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Informazioni generali su Quake IV



*Customizing Quake 4

Quake 4 allows for plenty of customization, however some commands are limited, or cannot be changed in multiplayer.

*Colored Names

To color your name in the Quake 4 player setup menu, just type ^1-8 before the part of your name you would like to color. The color code will disappear, and you will be typing in the color you chose. You can switch colors as many times as you'd like. You can also use the color codes for chat macros.

The color codes are as follows:

^1 = Red

^2 = Green

^3 = Yellow

^4 = Blue

^5 = Light Blue

^6 = Purple

^7 = White

^8 = Grey

^9 = Black

Theres also a large variety of "advanced" name colors available. to use these type ^c, where are values from 1-9

*Rail Trail

To change the color of your rail, use the ui_HitScanTint "hue[0.0-360]" "saturation[0.0-1]" "value[.75-1]" command. This command uses HSV color space.

icon_arrow.gif pace

*Crosshair Color

You can change the color of your crosshair by pulling down the console and using g_crosshaircolor 0 1 1 1 //RGB + Alpha?

Example color codes:

1 0 0 = red

0 1 0 = green

0 0 1 = blue

0 1 1 = cyan

Crosshair Size

To change the size of your Crosshair, use the g_crosshairsize command.

*Mouse Setting

Below are settings that deal with the mouse. Almost every aspect of it's behavior can be tweaked.


m_smooth //number of samples blended, makes a smoothing effect


m_yaw //horizontal, left and right sensitivity.

m_pitch //vertical, up and down sensitivity

sensitivity //overall mouse sensitivity

*Field of View

You can change your FOV by typing the command g_fov xxx in the console. The higher the number, the more of a fish eyed effect. The default is 90. This command doesn't stick in your config, so you may have to add it to autoexec.cfg, or to a shortcut to get it to load on startup.

*The Lag O' Meter

The Lag O' Meter shows you a visual graph of your connection with the server. To enable it, type net_clientlagometer 1 in the console.

*Adjusting Brightness

r_gamma adjusts the brightness. If set too high, you'll get a washed out effect

*Frames for Second

To show your Frames per second, type com_showfps 1 in the console. The max FPS is capped at 60.

*Taking Screenshots

By default, f12 takes screenshots. The screenshots are saved in your quake 4\q4base\screenshots directory. Screenshots are saved as .tga's, to view them you will need a graphics program such as photoshop. To take jpg screenshots, use the 'screenshotJPEG' command.

Here is a clean screenshot script. It binds the f11 key to take screenshots without the gun model and hud.

bind F11 "set ui_showGun 0; set g_showHud 0; screenshot; set g_showHud 1; set ui_showGun 1"

*Recording Demo's

To record a demo, type recordNetDemo to start recording, and stopNetDemo to stop recording in the console. Type PlayNetDemo Demoname to play a demo. Demos are saved in your quake 4\q4base\demos directory.


Punkbuster is cheat prevention software, that is frequently updated to help stop new hacks. You can enable it via the menu, or by typing cl_punkbuster 1 in the console. If punkbuster is disabled, you will not be able to join servers that have it enabled.

*Stats and Scoreboard

At the end of a game, a summary page shows you the players scores, and quick weapon accuracy info. Weapon icons under the weapon accuracy space shows each players top 3 weapon accuracy during that game, best accuracy from left to right.





You can view more in depth stats by clicking the statistics tab. things such as how many awards you have aquired during that game, or what your accuracy percentage for each weapon was are shown here. You can also view other players stats by clicking their name on the list.

The scoreboard tab breaks down how the points were tallied, and more in depth score related information.

You can view your stats in game at any time by pressing the 'z' key. You can bring up the scoreboard at any time during the game by pressing 'tab'.


Awards are given to players depending on their accomplishments during the game. They are not worth any extra points, with exception of the special CTF awards listed below.

Humiliation: Awarded to a player who frags somebody with the Gauntlet.

Excellent: Awarded to a player who gets 2 frags in 2 seconds.

Impressive: Awarded to a player who hits 2 rails in a row.

Rampage: Awarded to a player who gets 3 or more frags in 2 seconds.

Combo: Awarded to a player who hits somebody with a rocket, and then rails them immediately after.

Special CTF only awards:

Flag Capture: Capturing the Enemy flag. Worth 5 points.

Assist: Returning your flag, and your team captures the enemy flag immediately after. Worth 2 points.

Defense: Defending your flag or flag carrier from an enemy. Worth 2 points.



Free for all game, where the player with the most frags wins.


A single elimination 1 vs 1 tournament. The winner of a match will move on to the next round until there is 1 champion. The eliminated players watch as spectators, or battle each other in a practice arena until the tournament is over. By default, the 'enter' key on the keypad joins the practice arena. When in a game, the 'tab' key will bring up the tournament brackets.

*Tips for playing 1v1:

The most basic 1v1 skill is map control. The key to victory is not letting your opponent have any armors and powerups. Armor is a very important aspect of quake 4, even a little bit helps. All it takes is 1 armor shard to survive a rail. Timing items will help keep you on top of map control. The armor spawns every 25 seconds, and the megahealth spawns in 35 seconds. It may seem difficult to keep track of your opponent, and respawn times, but the more you do it, the better you'll get at it. Know when to play defensively and offensively. If you know your opponent is armed to the teeth with weapons and armor, and you have just spawned, you should probably not try to attack until you stock up a little bit more. Spawn rape is another important aspect. After you frag your opponent, high tail it to the other end of the map, and you might be able to catch him unarmed, and unarmored. This can often put you back in the lead if you are down by a few frags. Never give up, anything can happen during 1v1, and you might be able to get back in the game, even if you feel you don't have a chance. 1v1 is the most challenging mode. Don't feel too bummed out if you lose by a lot, it happens to all of us. Stick with it, and like everything, the more you play, the better you'll get.

Team Deathmatch

Players are divided up into Strogg and Marine teams. The team with the most frags wins.

*Tips for playing TDM:

Like in 1v1, map control is a very important aspect of TDM. A noteable difference in this mode is the long weapon respawn time. This promotes map control on a larger scale, where starving your opponents of weapons is about as important as controlling the armors and powerups. The key to success, like in any team play mode, is teamwork. You should share weapons and armor with your teammates. Think twice about snatching up a weapon from an enemy you have just killed, and let a teammate have it. If you don't have a weapon, stay near a teammate who does and offer support until you can get a hold of one. The key is to stay defensive, then when you have enough weapons and armor, go offensive and actively seek out the enemy. Every frag counts, and you don't want to give them up. Camp the armors, and time the quad. Your entire team should storm the quad area when it is about to respawn. It is an valuable tool to take back control of the map if need be, or to get some easy frags.

Capture the Flag

It's the Strogg vs Marines, where the goal is to capture the opposing teams flag without letting them capture yours. You cannot capture the enemies flag unless your teams flag is at it's base. The team who captures the flag the most times wins.

*CTF scoring scheme:

5 points for capturing the flag

2 points for assisting a capture by fragging the enemy flag carrier and your team captures in four seconds

2 points for fragging the enemy flag carrier

2 points for fragging someone who has recently damaged your flag carrier

1 point for returning your flag

1 point for fragging an enemy player within sight or near your flag carrier

1 point for fragging an enemy player in your base

1 point for fragging an enemy player

1 point for assisting a capture by returning the flag and your team capturing in four seconds

*Tips for playing CTF:

Remember that your flag carrier always has priority over health and armor. Never take armor that your flag carrier can use, even if you are defending him. Most of the time the enemy will be focused on killing the flag carrier, and completely ignore you, so he needs all of the health and armor he can get. When assaulting the enemy base, you will have better luck coordinating your attack with teammates. If you can, try to grab some armor before heading in. Anything that will keep you alive longer. Timing powerups can help tremendously, and is often just the boost you need to break through the enemies defenses. If the bases contain powerups, and armor, it might help to take the enemies. Flag carriers can only survive as long as their steady stream of health and armor keeps spawning, so disrupting the supply can ruin them. You can also give your flag carrier a little speed boost by shooting him. Make sure team damage is off before attempting this.

Arena Capture the Flag

The same as standard Capture the Flag, except it adds a Team Arena style powerup system. A powerup will not respawn until the player who has it is killed.

*Arena CTF powerups:

Scout - Allows you to move faster and increases rate of fire, but negates your ability to utilize armor.

Guard - This powerup gives you 200 armor when acquired, and allows you to accumulate up to 200 armor, without decreasing over time. It will also regenerate 2 points of health every second.

Doubler - When you have the Doubler powerup, all of your attacks will do double damage.

Ammo-Regen - While you have Ammo Regen, your ammunition will slowly regenerate up to the default amount for the weapons you acquire, even while you have another weapon active. Also, your rate of fire increases.

The Arena CTF powerups stack on top of the standard powerups. For example, The Doubler will do even more damage if coupled with the quad.

*Tips for playing Arena CTF:

Each powerup has an intended use, and team work is crucial to success. The Doubler is your teams killing machine. The guy who has this powerup should always be busy killing something. When coupled with the railgun, it can be extremely deadly in both defensive and offensive positions. This powerup is your best tool to take back your flag with. If there's a stalemate, you definitely want your Doubler on the offensive, he can take down anything in his path. The Scout is your teams flag carrier. Although it cannot use any armor, it can however use the mega health, so try to reserve it for him. For best results, have some teammates engage your opponents in the enemy flag room, while the Scout runs in and grabs the flag while everybody's busy. The Guard is like a brick wall, capable of capping the flag, or holding out in a stalemate. If there is a stalemate, it might be a good idea to give the enemies flag to the person with the Guard by killing yourself (kill -1 in the console) because he can take more punishment than any player out there, and is capable of surviving waves of enemies. Be especially careful of the enemies Doubler. The best thing to do is to run away, and have your teammates deal with it. The Ammo Regen is actually pretty weak compared to the other powerups, but it's better than nothing. Just keep spamming.




*Advanced Tactics

The Quake series has always been on the forefront of competitive gaming. It's easy to dismiss it as just a twitch game, but the strategy, movement tricks, weapon balance, and other various gameplay mechanics make it unlike any other FPS series on the market. Easy to play, but hard to master has been what the series is all about, and the trend continues with Quake 4.

*Movement and Trick Jumps

Strafe Jumping

Strafe jumping is a very important skill in Quake 4 that enables you to move at a faster-than-running pace. When you strafe jump you perform a continuous jumping cycle while running forward and strafing in alternate directions (or the same direction if you want to curve your jump).

*How to do it:

Firstly, lets get you into the habit of jumping continuously, because strafe jumping is a bit hard to attempt all at once. Perform the following on a level with nice long open spaces or corridors.

*Stage 1

Run forward. At no time in this example do you let go of the run forward key. While running, Jump When your in the air, release the jump button and press-and-hold it again. When you land, you will jump back into the air instantly. Repeat the above until you are comfortable with doing it everywhere.

*Stage 2

Perform the exact cycle as above EXCEPT: When you jump in the air the first time, press and hold strafe left IN ADDITION to what you do already (holding forward and jump-cycling) After you land and skip back into the air, switch from holding strafe LEFT, to holding strafe RIGHT After you land and skip back into the air, switch from holding strafe RIGHT, to holding strafe LEFT for as long as you want/can travel


Playing jackrabbit can leave you a target for rail whores because your ability to change direction is limited. Also: You can do this backwards, simply by using the BACK key instead of the forward key.

Ramp Jumping

Ramp jumping is all about jumping up an incline, or a slope to get more height on your jump than normally possible. To do this, start a strafe jump into a ramp. Try to hit the highest part of the ramp as you can to gain more height. Simple right? Now you can use this trick to your advantage and reach places that you couldn't normally reach without stairs or bounce pads. A good place to practice this is on q4dm1. Try using the ramp in the red armor room to jump up on top of the crates near the railgun.

Rocket Jumping

To rocket jump you need to hold a rocket launcher. Look straight at the floor. Now pull the trigger and jump simultaneously.

You'll notice that, provided the jump was done right, you'll fly quite high into the air, at least far higher than you could ever reach with a normal jump. Rocket jumps may take some practice, and are sometimes hard to perform with lag. Practice them a bit first on your own. Be sure that you can afford to lose some health and that making the jump is worth it. Grenade jumps are a quite tough to perform, as you need to time your jump exactly at the moment the grenade explodes. Fire a grenade straight at the ground a few times without jumping. Notice it's bouncing rhythm and moment of detonating. When you can "feel" this inside, you can try your first jump.

Wall Climbing

Wall climbing is using the splash damage of the Hyperblaster or Nailgun to lift yourself up along a wall. Stand facing against a wall and look down at a slight angle with your feet. Jump as you start firing your Hyperblaster, and hold the 'forward' key. Release the jump key as you take off. If you don't go into the air, adjust your aiming angle and make sure you aren't 'sliding' along the wall while holding the forward key. Wall climbing is most effective with the Nailgun because it has more splash damage, but it is a little bit tougher to pull off because of it's slight spin up time. Wall climbing can be incredibly hard to master, and often isn't useful in real games.

*General Gameplay Tips

Always keep moving, the second you stop makes you an easy target. Learn to move and aim at the same time.

Try to predict what your opponents next move is going to be.

Spam rockets and grenades in doorways, or where ever you think the enemy is going to pop up.

Try to be unpredictable in movement, and map control.

Listen to sounds, footsteps,jumping, item pickups, the buzz of the enemies railgun.

Try not to give your position away by making unneeded noise. remember the railgun buzz. Walking isn't as useless as you might think in 1v1.

Use sound to your advantage. Start jumping to make your opponent think you are strafe jumping away, then walk the other direction.

Know when to use the right weapon for the right situation. There is no such thing as the 'best' weapon.

Bind your weapons to keys instead of using the mouse wheel, or by the time you select the weapon you need, it's already over.

Keep pressure on armor and powerups.

Know when to attack, and when not to.

Learn the maps

Spectate other players, and watch demos.


*Installing Maps, Skins, and Models

Maps, skins, and models end in a .pk4 format. They should be placed in your quake 4\q4base directory. After that, start up the game, and they should be available to you.

Installing Mods

Mods should be installed directly into your Quake 4 directory. You should then be able to choose them from the Mods menu in game.


Below are a list of terms used in this guide, and Quake in general.


A term for killing, or fragging a player.


A modification to the game, that can add small features such as new gametypes, or weapons. They can also change almost every aspect of the game, to make it not even resemble Quake. These mods are called 'total conversions'.


A level, or battle ground that you play on.

*Skins and Models

A player model is the 3d representation of the player in game. The 2d art that paints the player model is called a skin.


Side to side movement, a basic Quake skill.

*Splash Damage

this is an effect that is only on certain weapons such as... rocket launcher, hyperblaster, grenade launcher, and nailgun. it is the "splash of the weapon that creates this damage..." You could compare this to the force of an explosion. Standing slightly away from an explosion can still hurt you. Splash Damage is always calculated in a radius. This means that the center of the "splash damage sphere" around, say, the rocket deals full damage (ie, a direct hit from a rocket delivers a hit of 100 health). The further you are away from the rocket's impact location, the less damage the rocket splash will do. You will often find yourself rather using splash damage from some weapons than direct hit damage, since it's very hard to get a direct hit with a grenade or rocket.

*Quake 4 Related Links

*Patches, and Official Files


*Quake 4 Sites

icon_arrow.gif Developers

icon_arrow.gif Developers

icon_arrow.gif Official Game Site

icon_arrow.gif News and our Wiki

icon_arrow.gif News

icon_arrow.gif Demos

icon_arrow.gif News and much more

icon_arrow.gif Test your custom maps on their servers

Grazie a tutti voi!!!






Fast moving, unrelenting and quite brutal in their attacks, armed with a mace and an energy blade they can be a dangerous enemy. Try to keep your distance from berserkers as they can be devastating close up, particularly in melee with the mace or blade. If they use the energy burst back away to avoid damage. If you are facing one or two use the rapid fire weapon or shotgun at close range. If Berserker are attacking in number use the rocket launcher or grenade launcher and, if required, finish them off with the shotgun or a rapid fire weapon such as the hyperblaster or nailgun. If you are at medium to close range try to aim for the head as you will cause 2x the damage.

-Health 300

-Melee 30

-Mace 30-40

-Blade 30-60

-Leap + Attack 40

-Energy Burst 5-30



The Gladiator is a powerful enemy and can do a lot of damage should its railgun slugs hit you or it gets close enough to toss you around. Take advantage of it's slow movement, pauses while firing and always aim for the exposed fleshy areas (waist or head). Try to keep your distance and use the rocket launcher or railgun. At medium to close range make use of the nailgun (penetrates shield), rocket launcher or hyperblaster to inflict as much damage as you can. If you are at close range or have the railgun try to aim for the head as you will cause 2x the damage. It should be noted that you can destroy the Gladiators railgun, taking out one of it's attack methods.

-Health 550

-Blaster 5

-Railgun 40

-Shield 15

-Melee 35



Annoying and very fast moving, Grunts are only really a problem when at close range. However if you keep a reasonable distance and use a combination of the shotgun or rapid fire weapons such as the machine gun, nailgun or lightninggun while backing off they are easily defeated. At close range, or while they leap, use the shotgun to quickly finish them off

-Health 150

-Bullet 4-40

-Leap Melee 40

-Melee 20



While Gunners are not as fast, unrelenting and brutal in their attacks as the Berserker their increased firepower makes them a dangerous enemy. Armed with a nail gun and a grenade launcher they deliver devastating blow to any unsuspecting marine. Take advantage of their tendency to stop/pause while reloading and the fact that their grenades can be destroyed in mid air. If you are facing one or two use the shotgun at close range or a rapid fire weapon at medium range. If they are long range of attacking in number use the rocket launcher or grenade launcher and finish them off with a rapid fire weapon such as the machinegun.

-Health 300

-Nail 5

-Grenade 60

-Grenade Splash 80

-Grenade Splash Radius 200

-Melee 20



An airborne tank that can be hard to kill due to its toughness and its ability to dodge long range attacks. Rocket launcher shots in particular can easily be dodged by the Heavy Hover Tank. Spits out homing rockets with splash damage and plasma from its blaster. Try to avoid these by staying under or close to the Heavy Hover Tank while you use rapid fire weapons that will 'bounce it around' and inflict damage. If you are at long range use the railgun. Its rockets can sometimes be taken out with a rapid fire weapon such as the hyperblaster before they hit you.

