry war event slowly taking shape.

Sometimes, when a planner says dreamy things like, "Personally, I definitely want to make siege warfare with siege weapons and larger weapons a reality!" they get shot down by engineers and designers...... But I love Eiyuden team members for they are very energetic, asking questions like, "how can we make it happen?", "Maybe it's better if we do it like this!", "Let's make it look like this!", "It could be more interesting if we used this technology!" Thanks to everyone's support, the team is in a great spirit as we work on this game.

Right now, the team is in the middle of developing prototypes of battles and towns that have been put into specifications after going through the planning process. We've shown you a little bit of the battle scene footage and the battle system in the Kickstarter campaign, but in order to achieve the goal of Eiyuden's battle with natural formations, using height differences and obstacles, we've also been playing with implementing special "gimmicks" in the prototypes. We're also working on the concept of creating a "living city" through trial and error, including NPC behaviors.

I'll be teasing you all when it's ready for presentation.

Thank you for your continued support.”

That’s it for November’s update, but don’t worry! We’ll have another piping hot update to keep you warm through that cold December as we head into the holidays. Don’t miss it!
