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Switch Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes + Rising

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes + Rising
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising combina un'emozionante avventura, ambientata in delle antiche rovine, con la storia della rinascita di una città. Attratti da lenti e tesori vari nelle vicine Rovine runiche, i nostri eroi capiranno presto che la città, distrutta da un devastante terremoto, ha bisogno del loro aiuto per tornare a essere quella di una volta. Durante il loro viaggio, risolveranno varie controversie tra avidi avventurieri e gente del posto diffidente, che crede che le Rovine runiche non debbano essere disturbate. Gli eroi capiranno anche qual è il vero motivo che spinge gli altri eroi alla ricerca dei tesori, rafforzando così il legame tra di loro.
Giocatori: 1
Co-op: No
Genere: Action, Adventure, Platform, Role-Playing, Virtual Console
Data di rilascio:
Publisher: 505 Games


Iscritto dal
25 Ott 2011
Vabbè ma quindi sono l'unico che lo sta giocando? :asd:

Comunque pian piano migliora sempre un po' di più, è davvero carino come si sviluppa la città nel tempo grazie ai nostri sforzi, anche se un bs un po' acerbo e tante fetch quest lo rendono un gioco adatto a piccole e disparate sessioni per smorzare la ripetitività
Eh io ho deciso di portare avanti Triangle, quando finisco quello penso che mi dedico a Rising. Tanto non credo che duri 40 ore. Il livello di difficoltà come è? I boss sono impegnativi (io ho visto solo il primo ad hard)?

Wolf Loz

Iscritto dal
12 Ott 2014
Eh io ho deciso di portare avanti Triangle, quando finisco quello penso che mi dedico a Rising. Tanto non credo che duri 40 ore. Il livello di difficoltà come è? I boss sono impegnativi (io ho visto solo il primo ad hard)?
Finora ho fatto 3 boss se non vado errato, ed erano tutti tranquillamente abbordabili ;)


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Vabbè ma quindi sono l'unico che lo sta giocando? :asd:

Comunque pian piano migliora sempre un po' di più, è davvero carino come si sviluppa la città nel tempo grazie ai nostri sforzi, anche se un bs un po' acerbo e tante fetch quest lo rendono un gioco adatto a piccole e disparate sessioni per smorzare la ripetitività

Ho già deciso che lo giocherò in un periodo più prossimo al uscita del "altro" :uhmsisi:


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Update di maggio ufficiale :geddoe:

May 2022 Update​

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Rabbit & Bear StudiosCreatore
25 maggio 2022
Hey there heroes,
Firstly, we would like to address the ongoing delay surrounding the backer product codes for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, and want to sincerely thank every hero for their patience as we work through these issues.
If you still haven’t received your product code for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, then please don’t hesitate to reach out to The Yetee Customer Service who are working hard to answer questions and solve problems.
In the meantime, we have some exciting news for those who might have missed it!


That's right! Given recent speculation over the Nintendo Switch and potential next generation Nintendo iterations, we wanted to play it safe and investigate what options we had before fully committing to a Nintendo Switch version.
But now the wait is over and we're delighted to confirm that Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes will also be landing on Nintendo Switch!

Production Updates

Character Profile​


Home: A small settlement in the League of Nations
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Favorite Food: Blueberry pie
Yaelu hails from a reclusive settlement. Inquisitive by nature, she is struggling to overcome her shyness and find the courage to make contact with the outside world.
Her settlement uses a rune-lens to cloak itself from prying eyes.
The settlement worships the lens, and it is their custom to hide their eyes behind their bangs as a sign of reverence.
"Um, excuse me, I you think... Could you... Could you take me with you? I want to see what the rest of the world is like..."
Kawano’s Comment:
Yaelu is someone who never, ever reveals her eyes.
(Apparently it has to do with a tradition within her clan)
And when I say never, EVER, I mean it! We have a lot planned for Yaelu...!
Regardless of what situations she finds herself in, however, she never loses her enthusiasm, and I tried to express that in this art.