Large / Small Tank

-Health 800 / 1200

-Rocket 50 / 100

-Rocket Splash 50 / 50

-Rocket Radius 25 / 400

-Blaster 10 / 25

-Melee 35 / 65



Iron Maidens are airborne Stroggs that are unrelenting and quite brutal in their attacks, armed with a blade, a rocket launcher and a banshee scream they can be a formidable opponent. Try to keep your distance from Iron Maidens as they can be devastating close up, particularly in melee with the blade. At long range their rocket attacks can be easily avoided if you are not in a tight corridor. Try to take them out quickly, weapons of choice include the railgun at long range and rapid fire weapons such as the nailgun, lightning gun and and hyperblaster at medium/close range. Watch out for their teleport capability, they can often teleport behind you.

-Health 400

-Rocket 30

-Rocket Splash 30

-Rocket Radius 100

-Banshee scream 5

-Melee 30



Like the Berserker the Light Tank is unrelenting and quite brutal in its attacks, armed with a mace and a flamethrower which can also spit out fireballs they can be a dangerous enemy. Try to keep your distance as they can be devastating close up, particularly with the flame thrower or in melee with the mace. Keep your distance and use your most powerful rapid fire weapon such as the hyperblaster / nailgun or splash damage weapon such as the rocket launcher. If you are at medium to close range you can destroy it's flamethrower leaving it with only the melee attack.

-Health 750

-Flame 10

-Flame Splash 2

-Flame Radius 50

-Fireball 50

-Fireball Splash 30

-Fireball Radius 150

-Melee 30-65



Unrelenting in their attacks, armed with either a Blaster, Machinegun or Shotgun on their own marines are more of an annoyance than a dangerous enemy. Try to keep a reasonable distance from marines with a machinegun and shotgun as they are not as accurate at longer distances. If you are facing one or two use the shotgun or a rapid fire weapon. If marines are attacking in number use the rocket launcher or grenades and finish them off with the shotgun or a rapid fire weapon such as the hyperblaster, machinegun or nailgun. If you are at close range try to aim for the head as you will cause 2x the damage.

-Health 80

-Blaster 6

-Machinegun 24

-Shotgun 30

-Melee 10



Marine Zombies are usually slow and easy to kill, armed at best with a wrench. May be found in groups of three or more, take advantage of their slow speed by running them round in circles while using weapons such as the plasmagun and shotgun. If they are attacking in groups weaken them with the rocket launcher and finish them off with other weapons. If you are at close range try to aim for the head as you will cause 2x the damage.

-Health 49 to 70

-Vomit 2-200 (time exposed)

-Vomit residue 5-100 (time exposed)

-Melee 10



Unrelenting, reasonably intelligent with their attacks, high health and armed with either a Blaster, Machinegun, Shotgun, Hyperblaster or Railgun, Tactical marines are quite dangerous enemies. Try to keep a reasonable distance from tactical marines with a machinegun, hyperblaster and shotgun as they are not as accurate at longer distances. Hide by using crate, pillar from tactical marines armed with the railgun, shoot while they are reloading. If you are facing one or two tactical marines use the shotgun or a rapid fire weapon. If marines are attacking in number use the rocket launcher or grenade launcher and finish them off with the shotgun or a rapid fire weapon such as the hyperblaster, machinegun or nailgun. If you are at close range or have the railgun try to aim for the head as you will cause 2x the damage.

-Health 125

-Melee 15

-Shotgun 40

-Machinegun 24

-Hyperblaster 50

-Railgun 50







The Scientist is an airborne strogg that has a wide range of attacks, albeit low damage. More annoying than deadly they are easily killed if you watch your back and avoid it's needle / poison grenade attacks. Scientists are best attacked with the shotgun at close range, the machinegun, hyperblaster or nailgun at medium ranges or railgun at long range. If you are at close range try to aim for the head as you will cause 2x the damage.

-Health 150

-Needle 20

-Melee 5

-Grenade 10

-Saw 5

-Poison 1 per second



An airborne defence sentry that is fairly easy to kill despite its high manoeuvrability and its ability to dodge long range attacks. Rocket launcher shots in particular can easily be dodged by the Sentry. The high rate of fire from its blasters can do a fair bit of damage, try to avoid these by staying under or circling Sentry while you use rapid fire weapons at medium range that will 'bounce it around' and inflict damage. If you are are short range use the shotgun, if you are at long range use the railgun. Aiming for the sentry's head will cause 1.25x damage but try to aim for green bowl/tank as this will cause 2x the damage.

