Saga Fire Emblem

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Nuovo trailer per l'ennesimo aggiornamento a Fire Emblem Heroes.

Questa volta prende il via l'evento "Mondo Sacro", che come di consueto oltre agli eventi di rito aggiunge 4 nuovi personaggi, eccoli:

Amelia (doppiata da Liv Strander, illustrata da Amagaitaro)

Seth (doppiato da Chris Smith, illustrato da Fujiwara Ryo)

Innes (doppiato da Xander Mobus, illustrato da by Teita)

Tana (doppiata da Melissa Fahn, illustrata da Cuboon)

Fire Emblem Warriors uscirà in Europa il 20 ottobre.

La versione Switch ci sarà anche in versione limitata, con all'interno un cd con 3 tracce musicali e delle carte dei personaggi.

Nuovo trailer:


4 nuovi scan di Fire Emblem Warriors, con altrettanti personaggi.





- - - Aggiornato - - -

Ed ecco tradotte le info apparse sugli scan.


The eldest daughter of the Kingdom of Hoshido, and the sibling of Ryoma, Takumi, and Sakura. Her personality embodies that of a warrior, and she began military training when Corrin was abducted by the Kingdom of Nohr in the past. She rides a pegasus just like in the original game, and she can unleash elegant strikes from the sky. Her class is Sky Knight, which is Fates' version of Pegasus Knight.


The eldest daughter in the royal family of the Kingdom of Nohr. She spent her childhood with the abducted Corrin and has an unusual amount of affection towards her. Although she has an easygoing personality, she also has a hidden sadistic side where she wouldn't hesitate in killing enemies that would endanger Corrin. Her class is Malig Knight, which has her riding a wyvern while wielding an axe. Wyverns can also pass through broken bridges just like pegasus.


A prince in the Kingdom of Hoshido. He trains himself daily so that he can be acknowledged by his siblings, all of whom have excellent talents. Despite being a result of getting abducted, Takumi holds some doubts towards Corrin whom he considered as having defected to Nohr, so he has a complex mind. Archers like Takumi can attack a wide range of enemies at once, so they can become reliable partners in this game, which has the player fighting many enemies.


The younger brother of Xander and Camilla, [Elise's elder brother,] and an elite magic user. He has a calm yet cruel personality; a prodigy who does everything without a flaw. His class is Dark Knight, which uses magic while being mounted on a horse, giving him both mobility and magic power. Magic attacks have their damage calculated separately [from physical attacks] with the Magic stat, and they are effective on armored Knights which generally have low Resistance stat.

Gameplay Systems

Pair Up

The player character can pair up with an ally character by getting close to them and using the command. When paired up, characters will take the roles of Vanguard and Support, and will switch with each other when fighting. The Dual actions (which are going to be described below) are also exclusively available for paired characters. This system is very useful when you want to fight strong enemies or protect weak allies.

Dual Attack

A Dual Attack gauge will show up for paired characters. When this gauge is filled, the Support character can be called up to unleash a Dual Attack that will break enemy's guard. If the Support character has a weapon advantage to the enemy, a yellow Stun gauge will appear on that enemy (which enables finisher attacks easier).

Dual Guard

A separate Dual Guard gauge will show up similarly to Dual Attack. When the gauge is filled, the Support character may show up to completely nullify an enemy's attack.

Dual Special

When both Vanguard and Support's Warrior gauges are filled, by using the Warrior Special attack (A button) they will get to unleash a more powerful and flashier Dual Special attack. Even the same character pairings will have different actions based on their current positions in the pair. Dual Special attack will also have quotes that will differ based on not only the characters being paired but also their bond levels between each other.

In addition to that, the article also showed some storyline screenshots of colored orbs coming out from Corrin, Ryoma, and Xander's bodies, which will then get placed on the Shield of Flames along with Chrom's orb. Based on the information collected so far, we're assuming that the storyline will cover Awakening first, and then Fates after it.

Elise di FE: Fates si aggiunge ai personaggi giocabili di Fire Emblem Warriors.

Nuovo mini-scan di FE Warriors: Sakura si unisce al rostro di personaggi giocabili.

Comunque mi domando perché non abbiano chiamato questo gioco "FE:Awakening & FE:Fates Warriors*".

* C'è anche Marth, anche se non sappiamo chi lo abbia inserito nel codice.



4 nuovi scan di FE Warriors.

I due di ieri, più due nuovi.




Pics e info su FE Warriors :sonno:




















The youngest child in the four royal siblings of the Kingdom of Nohr. With her cheerful and innocent personality, she brightens up the gloomy kingdom. Her class is Rod Knight, in which she fights while riding a horse. However, in addition to healing allies with her staff, she will be also equipped with offensive magic, which in the original game would be only added in the promoted Valkyrie/Strategist class.