Pixel Art​



Murayama's Monthly Development Report​

A lot of different characters appear in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes–not only those with big parts to play in the main story, but also those with a variety of other roles to fulfil.
Party members who are capable of fighting have different characteristics, while other characters have unique abilities that will allow you to employ a variety of different strategies in the battle system. There are also 'general' type characters who will really shine on the field of battle.
We also have characters whose roles are to manage facilities. Some may be store owners, while others will supply the player with convenient services. On top of that, we've also prepared a slew of characters whose jobs are just to provide fun for the player, such as through a simple combat-oriented RPG-style mini-game and more.
This motley crew of characters will all be living in the same town, which acts as your home base. We'll also be preparing simple events and dialog that allows you to catch a glimpse into their daily lives.
Therefore, in order to make all that happen, we're currently exchanging ideas and figuring out how the different characters' relationships will work.
Do these two go out fishing together? Do these two have fun talking about love? Are these two rivals? And so on, and so forth.
It's too much of a job for me to handle all by myself, so I'm collecting ideas from my staff members as well. They're coming up with a lot of fun ideas and combinations that I would never have been able to come up with on my own.
The surprises are a lot of fun to discover, and I truly feel like this is an important step that will allow us to pour even more depth into the world and its characters.
I hope you're all also having fun imagining things on your own!

A Word from the Team​

Hello everyone! Komu-nichiwa and komu-banwa!
This month's word is brought to you by Komuta!
Last month, you got a glimpse into the team’s daily life, so I should probably give you a glimpse into what’s happening on the development side of things, huh…
Walking around the map that connects the world together, checking out towns and dungeons, fighting enemies, buying things in shops, dueling and sparring, fishing and playing with tops, etc. There's a lot to do in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, and through working on the prototype, we've been able to pinpoint the issues and things we need to work on, as well as define what the player 'can' and 'can't' do in the game.
What must we keep, and what must we drop in the limited time we've got left?
Is it really okay to just drop and cut the things we can’t make?
Every day, we're faced with hard decisions about a variety of things. Sometimes we're not sure what decision to make... And in times like that, we try to focus back on what the core concept of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is.
I personally believe the concept of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is giving form to the unique aspects of each character. This doesn't mean the player can customize each character any way they want, but rather we need to set limitations for the role of each character. We need to purposefully give characters weaknesses and limitations in order to give a unique identity to each and every one of the 100+ characters in the game.
Naturally, with the battles we've planned and worked on, we have strived to give individuality to the animations and abilities for each battle-ready character. I've spent a lot of time planning out each character so that they function and fight the way we envision them to.
Murayama-san thinks up the characters, Kawano-san gives them form with her illustrations, J-san and the character team allows them to move using pixel art, the planner team gives them roles within the game...and then, finally, at least one character is born. (And we have to do this over 100 times! LOL)
Due to that, we're so busy every day that it makes me dizzy sometimes... And when work gets really busy, it really makes me want to cook.
I found some guanciale, which I love, at a store I stopped by the other day. When I picked it up, the guy working there immediately figured out what I was doing and said: "Making carbonara? I recommend adding a dash of kelp tea!" So, I bought some at the supermarket, mixed it in with some eggs and cheese, and made myself some carbonara!

Thanks to the kelp tea that I (very apprehensively) added, it ended up becoming the best carbonara I've ever made! Thanks, guy at the store! I'll be back to buy it again!
See you later, everyone! Please keep cheering us on!


sezione switch
Iscritto dal
11 Gen 2012
A volte mi stupisco come alcuni sviluppatori continuino a ignorare Switch nello sviluppo di titoli, soprattutto JRPG che tecnicamente possono girarci (e la scusa detta all'inizio non aveva senso), quindi mi fa piacere questo cambio di rotta.


DI vecchia data
Iscritto dal
16 Feb 2017
A volte mi stupisco come alcuni sviluppatori continuino a ignorare Switch nello sviluppo di titoli, soprattutto JRPG che tecnicamente possono girarci (e la scusa detta all'inizio non aveva senso), quindi mi fa piacere questo cambio di rotta.
La Nintendo, stava aspettando che comprassi anche io la switch. :asd:


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Update di Giugno :eee:


June 2022 Update​

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Rabbit & Bear StudiosCreatore
29 giugno 2022
Hey there heroes,
We’d like to start with an update on the Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising product codes. We are getting close to clearing the last of our customer service ticket backlog and we’d like to thank everyone for their patience so far.
If you purchased a copy of Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising as either an add-on via Kickstarter or by purchasing it via the Backer Store and still have not received your product code, then please reach out to The Yetee Customer Service team for assistance.
Once this backlog has been cleared we will be doing an analysis of what happened in order to find out what caused this shortage and delay, however we can already see that our efforts weren’t enough and that we’ve damaged some of the trust the community has given us. Our goal is to use what we’ve learned here to ensure the same thing doesn’t happen again.
We can’t thank you enough for your continued trust and support, and we will continue to keep working hard to ensure fulfillment of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes goes much smoother.