-Health 100

-Bullet / Blaster 32

-Kamikaze 80



Hornets are airborne Stroggs that are perhaps one of the most annoying enemies in Quake4. High manoeuvrability with quite high damage from its rockets and bombs it is best attacked from medium to long range with a rapid fire weapon. Just before dropping bombs the Hornet will quickly rise into the air, take advantage of this as it will not fire until reaching ~20 feet.

-Health 1000 / 750

-Health (Walker) 900

-Rocket 30

-Rocket Splash 20

-Rocket Splash Radius 50

-Bomb 50

-Bullet / Blaster 5



Repair bots are fairly fast and manoeuvrable airborne stroggs that can usually be found in groups of 2 or more. Easy to kill with rapid fire weapons such as the hyperblaster, lightninggun and machinegun. The weapon of choice if at close range and repair bot numbers are low is the shotgun. Keep your distance when a group of repair bots are approaching.

-Health 50

-Repair 128



Not actually stroggs, turrets are purely mechanical in nature and come in a wide range of types with varying damage. Some are dropped by by Strogg aircraft while you are in your Grav Tank or Walker. If you are in a vehicle make sure you destroy turrets while they are still in sight as they can be quite devastating if they attack from your blind side. In all cases turrets are easy to destroy as long as you are not surprised by them, pay particular attention to darkly light ceilings and side walls.

-Health 200

-Projectile Damage 5-20



Not actually stroggs, convoy are purely mechanical in nature. Dropped by Strogg aircraft while you are in your Grav Tank the convoy pods are relatively easy to destroy with your Grav Tank's weapons. Make sure you destroy them while they are still in the air or in sight as they can be quite devastating if they attack from your blind side.

-Health (Ground) 200

-Health (Hover) 250

-Projectile Damage 30



Airborne Strogg fighter aircraft are responsible for dropping convoys, turrets and attacking tramcars. High manoeuvrability with quite high damage from their bombs and blasters. Take these out before ground based strogg.

-Health 80 / 500

-Bomb 30

-Blaster 10



One of the 'mini bosses' in Quake4, the Harvester can be a formidable opponent at close range and dangerous at a distance. At close range you must avoid their legs and pinchers, at distance you must avoid the rockets they fire at you. Fire for the 'head' and keep a reasonable distance, not too close that they can use their legs / pincher and not too far away that they can lock onto you with their rockets. Should a rocket be fired they can easily be destroyed before they hit you.

-Health 5000

-Whip 100

-Rocket 400

-Rocket Splash 300

-Rocket Splash Radius 550



The Teleport Dropper can be one of the most dangerous enemies in the game. Not only are they good at avoiding damage and hard to kill they can also spawn other stroggs. Kill Teleport Droppers before any other stroggs, including the stroggs they spawn. Try to keep your distance, while they very rarely attack they can do quite some damage when they do.

-Health 500

-Spawn 24-32

-Fuse 3

-Melee 20



Description to be updated:

One of the 'mini bosses' in Quake4, Stream Protectors can be formidable opponents at close range and dangerous at a distance. At close range you must avoid their legs and melee attacks, at a distance you must avoid the homing rockets and plasma balls they fire at you. Keep a reasonable distance, not too close that they can use their legs / pincher and not too far away that they can lock onto you with their rockets. Take advantage of their tendency to crouch while firing. If you are at close to medium range use a rapid fire weapon and/or the grenade launcher. If they are at long range number use the rocket launcher and railgun. At all times try to aim for the head as this will cause 2 x damage.

-Health 1000

-Melee 30

-Plasma 25

-Rocket 100

-Rocket Splash 20

-Rocket Splash Radius 75







One of the five 'mini bosses' and a formidable opponent, armed with a Dark Matter Gun (DMG), Rocket Launcher with homing rockets, and an energy bolt. Its attacks at close range can be devastating so keep your distance. One shot from Voss's DMG may kill you. If a DMG shot has been fired keep your distance and move out of line of sight. While its shields are up use rapid fire weapons such as the lightening gun, hyperblaster or nailgun fired at it's flesh/head area. Once its shields are down and it goes to recharge use high damage weapons at it's flesh/head area such as the railgun or rocket launcher. The teleport discs it drops can be destroyed before Strogg Marines have chance to spawn.

-Health 1500

-Rocket 30

-Rocket Splash 30

-Rocket Splash Radius 75

-DarkMatter 20

-DarkMatter Splash 50

-DarkMatter Splash Radius 150

-Lightning 80

-Swipe 50

-Punch 50



Ugly with powerful claws that will easily rip through your armour, none of your weapons will destroy the Processing Slave, you simply avoid its attacks while working your way round to the control console situated on the left hand side of it's body. Once the control console is activated the Processing Slave will smash the glass and a door will open to its left. Go through the door and work your way to the control room directly in line with the Processing Slave's head. Activate the panel and the Processing Slave will be dead.