The kind-hearted princess of the Kingdom of Hoshido. She was separated with Fire Emblem Fates' protagonist Corrin since their childhood. Other than healing allies with her staff just like Elise, Sakura will use a bow as her offensive weapon, which would be similar to the Priestess class in Fire Emblem Fates.

Male Corrin

A young man who had the past of being raised in the Kingdom of Nohr despite having the bloodline of Hoshido. A dragon power is hidden inside him, so other than fighting with the Yato sword, he can also transform into a dragon and even attack with his dragon form. His moveset and stats are entirely the same as his female counterpart, and he's also confirmed to receive the same treatment as Female Robin, as he will be only available through the game's replay values while Female Corrin will take the spotlight in the game's story.

Gameplay Systems

Weapon Tempering

Player will obtain numerous weapons in the game, and each weapon will have abilities that give advantages to the character equipping them. Abilities on a weapon can be transferred to another weapon through the Tempering process, provided that the destination weapon has enough empty slots for those abilities. An example of a weapon ability given in the article is Physical & Magical Swap, which will swap the user's physical attack and magic attack stats.

Weapon Appraisal

Some of the weapons obtained will have abilities that are sealed and will not activate until certain requirements have been fulfilled, for example by getting a total of 2000 KOs with the said weapon. Normally, the player wouldn't be able to know what the sealed ability is until it is unlocked. However, this game has an Appraisal system that lets the player take a peek on the true identity of the sealed ability by paying with some in-game money.

Emblem Shop

The Emblem Shop has a tree chart of Emblems that will provide permanent upgrades to characters. These Emblems can be unlocked by spending money and materials, and their effects range from increasing the number of equipable skills to adding new moves in the character's moveset. Each character will have different Emblem tree, so it is up to the player on how to progress through those Emblem trees.


Fire Emblem Warriors will also have a Skill system. After upgrading the character in the Emblem Shop, they will be able to equip up to 3 skills at once. Skills are basically unique to a character, but they will be able to equip another character's skill after they have deepened bonds with each other.

Skills will require materials and money to equip. For example, the Luna skill, which reduces enemy's Defense & Resistance stats for the user's attacks based on their Luck stat, will require 5 copies of Chrom's Leather Belt along with 1,500 Gold.

Class Change

Class Change or Promotion has been a staple in Fire Emblem series, and this system is also included in Fire Emblem Warriors. The Master Seal item also makes its appearance in this game, which will let characters promote to a higher class that will also give them huge stat boosts and better clothing. In the article, Rowan is shown getting promoted into a Great Lord.

History Mode

And finally, Fire Emblem Warriors will have History Mode, a game mode separate from the main Story Mode that will re-enact some famous scenes from each Fire Emblem title featured in this game. The player will get to move characters on 2D grid maps just like in the original games. When an ally character gets adjacent to an enemy unit, a battle (presumably in Warriors-style) will occur, which has some special requirements to clear. Fire Emblem Awakening's villain Validar is shown appearing in History Mode as an enemy NPC, and Gharnef's stage from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon is also shown in the article.

1° trailer di presentazione degli eroi di FE Warriors.

Nel video ci verngono presentati:

Chrom – doppiato da Tomokazu Sugita

Daraen / Robin (maschio) – doppiato da Yoshimasa Hosoya

Cordelia – doppiata da Eimi Okada

Frederick – doppiato da Daisuke Ono

Lucina – doppiata da Yuu Kobayashi

Daraen / Robin (femmina) – doppiata da Miyuki Sawashiro

Lissa – doppiata da Kana Asumi

Ho uno sconto per prendere fire emblem dalla virtual console di wiiu...

Quale mi consigliate tra quello per gamboy advance the sacred stone e quello per ds shadow dragon?

Inviato dal mio SM-G920F utilizzando Tapatalk

Ho uno sconto per prendere fire emblem dalla virtual console di wiiu...Quale mi consigliate tra quello per gamboy advance the sacred stone e quello per ds shadow dragon?

Inviato dal mio SM-G920F utilizzando Tapatalk
Secondo me lo Shadow Dragon è tipo l'unico FE da evitare proprio, quindi buttati decisamente sull'altro. :asd:

Rilasciati contemporaneamente il 2° e 3° video di presentazione degli eroi di FE Warriors.

Eccoli qui:

8 nuovi scan di FE Warriors per New 3DS e Switch, con Lynn.








Video in cui si vede in azione la versione 3DS. :ahsisi:
