Fonte: SpaziogamesDigital Bros S.p.A ha reso noti nella giornata di oggi i primi dati relativi al lancio di Sniper Elite 3, nuovo capitolo della famosa serie Sniper Elite. I primi giorni del gioco sul mercato sono stati più che positivi: Sniper Elite 3 è infatti il titolo più venduto in tutti i formati nel Regno Unito e in Francia ed è il numero uno in Italia, in Spagna e in Germania per quanto riguarda le classifiche dei giochi più venduti sulle console next-gen.
Sniper Elite 3 è disponibile dal 27 giugno 2014 per PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 e Xbox One.
Cosa sono quei 600mb di aggiornamento?
Grazie // 9th July 2014 - Version 1.03 Patch Notes
Bug fixes:
Added the option to disable the aim assist zoom and reticle independently of difficulty setting (the multiplayer aim assist setting will override this, as will Authentic difficulty).
Removed limits on raw mouse input data – which should hopefully address the “negative mouse acceleration” issue.
Added "Autobalance" as a team-based multiplayer option (will automatically move players from one team to another on death if the number of players become imbalanced).
Added quicksave (F5) and quickload (F9) on button press.
New profiles will attempt to detect keyboard layouts other than qwerty and set default controls accordingly (we're currently only supporting a small subset of variant keyboards, primarily azerty and qwertz layouts; please get in touch with our support department if you see any issues).
Dedicated Server gains "kickindex" and "kickbanindex" commands (which were already documented but were lost between V2 and SE3).
Added a "windowed" tickbox to the launcher options.
Fix co-op desync due to bulletcams (bullet cams are now sychronised where they're supposed to play for both, and we prevent weapons firing multiple times for the non-bulletcam-viewing player in non synchronised cases).
Fix co-op desync when getting on turrets.
Bleedout countdown notifications should now display correctly for both players in co-op (when difficulty setting allows).
Added latency indicators to the scoreboard in multiplayer.
"Through The Looking Glass" should trigger correctly.
DLC collectibles/achievements no longer counted against campaign progress.
A few leaves should no longer be able to stop gunfire, but AI rifles should be slightly less likely to shoot through solid objects and be slightly less accurate.
Bullets should emerge from the gun's muzzle regardless of the shadow setting!
Incapacitation on uneven surfaces should be slightly more robust.
Various fixes to prevent ragdolls interpenetrating surfaces.
Driver killcams made more robust (driver no longer killed when hits are near the view-slot, and killcams are triggered more reliably when the shot does hit the view-slot).
Tweaked dialogue audio settings to improve spatialisation.
Airfield's rescued prisoners no longer pose awkwardly.
Ghost Town now has more consistency in vaults over walls, building walls should no longer allow grenades through, and hiding below the ground surface should be slightly less likely.
Rat Run no longer has a building that partially disappears depending upon viewing angle/location.
Ruins and Beachhead should have fewer levitating rocks and plants!
DLC weapons now have names in Czech again.
Steam cloud is unfortunately still not working.
Co-op for DLC missions is also unfortunately delayed to the next patch.
Disabling aim assist doesn't disable the tutorial messages about using the aim assist.
Fonte: SpaziogamesSu Steam è disponibile gratuitamente una nuova mappa pensata per il multiplayer di Sniper Elite 3: il titolo scelto, questa volta, è Lost Valley.
All'apparenza si tratta di una mappa molto variegata, con spazi di giungla aperta, fondali marini e scavi archeologici da esplorare. Spetterà ai giocatori scegliere se nascondersi in mezzo ad una lussureggiante vegetazione o se preparare un agguato vicino alla costa. A fondo news è possibile trovare il link alla pagina Steam del gioco e alcune immagini dedicate a questa mappa.
I giocatori ora hanno anche la possibilità di accedere al "Sniper Rifles weapons pack", un pacchetto con armi e mirini utilizzabili in tutte le modalità che arriverà presto anche su console.
Links consigliati: Pagina Steam