-Health 10000

-Claw Hook 50

-Projectile 50

-Acid Drip 2



Description to be updated:

One of the 'mini bosses' in Quake4, with its very high health the Network Guardian can be a formidable opponent at close range and dangerous at a distance. At close range you must avoid its melee attacks, at a distance you must avoid the rockets and warhead it can fire. There is no easy way to beat this boss, the only tip is to use your most powerful weapons and aim for the upper torso and the head when using anything other than the Dark Matter gun.

-Health 6000

-Rocket 15

-Rocket Splash 30

-Rocket Splash Radius 75

-Warhead 300

-Warhead Splash 20

-Warhead Splash Radius 48

-Swipe 50

-Slam 80

-Stomp 80



Description to be updated:

One of the two end bosses, devastating attacks and a wide range of weaponry make the Makron a very formidable opponent Armed with a Dark Matter Gun (DMG), Matter Grenades, Lightning bolt, cannon and a range of melee attacks its attacks at close range can be devastating so keep your distance. Take advantage of the pillars around the room and its slow turning speed in tight corners. Try circling it while firing high damage weapons at it's torso/head area such as the railgun or rocket launcher and/or using your Dark Matter Gun. Rapid fire weapons such as the lighning gun or nailgun fired at it's torso/head area at close range may also be of use.

-Health 2000

-Health (Flying) 4000

-Stab 40

-DarkMatter 20

-DarkMatter Splash 50

-DarkMatter Splash Radius 150

-Matter Genade 20

-Matter Genade Splash 55

-Matter Genade Radius 256

-Lightning 20

-Stomp 35

-Cannon 10



Description to be updated:

The final boss, a large brain that can spawn other stroggs and is surround by a shield. You cannot do damage to the brain itself while the shield is active, you must aim for the shield generator pylons directly above it. Once these are damaged the shield will be lowered, albeit briefly. Fire directly at the brain with your Dark Matter Gun while the shield is down. The shield will go back up once it has regenerated enough power. Continue to fire at the pylons, lower the shield and fire at the brain.

-Health 3000




leader zone
area network
Iscritto dal
4 Dic 2019
grazie anche per tutto questo, cambio il titolo del topic in "Informazioni generali su Quake IV", questo thread era infatti stato creato prima dell'uscita del gioco quando non c'era sul forum ancora una sezione dedicata (era in DoomPlaza), credo che il nuovo titolo sia più adatto e meglio rappresenti i contenuti del topic anche in virtù del tuo gentile contributo //



Mi servirebbe un informazione urgente poichè stamattina ordino nuova scheda video. Ho visto che con la mia 6800 gs quake 4 in modalità ultra gira a scatti ma effettivamente si vedono le textures migliorate ( sopratutto i colori a mio parere) . La qualità ultra necessita di 512 mb ram . Che sia il caso quindi prenderla da 512 ? Ho sentito pareri discordanti...La scheda sarebbe 8600 gt co differenza di + 20 e. pere 512 ram-...



non è la ram della scheda video che succhia, io con una 7800 gt a 256 mb lo mando senza scatti Q4.



leader zone
area network
Iscritto dal
4 Dic 2019
Anch'io vado senza problemi con una scheda da 256 //

Piuttosto, sicuro di avere tutti i componenti del PC più o meno aggiornati? Ricorda che se ce n'è anche solo uno che fa da collo di bottiglia, rischia di togliere gran parte dei vantaggi che ti possono portare gli altri componenti più nuovi. Per questo tendenzialmente io preferisco sempre cambiare tutto il PC e non cambiare i singoli componenti, attualmente col mio PC del 2005 non ho avuto problemi con i giochi a cui gioco abitualmente, certo magari mi può capitare di dover ridurre un minimo i dettagli ma sono sempre andato liscio finora //



Anch'io vado senza problemi con una scheda da 256 //, sicuro di avere tutti i componenti del PC più o meno aggiornati? Ricorda che se ce n'è anche solo uno che fa da collo di bottiglia, rischia di togliere gran parte dei vantaggi che ti possono portare gli altri componenti più nuovi. Per questo tendenzialmente io preferisco sempre cambiare tutto il PC e non cambiare i singoli componenti, attualmente col mio PC del 2005 non ho avuto problemi con i giochi a cui gioco abitualmente, certo magari mi può capitare di dover ridurre un minimo i dettagli ma sono sempre andato liscio finora //
Si ma su doom 3 e quake 4 c' è la possibilità di scegliere la modalità ultra. Appena la selezioni compare un avviso che ti dice che in questa modalità necessitano schede con memoria minimo 512 mb e che si sconsiglia di attivarla se non si hanno suddette schede. Io ho provato lo stesso ( in alta qualità va tutto benissimo ma ero curioso di provare). Ebbene a mio parere le textures mi sembrano un pò migliorate, sopratutto i colori) ....pero quando mi muovo scatta in maniera ecessiva. Comunque per non sbagliare oggi ho ordinato la 8600 gt 512 mb:asd:



