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Switch Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny

Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny
È arrivato il primo nuovo gioco della serie Disgaea degli ultimi sei anni! Incontra Zed, uno zombi che è riuscito a farla a tutti tranne uno: il dio della distruzione! Potrà un semplice zombi di Netherworld sorgere dalle ceneri e distruggere un dio? Scoprilo nell'ultimissimo appuntamento della serie DISGAEA! Con Super Reincarnation, grafica 3D (inedita per questa serie) e impostazioni di gioco regolabili, questo gioco farà al caso dei fan di DISGAEA nuovi e vecchi!
Giocatori: 1
Co-op: No
Genere: Role-Playing, Strategy
Data di rilascio:
Publisher: NIS America, Inc.


Iscritto dal
22 Feb 2010
Sinceramente non sapevo avessero tolto tutta sta roba!
Ho letto poco fa il post di Beastly-Zero e sono rimasto :sowhat:

Hanno aggiunto qualcosa almeno?
Ti basta andare su jrpg world che c'è in dettaglio cosa hanno tolto :sisi:
Post unito automaticamente:

Ecco i cambiamenti:

  • Magichange is gone
  • Monster weapon type is gone and monsters use regular weapons
  • Toss and pass are gone, and in their place monsters can lift and throw
  • Weapon skills are gone; in their place are unique skills that each class has, many of which are derived from old weapon skills (Zielregen, Boulder Crush, Totenkreuz, Triple Strike, etc)
  • Traditional stat buff spells seem to be gone, with unique buffs (like the healer's damage buff or thief's self-SPD/HIT buff) taking their place
  • Equipment aptitudes are gone
  • Chara world is gone (thank god) with its stat-boosting and evility scroll-making functions relegated to super reincarnation and the skill shop respectively (generating skill scrolls does not seem to exist anymore)
  • In addition to generating evility scrolls, the
  • Many classes are gone, even long-runners like nekomatas
  • Tower skills are gone
  • Revenge meter, squad attacks, and Overloads are gone
  • Interrogation is seemingly gone: squads are leveled with EXP and mana gains from battle
  • Classic-style capturing is seemingly gone
  • Innocent management, farm included, is handled with the item worlder again
  • The new "innocent exchange" submenu of the item worlder allows you to spend item points to acquire innocents
  • Enemies in the item world seem to have randomized resistances again
  • Enemies in the item world seem to always have a bunch of spells learned, of all elements (plus healing)
  • Innocent town is still a feature, but routes are not
  • Mystery gates are back
  • Pirates/invaders don't seem to be present: I haven't encountered them yet and the tutorial says nothing about them
  • Innocents aren't "true neutral" like they were in 5 and actually will fight both the player and the enemy
  • Lucky boards have actual AI and can attack you
  • The stage doesn't end until all lucky boards are defeated; I'm not sure if this holds true for neutrals like level spheres, chests, or innocents
  • The recruitment NPC is gone and that function is handled by the assembly again
  • The hospital NPC at the base map no longer provides healing, as auto-heal is now a default mechanic; he simply gives you rewards for the amounts recovered
  • EXP and mana gains are given out at the end of battle, to anyone who participated
  • Item exploration replaces netherworld exploration
  • Enemies can actually use the archer's support attacks now, which totally surprised me
  • Evil dragons and horsemen are large units akin to Disgaea 4's fused monsters; these monsters can still lift and toss and their basic attacks have unique multi-target properties which can make their counterattacks very dangerous
  • Color edit feature doesn't seem to be present
  • Quadruple speed feature needs to be unlocked with a bill
  • Stealing is exclusively done with the thief's Cat Snatch skill
  • Weirdly enough, when managing innocents there is no tab that displays all equipped items
  • There is a second class of armor that focuses on providing RES over DEF (orbs are still present)
  • You can't stand on geo symbols or level spheres anymore
  • The item duplication mystery room seems to be still present and even has the same layout, but it's been visually overhauled
  • Bonus meter is different: extra levels don't seem to be present, equipment seems a lot more rare, and the rank-0 item isn't forfeited when the floor is skipped
  • Getting to the gate at the end of a floor will reward you with a level, like in the pre-5 games, regardless of meter
Ultima modifica:


Iscritto dal
22 Feb 2010
Ogni volta che leggo questa lista mi viene quasi da piangere...
Dispiace un sacco a me che devo giocare ancora per bene la serie, non oso immaginare come ti possa sentire tu XD penso che se già il 3 con la sua trama dei salvataggi della psvita potrà fare scassare, magari il 4 e il 5 sono pure migliori.


