News Topic raccoglitore su Capcom | Annunciato il REX Engine


the mentalist1

Iscritto dal
5 Ott 2010
“If we keep gradually increasing the size of our staff, I’m thinking that at some point maybe we might be able to handle four AAA titles at once.”

Also, in addition to that, we’re currently working on a title that will make our fans think, "wow, they’re making that?”

Development of" RE: 2 "and" DMC 5 "has already begun at the stage when" Biohazard 7 "is under development. These 3 titles, 3 teams are the mainstay of CS First Division. The staff also increased little by little, I think that one should turn 4 large titles.

--CS May I ask you about the future prospects of the first development department?

First of all, I think that it is the first time to deliver RE2 and DMC5 to everyone. I hope to do the next new challenge from there. Your voice is very important. I'd like to listen to various voices such as "I wish it was this place", "I want something like this". I think that it will come time to make a major renewal in the future Biohazard, but until then I would like to accumulate the power that we can make ideal. Also, another title is surprisingly developed by everyone "Are you making this?"

...will also improve the quality and lie will disappear. Because lying comes in for sure by making it with CG. (This is probably refferring to the uncanny effect)Scanning costumes will bring reality and weight to the screen, right? However, compared to Bio7, costumes of DMC5 are all custom made, so it costs about 10 times as much money. Commitment of the director is so terrible, I said "Do not you just make it with cloth?" When saying "I do not want to be all leather," he says.

Although the basic part is the same, it is an image that can be flexible according to the game. For example, the face animation of DMC5 has evolved considerably compared to Bio7. There is a scene that delicately smoothes his eyes and narrows his eyes and laughs with huge, but the staff of Bio7 that saw it had regretted that "I wanted to do that!" Although RE ENGINE has evolved, I think that it is great that the staff is mastering it.

intervista su famitsu
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Go Dino Crisis :hail:

 remake di dino crisis o ancora meno probabile,seguito diretto del due

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O un ritorno di Ghosts 'n Goblins o Maximo  :dsax:

con la nuova politica Capcom (massimo un anno tra annuncio e release), potrebbe anche essere un progetto per questa gen.

Capcom é da RE7 che sta lavorando benissimo
3-4 giochi l'anno fatti bene, contento per loro e soprattutto per noi

Inviato dal mio WAS-LX1A utilizzando Tapatalk

Dai Capcom, riconquista definitivamente i nostri cuori con il remake di Dino Crisis 

invece pubblicheranno Deep Down, sarà una sorpresa proprio perchè ormai tutti lo davano per cancellato :sard:

no, ovvio intendano qualcosa che farà piacere. pure io vorrei Dino Crisis, ma a questo punto può essere tutto. quante IP amate hanno da riprendere ormai? troppe. non saprei dirne una.

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Da come dicono sembra in effetti un ritorno di qualche loro IP. :hmm:

Ghost'n Goblins per com'è il mercato ora potrebbe tirare tantissimo  :chris:

Anche se uno Strider tripla A sarebbe il mio sogno bagnato :sadfrog:

O un ritorno di Ghosts 'n Goblins o Maximo  :dsax:
Gran gioco Maximo, un bel remake sarebbe il massimo. Lo ho ancora per PS2 in collezione. :hihi:

Dino Crisis però resta un sogno ideale. La scena del T Rex in un remake stile RE :ivan:

Al mondo e ai nostri bambini interiori servono dinosauri :sisi:

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