Production Updates

Character Profile​


Profession: The League of Nations
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Favorite Food: Sautéed chicken breast
Despite not knowing a lick of magic, Maureus has decided he's a mage. The "staff" he swings around—a hunk of steel that's thicker than he is and that most observers would correctly call a mace—is strong enough to smash through solid rock. And folks, if that's not magic, what is? (Answer: actual magic.)
Maureus works hard at "attuning himself" (really, he's just pumping himself up) so he can "wield advanced spells" (break more of his enemies' bones with each strike).
"Behold, the wonders of magic! By channeling destructive energy into a single point, I have reduced this boulder to rubble. Are you not amazed? Follow me, and these powers could be yours!"
Kawano’s Comment:
A meathead what led me to the character image you see here. I wanted to give the impression that he somehow built huge muscles despite having no intentions of actually working out, so I had a lot of fun designing a really heavy cane and wristbands for him (heavy enough to shock other characters if they tried to pick them up themselves).
Is the source of his power magic or muscle...?
Personally, I can’t wait to see him in action!

Murayama's Monthly Development Report​

Not long from now I’ll probably be able to write something more specific about the systems we're implementing in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, but for now please bear with me as I keep writing about my personal life.
I personally believe that game creators should be knowledgeable about games. To that end, I try to stay connected to games in any way I can. It's not easy though, when I'm busy with development. Especially when I'm devoting a lot of my time and attention to working on the story. I don't want to use too much brain power worrying about other things.
An amazing story written by another human being can often be a great source of inspiration, but it can also be a source of distress for me when I'm working on a script of my own.
So when that happens, I have fun playing quick games or games that don't linger longer than they need to. Right now, I'm mostly playing...
Hexcells, which is a puzzle game you can play in short bursts and has a function that automatically creates new puzzles. I try to solve one puzzle per day which gives me a nice sense of accomplishment.
One Finger Death Punch is another action game with really simple rules that is good for relieving stress in a short gaming session. It feels really good to mow down all the enemies.
Heroes of Hammerwatch is a game about grabbing money and resources hiding in dungeons. In a short amount of time I either clear a dungeon or die, and it even has a village builder in it.
Enjoying games in short sessions is how I’m enjoying games at the moment.

A Word from the Team​

Hello everyone. This is Kawano and it looks like it's my turn.
I can't believe it's been nearly two years since the Kickstarter campaign! I dread to think about how much time has passed, but I'm still working on character designs to this day.
Hypothetically, if it took me three days to finish one character illustration then I should be able to complete more than 100 in a single year. But of course, I'm not that fast and I get time off every week, so the designs remain a work in progress.
Nonetheless, I think we're finally seeing the light at the end of the character design tunnel. (In regards to the development of the game, there is a lot of work that needs to be done after the illustrations are completed, so I need to finish the illustration work a bit faster than other tasks.).
Once the bulk of the illustrations are done, I will keep working on finer extra details and expressions as necessary. For now though, I want to focus on coming up with ideas for the remaining characters. I'm almost done with all 100 heroes!
Until next time!


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Update di luglio


July 2022 Update​

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Rabbit & Bear StudiosCreatore
27 luglio 2022
Hey there heroes,
First let’s get to a very important topic - Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising.
We have finished our Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising post-mortem and wanted to be transparent about how we plan to address the many issues that occurred during the Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising code distribution process.
  1. It’s clear we need to lock down backer platform selection sooner. The goal is to send out final backer platform selections within the next few months. This will allow us to send an extra month or two to fill in any gaps for backers who haven’t responded/have used different Emails/haven’t filled out their surveys.
  2. There was some confusion where Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising was believed to be free or that it was actually the main game Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. But now that Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising has been released, we won’t have that confusion moving forward.
  3. The customer service team has been increased to handle the larger than expected number of customer service tickets.
  4. We plan to order more codes as a buffer. This should guarantee we do not run out of codes which would cause a delay in fulfillment timing.
These resource changes should help us navigate the massive undertaking of fulfilling Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. We plan to move faster to have enough buffer to avoid these issues in the future and hopefully earn back your trust.
If you have any ongoing issues with Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising feel free to contact us at
Premium Backer Rewards
We are very close to finalizing the specific criteria of each premium backer reward and process for confirming identities for each backer. All premium backers will be contacted over the next 2-3 months. We will mention that contact Emails have been sent out via updates so that you’ll know they have and can ping us if you haven’t received an Email.
Thank you very much for your understanding and patience.

Two Year Kickstarter Anniversary


Murayama: It’s already been two years since the madness of the Kickstarter campaign. We’re still moving forward now, thanks to the power and courage that everyone’s support gives us.
Kawano: We’re in our second summer of this project now thanks to everyone. We just released Eiyuden Rising, so I tried drawing the characters of Rising this time around.
Komuda: Over these two years, we’ve been using your support as our fuel as we work together and move full steam ahead. I hope we’ll be able to show you what we’re working on little by little as time goes on.
Murakami: We're in our second summer of working on Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, but it's still at the front of our minds and we're working hard to deliver a game that everyone will love.
We might even be able to show you some of it soon!

Murayama's Monthly Development Report​

This season, every new day in Japan is a hot one, but we’re still working and managing all the twists and turns that come our way.
One of my hobbies is playing board games – games that use wooden pieces and paper boards, versus the ones you can play on a computer. My personal favorite game is Carcassonne, a game where you build towns and roads.
My policy toward game systems is that they should be as simple as possible while also allowing for as many variables as possible. This may be due to the experiences I’ve had playing board games.
When you add complicated elements and systems to computer games, the computer can easily do the calculations and operations needed to support them. With board games, however, humans are the ones who need to do the calculations and manage the rules, so the more complicated the calculations needed to prep a strategy, the greater the stress it puts on the players. Therefore, board games require the creator to cut away needless elements and refine the system as much as possible.
In the end, you’re left with an extremely refined board game with what I would call a beautiful game system. This is very obvious in the games designed by Alex Randolph, a very famous board game designer, which include games such as Ghosts!, DOMEMO, and especially Venice Connection.
I wanted to make sure the mini-games in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes inherit that flavor, so I’ve been discussing this sort of thing with the team daily. As we continue talking to each other and doing trial and error with various things, the final version of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is slowly coming together. We can’t show you all of it just yet, but we’ll be sure to show you what we can first as thanks for all your support.
Miniatura del video del progetto


A Word from the Team​

J-Diary Vol. 6
Unrelated to anything, but recently I finished watching Season 4 of Stranger Things on Netflix.
Hi, I'm Murakami J. It's been a while. That scene with Eddie was so crazy, I've been listening to Metallica every day as I work.
Sorry for starting off with a very niche topic. Has anyone else watched that show? It's a story about kids that takes place in a rural American town, and was very appealing to me as someone who loves Goonies and Stand By Me. It's also set in the 80s, which was perfect for me, so it pulls at my heartstrings every time I watch it. The level of detail they put into the fashion, music, and culture from the time period is really amazing.
Recently, a lot of monumental works across various genres of the 80s have been getting revivals, such as the movies Top Gun: Maverick and Ghostbusters, the Cobra Kai TV, etc. Work has been so busy that there's a lot I haven't been able to see yet.
But it's really fun to watch these things, as you can tell that the creators have deep passion for the works that influenced them. And love creates new masterpieces.
I believe that masterpieces can be enjoyed forever. We learn from them and yearn to revive the happy parts of our memories in fun new forms.
It's been a while since I reported on what's going on in the studio, so here goes. Currently we've reached the peak of our mass graphic production phase, so every day we're super busy and always wishing we had more people on our team.
The field is almost completely full of areas. We aren't reusing a lot of assets for Eiyuden, so every time we finish creating something, we find ourselves with yet another challenge to overcome.
As for the pixel art, our main members just keep getting older and older. (LOL) It was really hard for us to find people who were young, good at drawing pixel art, and who actually WANTED to draw pixel art, so this is just what we ended up with when we searched for the best of the best.
Veterans are truly reliable, though. We just need to make sure our pixel art staffers take proper care of their health. (LOL) As of now, people who can draw pixel art are valuable treasures of the game industry. Let's take good care of them!! Thanks to all their passion, the game is slowly coming together.
I think we'll be able to show you some progress or an event scene or two in a little bit, so I hope you're excited.
Oh, there's one thing I wanted to mention. We've also reached the point where we need to start working on the in-game backer assets for those backers who helped us achieve victory in our Kickstarter campaign. We deeply value all the support you gave us, so we're going to work hard on this. Soon, we'll need to get some info from you all in order to start working on this (we're preparing for it now), so please help us out when the time arrives.
That's it, really. As usual, I have a ton of things to do, and I'm just trying my best to scratch them off one as one while putting up with the heat. That reminds me... It seems like this year's summer is going to be filled with extreme heat and irregular temperatures all around the world. (And we still have covid to worry about... But I'm more worried about that for the time being)
Please make sure to stay safe and healthy, everyone!
Sorry the message isn't longer this time around, but I've got a lot of work to get back to. See you next time!