Iscritto dal
12 Ago 2008
Ti basta andare su jrpg world che c'è in dettaglio cosa hanno tolto :sisi:
Post unito automaticamente:

Ecco i cambiamenti:

  • Magichange is gone
    [*]Monster weapon type is gone and monsters use regular weapons
    [*]Toss and pass are gone, and in their place monsters can lift and throw
    [*]Weapon skills are gone; in their place are unique skills that each class has, many of which are derived from old weapon skills (Zielregen, Boulder Crush, Totenkreuz, Triple Strike, etc)
    [*]Traditional stat buff spells seem to be gone, with unique buffs (like the healer's damage buff or thief's self-SPD/HIT buff) taking their place
    [*]Equipment aptitudes are gone
    [*]Chara world is gone (thank god) with its stat-boosting and evility scroll-making functions relegated to super reincarnation and the skill shop respectively (generating skill scrolls does not seem to exist anymore)
    [*]In addition to generating evility scrolls, the
    [*]Many classes are gone, even long-runners like nekomatas
    [*]Tower skills are gone
    [*]Revenge meter, squad attacks, and Overloads are gone
    [*]Interrogation is seemingly gone: squads are leveled with EXP and mana gains from battle
    [*]Classic-style capturing is seemingly gone
    [*]Innocent management, farm included, is handled with the item worlder again
    [*]The new "innocent exchange" submenu of the item worlder allows you to spend item points to acquire innocents
    [*]Enemies in the item world seem to have randomized resistances again
    [*]Enemies in the item world seem to always have a bunch of spells learned, of all elements (plus healing)
    [*]Innocent town is still a feature, but routes are not
    [*]Mystery gates are back
    [*]Pirates/invaders don't seem to be present: I haven't encountered them yet and the tutorial says nothing about them
    [*]Innocents aren't "true neutral" like they were in 5 and actually will fight both the player and the enemy
    [*]Lucky boards have actual AI and can attack you
    [*]The stage doesn't end until all lucky boards are defeated; I'm not sure if this holds true for neutrals like level spheres, chests, or innocents
    [*]The recruitment NPC is gone and that function is handled by the assembly again
    [*]The hospital NPC at the base map no longer provides healing, as auto-heal is now a default mechanic; he simply gives you rewards for the amounts recovered
    [*]EXP and mana gains are given out at the end of battle, to anyone who participated
    [*]Item exploration replaces netherworld exploration
    [*]Enemies can actually use the archer's support attacks now, which totally surprised me
    [*]Evil dragons and horsemen are large units akin to Disgaea 4's fused monsters; these monsters can still lift and toss and their basic attacks have unique multi-target properties which can make their counterattacks very dangerous
    [*]Color edit feature doesn't seem to be present
    [*]Quadruple speed feature needs to be unlocked with a bill
    [*]Stealing is exclusively done with the thief's Cat Snatch skill
    [*]Weirdly enough, when managing innocents there is no tab that displays all equipped items
    [*]There is a second class of armor that focuses on providing RES over DEF (orbs are still present)
    [*]You can't stand on geo symbols or level spheres anymore
    [*]The item duplication mystery room seems to be still present and even has the same layout, but it's been visually overhauled
    [*]Bonus meter is different: extra levels don't seem to be present, equipment seems a lot more rare, and the rank-0 item isn't forfeited when the floor is skipped
    [*]Getting to the gate at the end of a floor will reward you with a level, like in the pre-5 games, regardless of meter
Ammazza oh, hanno stravolto/rimosso un sacco di roba. Ma sembra un lavoro fatto così a caso proprio. :|

Il gioco mi interessava, ma a questo punto mi sa che per il momento (= per un bel po') me ne tengo lontano, piuttosto mi rimetto sul 5 in cui ho ancora tanto da fare nel post game, tra cui i DLC.
Ultima modifica:


Iscritto dal
18 Gen 2007
Non so, forse per me è un bene :asd:
Nei vecchi mi perdevo troppo nelle millemila cose da fare e finivo per snobbare gli extra :asd:


Iscritto dal
22 Feb 2010
Ammazza oh, hanno stravolto/rimosso un sacco di roba. Ma sembra un lavoro fatto così a caso proprio. :|

Il gioco mi interessava, ma a questo punto mi sa che per il momento (= per un bel po') me ne tengo lontano, piuttosto mi rimetto sul 5 in cui ho ancora tanto da fare nel post game, tra cui i DLC.
Stessa cosa che penso anche io, se riuscirò giocherò la serie fino al 5, poi chissà.


sezione switch
Iscritto dal
25 Gen 2006
Le vendite globali della serie hanno superato i 5 milioni di unità vendute



games dome
Iscritto dal
9 Gen 2014
Ci sto giocando in questi giorni e devo dirlo, nonostante graficamente sia almeno due spanne dietro al 5 (il 3d non gli si addice) e nonostante le mancanze nel gameplay di cui avete già discusso in passato, si sta rivelando comunque la solita droga disgaeaiana. Il gameplay rimane comunque solido e divertente, non si perde troppo tempo per animazioni e/o caricamenti (cosa che mi aveva fatto droppare altri titoli simili) e la corsa al potenziamento perfetto dei tuoi personaggi, mi fa volare le ore senza che me ne accorga :asd:

Per quanto riguarda storia e personaggi è presto per parlare, sono arrivato giusto al 2 episodio (per buttarmi subito nell'item world :sard: ) ma quello che ho visto, non mi sta dispiacendo. Zed non è nulla di particolarmente originale come protagonista ma, per ora, funziona


sezione switch
Iscritto dal
26 Nov 2006


sezione switch
Iscritto dal
25 Gen 2006
50% di sconto ( 30€ ) fino al 12 Febbraio

65% di sconto ( 12,24€ ) per il Pass stagionale