Si ma su doom 3 e quake 4 c' è la possibilità di scegliere la modalità ultra. Appena la selezioni compare un avviso che ti dice che in questa modalità necessitano schede con memoria minimo 512 mb e che si sconsiglia di attivarla se non si hanno suddette schede. Io ho provato lo stesso ( in alta qualità va tutto benissimo ma ero curioso di provare). Ebbene a mio parere le textures mi sembrano un pò migliorate, sopratutto i colori) ....pero quando mi muovo scatta in maniera ecessiva. Comunque per non sbagliare oggi ho ordinato la 8600 gt 512 mb:asd:
se noti ti dice che utilizzerà 512 MB di Ram no di VRam.



leader zone
area network
Iscritto dal
4 Dic 2019
se noti ti dice che utilizzerà 512 MB di Ram no di VRam.
Sì, esattamente. // che Gyppi aveva battuto una vita su questo punto, e ne erano sorte discussioni anche accese tra chi continuava a sostenere che i 512 MB si riferissero alla memoria video e lui che aveva tecnicamente motivato il fatto per cui non erano necessari -_-

Comunque, personalmente resta il consiglio di 512 MB di RAM per la modalità ultra, poi se va anche con 256, tanto di guadagnato //



se noti ti dice che utilizzerà 512 MB di Ram no di VRam.
letteralmente è scritto :" attenzione quake 4 in modalità massima utilizza oltre 500 mb di memoria texture. é sconsigliato utilizzare questa modalità. Vuoi procedere comunque?" // Per me la memoria textures è la memoria video.-_-



leader zone
area network
Iscritto dal
4 Dic 2019
letteralmente è scritto :" attenzione quake 4 in modalità massima utilizza oltre 500 mb di memoria texture. é sconsigliato utilizzare questa modalità. Vuoi procedere comunque?" // Per me la memoria textures è la memoria video.-_-
Dice che utilizza più di 500 MB di memoria per le textures, ma non specifica se si tratti della memoria VRAM o della memoria RAM //


Dice che utilizza più di 500 MB di memoria per le textures, ma non specifica se si tratti della memoria VRAM o della memoria RAM //
Non voglio scatenare polemiche, ma ora ho le prove!! Dopo aver istallato la nuova 8600 gt 512 mb , sia doom 3 che quacke 4 mi rilevano in automatico la qualità ultra senza avvisi di nulla. Mentre prima con la 6800 gs 256 mb appariva l' avviso che per la modalità ultra erano necessari 512 mb. Inoltre avevo 1.5 giga di ram di sistema anche prima con la 6800 gs. //



leader zone
area network
Iscritto dal
4 Dic 2019

Leggiti le pagine da 11 a 13 (nella visualizzazione 10 post per pagina, quindi sarebbero i post dal 100° al 130°), c'è una bella discussione a proposito di questo fatto tra Gyppi, un noto modder del gioco, e Alex64 e SolidSnake, due utenti di GamesForum di lunga data entrambi ex membri dello staff //



Ragazzi, secondo voi riesco a farlo girare Quake 4?




Iscritto dal
16 Lug 2008
ciao ragazzi

dopo molto tempo oggi ho deciso di rigiocare q4 ma il problema e che si muove solo avanti e indietro non cambia arma niente va un disastro .

tempo fa avevo installato un mod che visto recensito doveva dare una visione del gioco alla metal slug non riuscendo a giocare perche non funzionava il mod lo rimosso e da quel giorno non ho piu toccato q4 .

oggi provo a fare una partita e riscontro il problema citato da me sopra

i comandi sono settati tutti giusti

ho un p e6750

una 8800 gts 640

4 gb di ram

audio saund blaster x-fi

sistema operativo xp

non ho provato a disinstallare il gioco perche vorrei risolvere diversamente magari con il vostro aiuto

grazie in anticipo



Che tastiera hai? Che versione di Q4 hai? Non credo sia un problema di configurazione del pc, il tuo è più che ottimo per far viaggiare Q4. Sicuramente è una periferica che fa casino.

Per caso la mod è HardQore che cercavi di provare? Perchè con l'ultima patch di Q4 non funziona, devi scaricare anche il fix per la mod.