jrpg world
Iscritto dal
27 Dic 2012
Update di Agosto :bruniii:


August 2022 Update​

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Rabbit & Bear StudiosCreatore
24 agosto 2022
Hey there heroes!
Gamescom has begun so we are sharing some of the key assets that we will announce at the show. While we continue to polish the game, we hope these new assets will get you excited! Also, please keep your eye on IGN for a new trailer of the game!
As always, let us know your feedback in the comments section!





Production Updates




These rune golems roam the Barrows, seeking out hapless intruders and then using their powerful arms to smash the life out of them.

Murayama's Monthly Development Report​

As you've probably already seen in this update, a new Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes trailer will be released at Gamescom 2022! We're still right in the middle of development, which includes work on the appearance of the game itself, so certain things may change... But I hope it still gives you a better idea of how the finished product will look.
Currently in the dev cycle, I'm personally at a stage I often reached when working on the Suikoden series... A stage I like to call the 'manual labor' part.
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes features over 100 unique characters, and its large cast is one of its biggest draws, so a large quantity of text has to be created for all the different scenes.
For example, when you choose a character for your battle party, if we decide to have the characters say a line there, we'll naturally need to make a line for each character.
Part of the fun of going through a story comes from the personalities of the characters. What sort of personalities do all these characters have? What sort of values do they have, what sort of things do they like, and what sort of goals are they trying to achieve? These aspects are actually deeply entwined with the game's systems.
As I wrote above, if we decide to put a line in for each character every time you decide to add them to your party, we need to make sure it expresses that character's personality... So they all have to be unique. Some characters might be overjoyed to join the battle party, while others may see it as nothing as a chore. Still others might be nervous, and so on and so forth. Getting glimpses of the characters like this is part of the fun of the game.
Still, no matter what part of the game I'm working on at any given time, preparing data like this for every single character is a huge labor. No matter how tiring it gets, I just have to keep chipping away at it, like good old fashioned physical labor, day by day. It certainly isn't easy, I can tell you that!

A Word from the Team​

I hope you're all surviving the lingering heat wherever you may be. Japan is still as hot as ever, but how are things out where you live?
Komu-nichiwa, komu-banwa. I'm Director Komuta.
This year, Japan's summer feels even hotter than usual... No matter how little time I happen to spend outside, I still end up feeling like it's robbed my body of all its water. Reminds me of when I went to visit Thailand in the summer, many moons ago.
Regardless of the heat, we're still working hard on Eiyuden. Remember when I showed you a tiny peek of a screen in last month's update? Well, this is what that mine dungeon used to look like when it was just a test map!

After making sure there are no problems with a map in its rough form, we gradually add details, lighting, and effects until it turns into the kind of map you saw last month. Then, after a lot more work, we finally polish it into something that we're proud to show off.
Up until now, I know there have been multiple times where we said 'we'll be able to show you something soon,' then failed to deliver... Just like the boy who cried wolf. But I hope you're all excited for Gamescom!
Now, time to end this entry just like I do all my other ones... Here's my favorite way to cool down! A staple of any Japanese summer... Shaved ice! Recently, shaved ice has evolved a lot...

Look at this! Rich pistachio cream and lemon syrup! This thing looks incredible!! ...But it's still shaved ice.
The heat won't be leaving us any time soon, so I hope you all take good care of yourselves and survive the summer. Oh, and please keep cheering us on!!


Iscritto dal
25 Ott 2011
A parte un certo logo, che nulla ha a che vedere con Switch, sembra tutto bellissimo. Il duello sul ponte mi pare una citazione di suikoden 2 (dove si doveva sconfiggere un tizio da reclutare, ci arrivai sottolivellato... picchiava come un fabbro).

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Iscritto dal
25 Ago 2019
dopo la bombetta di oggi mi sa che dovranno un filino muoversi perchè se esce dopo i remake di suikoden il progetto verrà oscurato